Trovesaurus Login
Site accounts will allow you to participate in giveaways, claim promotion codes, leave comments and otherwise interact with the site.
Create new Trovesaurus account
Create an account to use the Trovesaurus website with.Login to existing Trovesaurus account
Login to your Trovesaurus account, an email will be sent with a link that logs you in. Your details will be remembered for several months or until you logout.Please note this feature is off by default, please enable it in your Account Security tab of your profile.
Please contact Etaew on the Trovesaurus Discord.
We cannot help you with issues with game support. All problems with Trove need to be resolved with Trion Worlds Support.
Login emails should arrive instantly, however if your email provider has an aggressive or server side spam filter it may have been caught.
You should check your junk mail, and if that fails try to log in again after a 15 minute wait.
If you have just registered, just login with the email address you registered with to re-send an email.
If you have forgotten your passphrase, just login with email instead.