Thanks guys for taking part in our Translation Promotion, this event allowed me to write some neat tools to let you guys write your own language packs for the site. People could rate on a language pack and the top rated would be displayed on the top selection.
ChangesTop ^
You can now change your site language on the top-right of the site, languages are shown in order of popularity, and the packs are shown in order of rating.
Changing the language here will also work when you are not logged in.
Pressing Create or Rate Language Packs takes you to the updated page where it is split by language, in order of how many users are currently using it.
It is then split by language pack, and you can see the one that is currently considered PRIMARY (the one that is highest rated), you can click on a language pack to rate it.
WinnersTop ^
Due to the amount of language packs created, and the unique languages involved I had to implement some reward caps. Only 10 max will be given away in any future giveaways, so we split them down as follows:
- 7x Rewards for the most used language packs (or highest rating) in each of the most used languages at the time that I gathered the data.
- 1x Reward for a random pack creator that completed the majority of the translations (so you all have a chance)
- 1x Reward for a random commenter on a language pack (for those who were giving feedback on translations)
- 1x Reward for a random commenter on the initial article (where feedback was given to add languages or places to translate)
Most Used Language Packs
We won't count English! (since that's mine)
- Brazilian Portuguese by
Talita https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=2
- Spanish by
Jucams https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=28
- Russian by
MileZStraY https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=47
- French by
Synthesium https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=4
- German by
Player214 https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=15
- Polish by
XxXPAINKILLERXxX https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=34
- Filipino by
Zeindrik https://www.trovesaurus.com/user=12515/zeindrik
Random Language Pack Creator
Random Language Pack Commenter
Random Article Commenter
FutureTop ^
As I continue to add parts of the site that can be translated, I'll encourage this by future giveaways.

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Gratz to the winners, but I feel like the users that submitted their language packs later had a huge disadvantage because they were at the very bottom of the list. I think it would've been better if the packs were grouped by language from the beginning, because most people comment and vote on the first language pack they see.
It would also be nice if we could test our language packs, or give us an option to use one that isn't the primary. I personally don't like the primary Spanish translation, it feels awkward and I'll stick to English until it's fixed.
aww man i've completed the turkish language, was expecting to get a reward but the other guy took it without even completing it.. :/ sad
"A Trove Pack will be rewarded for the best of each unique language submitted that has at least 50% of the entries unlocked".
I am bad at math, but somehow could count more than 7 unique languages on the translation page. I read the original event annoucement again and there was not a single hint that only the most used languages will be rewarded. If the idea was to "expand the audience of Trovesaurus" why reward only the audiences that are big already?
First of all. The spanish the was selected was badly translated. In spanish we use ¿? also another type of interrogation mark to make questions. This translation, has also a few trasnlated words that are not correct translated, so, why don't we choose another spanish translation?
For example, the word ago must be translated as "hace" instead of "atrás". Two months ago-"Hace dos meses" and not "Atrás dos meses" that has been translated in that "language pack".
The accent marks are not correctly used, so; can we choose another?
Could you make a poll to use in each language the pack that we most like?