Going Green Plants and Seeds

Every plant has different time of growth, amount of harvest, time it withers in and other characteristics. We found out all about them!

New Plants

This update adds new Vegetable and Alchemy plants that can be grown from seed bags. New plants vary in rarity, growth times, amount of water needed to grow, amounts of harvest and withering time.

Seeds can be planted in Club worlds (not in Vault Club worlds) and on personal Cornerstones.

Planted seeds need to sprout first and then they require Water. Fully watered plant can be harvested after next Trove daily reset. Some plants can be harvested multiple times, after each harvest plants require more water to grow. Read more about planting seeds and growing plants at /introduction to new gardening page.

Vegetable plants can be harvested for vegetables to make /food.

Alchemy plants can be harvested for various resources.

In this article there is listed following information for each plant:

Seed – Type of seed a plant can grow from and where to find them.

Planted in – Places where you can plant these seeds.

Sprouts in – Time needed for a plant to sprout from seed, sprouted plants require water to grow. Sprouting can be sped up with Insta-Grower.

Watering needed – Amount of times plant needs to be watered before it can be harvested. Golden Watering Can completely fills watering needs till next harvest, while all other means of watering only fill one unit of water.

Cooldown – Time needs to pass for a plant to be ready to be watered again or harvested. 24h – plant can be watered or harvested on the next day reset, 48h – plant can be watered or harvested after 2 day resets, 72h- plant can be watered or harvested after 3 day resets.

Harvest – Items that are possible to obtain when harvesting a plant, only guaranteed harvest is the specific type of vegetable\resource, same as the type of plant. Alchemy plants also reward guaranteed Organic Refuse. There is a chance to get Bomb skins, prized vegetables and Bobble Plant seeds and other additional items together with main harvest.

Repeated Harvest – Some plants can be harvested multiple times, some wither after first harvest.

Watering needed after harvest – After first harvest requirements for watering get reduced, making it easier to get next harvest.

Withers in – Time a plant stays alive, in real-life measurement. Daily resets do not affect withering time. Even if you do not water or harvest it, sprouted plant will die after listed amount of time. Be sure to water or harvest at the same time every day to get maximum harvests. Plants with only one possible harvest will wither right after it.

Vegetables - Common rarity

Displaying the Text field of Qubbage

Displaying the Text field of Unicorn Chard

Displaying the Text field of Uggplant

Displaying the Text field of Purp'lil

Displaying the Text field of Onionito

Displaying the Text field of Totter Tate

Displaying the Text field of Qumato

Displaying the Text field of Cinnamellon

Displaying the Text field of Bunfeed

Displaying the Text field of Corn on the Cube

Alchemy plants – Legendary rarity

Displaying the Text field of Cinnabar Flower

Displaying the Text field of Shapestone Flower

Displaying the Text field of Formicite Flower

Displaying the Text field of Infinium Flower

Alchemy plants – Relic rarity

Displaying the Text field of Fishing Lure Reed

Displaying the Text field of Eyestalks of Q'bthulhu

Displaying the Text field of Crystal Outcrop

Displaying the Text field of Cultivated Day Drop

Displaying the Text field of Gleamstone Stalk

Alchemy plants – Resplendent rarity

Displaying the Text field of Cultivated Sunlight Bulb

Displaying the Text field of Cultivated Tentacle of Q'bthulhu

Displaying the Text field of Golden Soul Flower

Alchemy plants – Shadow rarity

Displaying the Text field of Builderite Shrub

Displaying the Text field of Primordial Flame Shrub

Displaying the Text field of Cultivated Wallflower

Displaying the Text field of Nitro-Glitterine Flower

Displaying the Text field of Cultivated Instagrower

Alchemy plants – Radiant rarity

Displaying the Text field of Water Gem Duster

Displaying the Text field of Air Gem Duster

Displaying the Text field of Fire Gem Duster

Displaying the Text field of Cosmic Gem Duster

Displaying the Text field of Pearl of Wisdom Pod

Displaying the Text field of Chaos Chest Stalk

Displaying the Text field of Golden Pitcher Plant

Special Plants

There are few plants and seeds that differ from the rest.

Bobble Pod – these work just like Pinatas, you throw them, kill them and gain loot together with 7 other people around you. Bobble Pods are not tradable, they can be grown from seeds or acquired from completing Gardening badges.

Evolving Alchemy Plant Seed recipe is unlocked together with [Collection Badge: Gathering recipes]. Afterwards it can be crafted on Gardening Bench at Horticulturist skill level. This seed can sprout into Alchemy Plant of any rarity, once spouted it will have exact same times for watering\amount of harvest\wither time etc as that plant.

Displaying the Text field of Bobble Pod Plant

Displaying the Text field of Evolving Alchemy Plant Seed

  • Seed: Evolving Alchemy Plant Seed from Gardening Bench
  • Planted in: Club world or personal Cornerstone
  • Sprouts in: 30 minutes
  • Watering needed: known when sprouted
  • Harvested in: known when sprouted
  • Harvest: known when sprouted
  • Repeated harvest: known when sprouted
  • Withers in: known when sprouted

Ally Habitat Seeds are not entirely plants, but they behave in similar way. Craft seeds for them at Harvesting Station, plant in club worlds, let them sprout and pick up allies when they spawn.

Read more at /ally habitats

Displaying the Text field of Flowerbed Faerie Habitat

Displaying the Text field of Purple Glowbug Habitat

Displaying the Text field of Yzzuli's Drone Habitat

Displaying the Text field of Appleshell Snail Habitat

Going Green Plants and Seeds content powered by Mustaches and Bunnies.
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okay I'm new at this. Does the withering timer include the time you are watering it (or neglecting to water it) initially? want to know how critical it is to be timely and consistent.

some quick guestimation I did says it probably wouldn't be a great idea to buy Golden Soul Flower Seeds at the current market price if 15 days is the full lifetime of the plant, as I would assume... but fortunately it's not nearly as expensive to craft if you don't mind a bit of grinding for the dark bulbs

edit: disregard me. I just reread the page!

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I can't find radiant rarity seeds in gardening bench.. hum



1 tier alchemy plants (Cinnabar Flower,  Shapestone Flower, Formicite Flower, Infinium Flower) gives '2 superior Organic refuse' rather than  '2 Quality Organic Refuse' also

2 teir alchemy plants (Fishing Lure Reed, Eyestalks of Q'bthulhu, Crystal Outcrop, Cultivated Day Drop, Gleamstone Stalk) gives '3 superior Organic refuse'


You are right, those can not be crafted. Obtaining Seeds section has correct information. Fixed mention on this page too, thank you!

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:3 n this page is very helpful to me, ty too!

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n i think bobble pod gives only common or radiant rarity seed. i can't find any other rarity seeds ever in pod. it just give seed recipe.

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corn on the cube need watering 4 times at first! but here is saying need 3 times xD

i honestly really dont know what to do