Going Green Collections
Going Green introduces a new dragon, few new mounts and allies. New activities such as watering, harvesting and composting plants grant Badges. In this article we track down every last mastery point and explain how to get them.
Gardening SkillTop ^
Each Gardening Skill tier (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300) rewards with 75 Trove Mastery Points. Thus, reaching new 300 skill cap from previous 250 cap grants 75
Trove Mastery Points.
DragonTop ^
Kahramet, Warden of the Fields
Mounts (Legendary Dragon)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
- 95 Movement Speed
- 100 Glide
Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +8 Max Energy, +5 Jump, +1000 Max Health, + 50 Magic Find and 30 Power Rank.
This dragon can be crafted at Dragon Crucible using:
Dragon Coin 300
Flux 25000
Corn on the Cube 150
Bunfeed 75
Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment 100
Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragments are obtained from Bobble Pod.
This dragon can also be unlocked with Golden Dragon Effigy or with
Golden Blossoming Dragon Egg.
MountsTop ^
Seed Sower
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 45 Movement Speed
In build mode plants Seeds selected on Hotbar in a row behind it.
Cultivated Collection Pack or purchased separately in Style tab of in-game Store for
Credits 3,000
Horticultural Harvester
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 45 Movement Speed
Harvests eligible plants as it moves.
Cultivated Collection Pack or purchased separately in Style tab of in-game Store for
Credits 3,000
Mechanized Hydration Tractor
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 45 Movement Speed
Waters eligible plants as it moves.
Cultivated Collection Pack or purchased separately in Style tab of in-game Store for
Credits 3,000
Lloyd the Llarrot
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
Crafted at Harvesting Station with
Bunfeed 100,
Cookie Musk 10,
Primal Orange 1000,
Primal Green 100,
Steed Feed 25,
Wallflowers 100
Can be traded
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
Crafted at Harvesting Station with
Corn on the Cube 115,
Cookie Musk 3,
Steed Feed 25,
Builderite 100
Can be traded
Ridable Bobble Pod
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 0 Movement Speed
This mount cannot move! Yet it is very fun to use.
Rare drop from Bobble Pod
Can be traded
Note: Mastery on Badge mounts is included in the Badge itself and is not granted separately.
Botanic Floralfin
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 45 Movement Speed
When equipped, waters plants in small radius around the player.
Obsidian Badge: Watering Plants, 25 000 Plants Watered,
Everlasting Watering Can crafted. Requires world change.
Stupendous Summer Leaf
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
Gold Badge: Composting, 10 000 Items Composted
Awesome Autumn Leaf
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
Platinum Badge: Composting, 100 000 Items Composted
Wondrous Winter Leaf
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
Diamond Badge: Composting, 500 000 Items Composted
Spectacular Spring Leaf
Mounts (Gardening)Mount
- 90 Movement Speed
Obsidian Badge: Composting, 1 000 000 Items Composted
AlliesTop ^
Chard Chitterer
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 2 Jump
- 9% Energy Regen
- 5 Power Rank
Rarely from harvesting Unicorn Chard
Can be traded
Note: Mastery on Badge allies is included in the Badge itself and is not granted separately.
Produce Freeloader
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 10% Maximum Health
- 24 Health Regen
Silver Badge: Harvesting, 50 Plants Harvested
Green Thumbzilla
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 5 Magic Find
When equipped, harvests eligible plants within small radius.
Obsidian Badge: Harvesting, 15 000 Plants Harvested
Lovely Hollywing
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 15 Crafting Speed
- 2 Movement Speed
Gold Badge: Watering Plants – 1 000 Plants Watered
Aside from usual allies, Going Green update introduces special Allies that can only be obtained from Ally Habitats. You need 300 Gardening Skill to pick them up. Read more about them at /ally habitats
Purple Glowfly
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 5% Attack Speed
- 5 Energy Regen
Collected from Purple Glowbug Habitat
Brilliant Glowfly
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 5% Attack Speed
- 5 Energy Regen
Collected from Purple Glowbug Habitat
Flowerbed Faerie
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 6% Magic Damage
- -8% Incoming Damage
Collected from Flowerbed Faerie Habitat
Flowerbed Countess
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 6% Magic Damage
- -8% Incoming Damage
Collected from Flowerbed Faerie Habitat
Appleshell Snail
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 120 Maximum Health
- 24 Health Regen
Collected from Appleshell Snail Habitat
Sourshell Snail
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 120 Maximum Health
- 24 Health Regen
Collected from Appleshell Snail Habitat
Yzzuli's Drone
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 3 Jump
- 5% Critical Damage
Collected from Yzzuli's Drone Habitat
Yzzuli's Queen
Pets (Gardening)Ally
- 3 Jump
- 5% Critical Damage
Collected from Yzzuli's Drone Habitat
Mag RiderTop ^
Bunfeed Flare
Mag Riders (Gardening)Mag Rider
- 25 Movement Speed
Rarely when harvesting Bunfeed
StylesTop ^
Golden Jughead
Style / Hat / Badge Diamond Badge: Watering Plants, 25 000 Plants Watered
Note: Gardening styles can only be unlocked with Gardening Style Stashes obtained from Compost Heaps. Gardening Style Stashes are tradable.
Sun Hat
Style / Hat / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Style / Melee Weapon / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Style / Pistol Weapon / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Style / Bow Weapon / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Goddess' Growth
Style / Staff Weapon / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Pike of the Lily Dance
Style / Spear Weapon / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Cactus Cuffers
Style / Fist Weapon / GardeningUnlocked with Gardening Style Stash
Bomb StylesTop ^
Vegetable Bomb styles can be found rarely by harvesting same-named plants. These styles are tradable, and can only be applied to Rubber Bombs in Bomb Royale.
Qubbage Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Qubbage
Corn on the Cube Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Corn on the Cube
Uggplant Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Uggplant
Purp'lil Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Purp'lil
Onionito Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Onionito
Totter Tate Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Totter Tate
Qumato Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Qumato
Cinnamellon Rubber Bomb
Secondary Skins (Vegetable Rubber Bombs)Rubber Bomb skin
Equip by clicking on it in Collections. Changes looks of Rubber Bombs in Bomber Royale pvp game mode.
Rarely from harvesting Cinnamellon
BadgesTop ^
New Badges are located in Collections > Badges > Gameplay Badges > Gardening and are rewarded for personal progression on Watering, Harvesting and Composting. Some badges grant allies, mounts or styles thus being worth more mastery points.
For more details on badges and how to obtain them check out /badges
Bronze Badge: Harvesting – 20
Trove Mastery Points
Silver Badge: Harvesting – 30
Trove Mastery Points
Gold Badge: Harvesting - 20
Trove Mastery Points
Platinum Badge: Harvesting – 40
Trove Mastery Points
Diamond Badge: Harvesting- 40
Trove Mastery Points
Obsidian Badge: Harvesting – 110
Trove Mastery Points
Bronze Badge: Watering Plants – 20
Trove Mastery Points
Silver Badge: Watering Plants – 20
Trove Mastery Points
Gold Badge: Watering Plants –30
Trove Mastery Points
Platinum Badge: Watering Plants – 40
Trove Mastery Points
Diamond Badge: Watering Plants – 50
Trove Mastery Points
Obsidian Badge: Watering Plants – 150
Trove Mastery Points
Bronze Badge: Composting – 20
Trove Mastery Points
Silver Badge: Composting – 20
Trove Mastery Points
Gold Badge: Composting – 70
Trove Mastery Points
Platinum Badge: Composting – 90
Trove Mastery Points
Diamond Badge: Composting – 90
Trove Mastery Points
Obsidian Badge: Composting – 150
Trove Mastery Points
Collection Badge: Gardening Recipes – 50
Trove Mastery Points
Alchemy Seed RecipesTop ^
Vegetable seed recipes are unlocked for crafting once player reaches required Gardening skill level, however, most of Alchemy plant seeds require a recipe to be learned first.
Recipes for seeds can be looted from Compost Heaps, Bobble Pods or traded from other players.
Alchemy Plant Seed recipes can be found in Collections > Crafting > Gameplay Recipes > Alchemy Plant Seeds. Category includes 18 Seeds but 18th is granted by the Badge after player collects all other 17 of them.
Cinnabar Flower Seed – 2
Trove Mastery Points - unlocked with
Recipe: Cinnabar Flower Seed
Formicite Flower Seed – 2
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Formicite Flower Seed
Infinium Flower Seed – 2
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Infinium Flower Seed
Shapestone Flower Seed – 2
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Shapestone Flower Seed
Crystal Outcrop Seed – 4
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Crystal Outcrop Seed
Cultivated Day Drop Seed – 4
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Cultivated Day Drop Seed
Eyestalks of Q'bthulhu Seed – 4
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Eyestalks of Q'bthulhu Seed
Fishing Lure Reed Seed – 4
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Fishing Lure Reed Seed
Gleamstone Stalk Seed – 4
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Gleamstone Stalk Seed
Golden Soul Flower Seed – 6
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Golden Soul Flower Seed
Cultivated Sunlight Bulb Seed – 6
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Cultivated Sunlight Bulb Seed
Cultivated Tentacle of Q'bthulhu Seed – 6
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Cultivated Tentacle of Q'bthulhu Seed
Builderite Shrub Seed – 10
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Builderite Shrub Seed
Cultivated Instagrower Seed – 10
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Cultivated Instagrower Seed
Primordial Flame Shrub Seed – 10
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Primordial Flame Shrub Seed
Nitro-Glitterine Flower Seed – 10
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Nitro-Glitterine Flower Seed
Cultivated Wallflower Seed – 10
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Recipe: Cultivated Wallflower Seed
Evolving Alchemy Plant Seed – 10
Trove Mastery Points – unlocked with
Collection Badge: Gardening Recipes