Content Contest
Thanks to everyone who took part in our Dino Tamer Story Contest. We enjoyed reading all of your stories. We have pick 3 winners....
October 1, 2016 Art Contest Content Contest Giveaway Winners
The Trove team have accepted my Candy Llama Mod for inclusion into the game, to celebrate I'm hosting a contest supported by Trovesaurus to give you guys a chance at getting one. You can enter this contest with Fan Art, or a Story....
September 25, 2016 Art Contest Content Contest Giveaway
Thanks guys for taking part in our Translation Promotion, this event allowed me to write some neat tools to let you guys write your own language packs for the site. People could rate on a language pack and the top rated would be displayed on the top selec...
September 17, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway Results
Our last Market Promotion contest went so well, we didn't want it to end. So it won't end! For each month we will continue to take Market Reports from you and reward at the end of the month....
September 6, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway
Thanks everyone for taking part in our Market Promotion, 116 of you reported market prices of 12,764 items which is amazing. We're about to launch a further promotion for inventory items for the next two weeks and then we'll be looking at setting up a reg...
September 5, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway Results
During this promotion we are looking to expand the audience of Trovesaurus to non English players. We know we have large communities around the world, special waves to Brasil :)...
September 1, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway
Over the next 2 weeks we are collecting the market price for numerous collection items that you can find on the marketplace. The more prices you set, the higher your chance of winning a Trove Pack....
August 22, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway
We're hosting a Cosplay Contest for the first time as enough people registered an interest before the event. For the next 2 weeks we encourage you to submit an image to the Trovesaurus Gallery with a costume you or someone you know, with a Trove conn...
August 17, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway
Thanks everyone for taking part in our Images Promotion, only with the help of the community were we able to complete something with this scale in such a short time. In total 3838 images were submitted by 39 people....
August 17, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway Results
Thanks for taking part and leaving your comments about your experiences with modding. We've rolled the winners and can present them to you....
August 16, 2016 Content Contest Giveaway Results