Going Green Patch Notes
The Going Green update brings large changes to the Gardening profession. With an increase up to 300 skill plants can be harvested to provide bonuses.
- Gardening now goes to 300 (Horticulturist)!
- The Gardening bench has been renamed to the Antiquated Gardening Bench. A new Gardening Bench can now be crafted at the builders crafting bench.
- The requirements for the original gardening recipes have also been shuffled.
- Unripe Compost Heap has been renamed to Unripe Fertilizer Heap to reduce confusion.
- New types of plants have been added to Gardening at Gardener (150) level and above:
- Vegetables – Vegetable plants like Qubbage, Unicorn Chard, and Totter Tates contain vegetables when harvested.
- Vegetables can be washed at the Vegetable Sink to become food.
- Prized decorative vegetables or bomb skins can be found rarely when harvesting Vegetables. These decorative vegetables can also be crafted at the Harvesting Bench.
- Alchemy Plants – Alchemy plants contain crafting materials when harvested.
- Alchemy plant recipes can be found in Bobble Pods and when opening compost heaps.
- Alchemy plant seeds can be crafted with gardening (once learnt) or found rarely when throwing Bobble pods or opening compost heaps.
- Alchemy plant seeds can be composted for a fraction of the materials that would be gained from harvesting the plant.
- Alchemy plant recipes can be composted back in to a compost heap.
- Vegetables – Vegetable plants like Qubbage, Unicorn Chard, and Totter Tates contain vegetables when harvested.
- Bobble Pods can rarely be found when breaking grass or harvesting Vegetables and Alchemy Plants. Bobble Pods are a new kind of pinata that, when thrown, grow in to a blastflower – pop them to receive rewards like Alchemy Plant recipes, seeds, and Golden Watering Cans.
- A Ridable Bobble Pod mount can rarely drop for the thrower of a Bobble Pod. This 0 mastery mount is immobile, because no one wants to reenact Day of the Triffids.
- These new Vegetable and Alchemy plants require watering and time to grow.
- Most plants require 4 hours to sprout before they can be watered.
- Once sprouted, a plant can be watered.
- Once fully watered, a plant can be harvested.
- Once harvested or watered, a plant cannot be watered again until it's ready. Depending on the plant, this may be 1, 2, or 3 days later. Regardless of what time they were planted, they will always become ready at 11 AM PT.
- Different plants require different amounts of water before becoming harvestable – for example, Corn on the Qube plants require 4 units of water, while Qumato plants require 1 unit of water.
- There are also different kinds of watering cans:
- Watering Can – this consumable watering can grants 1 unit of water to nearby plants. Craftable at Gardener (150) Skill.
- Everlasting Watering Can – this watering can is not consumable and grants 1 unit of water to nearby plants. This watering can also waters twice as fast. Craftable at Horticulturist (300) Skill.
- Golden Watering Can – this consumable watering can completely fills the watering requirements for nearby plants, and can be used on plants which have already been watered with a Watering Can or Everlasting Watering Can. Can be found inside Bobble Pods and some Compost Heaps.
- Kahramet, Warden of the Fields has been attracted to Trove by the new growth in gardening. This new dragon can be crafted at the Dragon Crucible using Blossoming Dragon Egg fragments. She can also be obtained using a dragon effigy or through a golden egg inside of greater dragon caches.
- Blossoming Dragon Egg fragments can be found inside of Bobble Pods. They can also be composted for Quality Organic Refuse.
- Moonlight bulbs can now be found all over Trove and Geode. These bulbs concentrate the power of the moon goddess into a harvestable resource. But watch out, the moon goddess doesn't take kindly to these falling into the hands of Trovians and will remove them from your bags when you go offline for more than an hour.
Harvesting Bench
- The Harvesting Bench can be crafted at the Gardener (150) Skill level of Gardening from the Gardening Bench or the Builder’s Crafting Bench.
- Gardener (150) Skill is required to interact with the Harvesting Bench.
- The Harvesting Bench can be used to craft various kinds of Compost, Ally Habitats, Mounts, Decorative Plants, Farm Decorations, VFX Blocks, and Frameworks.
- Rich Fertilizer, Fertile Ash, and Plasmic Solution are also craftable at the Harvesting Bench.
- Compost Heaps from the Harvesting Bench are a great way to get Concentrated Compost, Moonlight Temper, and Cookie Musk.
- Ally Habitats are a way to acquire new allies – each home can attract a normal or rare version of the specific ally associated with that home. Ally Habitats require Horticulturist (300) to craft and to harvest.
- Flowerbed Faerie Habitat – attracts Flowerbed Faerie and (rarely) Flowerbed Countess
- Purple Glowbug Habitat – attracts Purple Glowfly and (rarely) Brilliant Glowfly
- Yzzuli’s Drone Habitat – attracts Yzzuli’s Drone and (rarely) Yzzuli’s Queen
- Appleshell Snail Habitat – attracts Appleshell Snail and (rarely) Sourshell Snail
- Ally Habitats must be planted in Club Worlds, and are intended to be crafted by the club banding together.
- The Ally Habitats believe sharing is caring - the ally will be available for anyone with the Horticulturist skill who visits the club. If the rare ally chooses to visit, that will also be available for every visitor with Horticulturist skill.
- The Compost Bin can be crafted at the Gardener (150) Skill level of Gardening from the Gardening Bench or the Builder’s Crafting Bench.
- The Compost Bin can be used to craft Organic Refuse from unwanted crafting materials and non-pvp trophies. Prized vegetables may also be composted.
- Right-click on items in the Compost Bin to select how much of the stack to compost.
- Gardener (150) Skill is required to interact with the Compost Bin.
- Gardening recipes can be composted for Compost Heaps. They can also be deconstructed for blank scrolls, but are locked by default.
- Items Composted is now a metric than can be viewed by typing /stats.
- Create edible versions of plants by washing them at the Vegetable Sink!
- The Vegetable Sink can be crafted at the Gardener (150) Skill from the Gardening Bench or the Builder’s Crafting Bench.
- Gardener (150) Skill is required to interact with the Vegetable Sink.
- A Food slot has been added to the character sheet next to Flasks and Emblems. Make sure all UI mods are updated!
- Food can be equipped to grant small buffs.
- Food decays over time – a stack can be equipped, and each piece will last for a certain amount of time before decaying.
- Once a piece of food has been equipped, it cannot be unequipped – that’s just gross!
- There are rumours that this is only the first bite of food to whet the appetite and give a taste of what's to come - sweeter treats may be coming in a future update. The food abides.
- A new set of badges are available for Gardening – earn badges for Harvesting, Watering Plants, and Composting. There’s also an additional badge for collecting all of the Alchemy Plant Seed recipes.
- Each badge will reward the player with Bobble Pods, Instagrowers, Cubits, and sometimes something extra.
- The Obsidian Harvesting Badge grants the Green Thumbzilla Ally to help harvest plants.
- The Obsidian Watering Plants Badge grants the Botanic Floralfin Mount to help water plants.
- The Sweet Sixteen Pack has been added to the store. This pack grants all of the sixteen currently available classes in Trove – or receive a Credit Pouch for any class already owned before purchasing. Get extra rewards for extra effort!
- The Cultivated Collection Pack has also been added to the store. This pack grants the Seed Sower mount, Mechanized Hydration Tractor mount, Horticultural Harvest mount, 25 Bobble Pods and 25 Golden Watering Cans (non-tradeable) to help every harvest win the blue ribbon.
- The Seed Sower mount, Mechanized Hydration Tractor mount, and Horticultural Harvest mount are also available separately from the Style tab. Each mount assists with a different part of Gardening:
- The Seed Sower plants whichever seeds are selected in the Build Inventory hotbar within a small radius.
- The Mechanized Hydration Tractor waters all eligible plants within a small radius.
- The Horticultural Harvester harvests all eligible plants within a small radius.
- Kahramet, Warden of the Fields is now available via the dragon effigy. Kahramet is also available through a golden egg from greater dragon caches.
New Dungeons
- New Geode Topside Lair from Argonaut and Ylva!
Additional Updates
- The critters of geode's caves have become more generous. When you assist them they have a small chance to provide an egg that can be hatched into their family of pets. For example, assisting jelotl may provide you with a Tame Jelotl Egg.
- NPC and Fishing Trophies can now only be placed in Club Worlds and Cornerstones.
- The Dragon Crucible has been reorganized.
- Improved the drop rate for Bubble Dragon Egg Fragments.
- Dragon Eggs and Egg Fragments now list sources in their tooltips.
- Crafting Materials have had additional information added/reformatted to describe where players can find them.
- Class Gem Key fragments can now be crafted with 5 Empowered gem fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
- Some old tradable chaos chest rares can now be deconstructed for one chaos core.
- Pets no longer have a default 5 Glim deconstruction value.
- Shadow tower lobby portals will update (over time, not immediately) to point to more recently occupied rooms in the shadow tower, rather than always pointing to the first room.
- The following event items that didn't already have them have now had a disclaimer added that they won't last long. All of these items are planned to be removed with the next update so use them or lose them:
- All Radiant Dayspring Tokens - Xinzaya's Token 2017, Pirifario's Token 2017, Formigon's Token 2017, Mitaura's Token 2017, Attepali's Token 2017, Dirami's Token 2017, Cygnus's Token 2018, Tyssaldria's Token 2018, Citaria's Token 2018, Rilassi's Token 2018, Hathath's Token 2018, Zehira's Token 2018
- Tentacle Slice
- Subzero Snowflake
- Crystallized Sun Spark
- Shadowy Seal 2018
- Diggsly's Token
- Lucky Dust
- Shadowy Schematic
- Darknik Gears
- Pinata Coins will be removed at the end of Sunfest 2019 and Candy Corn will be removed at the end of Shadow's Eve.
- Added the /clublog (no space) slash command to help search for specific club log entries for the primary club. This command will accept a large number of variables, but here are a few examples:
- “/clublog player PostCard” would find things that PostCard did in the primary club
- “/clublog chestofficer playerPostCard” would find times that PostCard accessed the Officer Chest
- “/clublog gardenharvest” would find the most recent 10 times someone harvested a primary club plant
- “/clublog gardenharvest page 2” would find the next 10 times someone harvested a primary club plant
- Added the result of /zonerestrict commands to club logs.
- The Elysian Cistern can now be deconstructed in to chaos cores.
- Class helm styles are no longer unlocked on trial classes.
- Cornerstone Damageable by Bombs and Abilities is now toggled off by default for new players.
- Fixed an issue that could cause leaderboards to load empty entries in some cases.
Going Green Hotfix 1 - June 4, 2019
- Players of any class level that meet the Light and PR requirements can now earn 5* dungeon chests.
- There is now an additional chance to receive a Golden Watering Can Seed from a Popper Pod for the individual who threw it.
- Using Buy Back for composted items from the loot collector now appropriately removes partial progress on badges.
- Bobble Pod and Instagrower rewards have been removed from the Composting Badges.
- Bobble Pod seeds no longer drop from breaking grass. Instead, the Bobble Pod Seed drop rate from harvesting Going Green plants has been increased.
- Composting Chaos Chest Stalk Seed, Pearl of Wisdom Seed Pod, or any Gem Duster Seed now results in 1 Superior Compost Heap rather than 2. However, harvesting these plants now grants 5 Superior Organic Refuse instead of 2.
- The Flowerbed Faerie and Flowerbed Countess allies now grant 20 PR when equipped.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent swapping between Adventure and Build inventories properly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the crafting inventory to constantly refresh when Food was equipped.
- Fixed the store descriptions for the Mechanized Hydration Tractor, Seed Sower, and Horticultural Harvester to reflect the correct movement speed.
- Fixed a typo in the name for the Mechanized Hydration Tractor.
- Fixed an issue where some costumes were not playing their custom audio on attacks.
- Minigame coins can once again be placed in clubworlds & cornerstones.
Going Green Hotfix 2 - June 17, 2019
- Leaderboards have been streamlined to remove redundancy and diversify the focus on parts of the game. Their rewards have been adjusted to match.
- The daily power rank leaderboards have been removed and their rewards have been moved to the Star Bar at a rate of 1 Diamond Dragonite per star bar completion. This is tripled with patron.
- There are now 3 Class Leaderboard Contests available each week, down from 4. The rewards have been increased by a third to compensate for this change.
There is now 1 Flawless Shadow Tower Boss Contest each week. The reward for this contest has been increased to 10 Light Chaos Chests (up from 2). - There is now 1 Bomber Royale Contest each week, rotating between Wins, Kills, and Damage Done. The rewards have been doubled or even tripled in some cases.
- Companion Eggs Found and World Bosses Defeated have been moved in to the rotating weekly stat contests. Their rewards have been upgraded to better fit this set of contests.
- There are now 2 weekly stat Contests available each week from a rotation of:
- Dungeons Completed
- Boxes Opened
- Infinium Mined
- Enemies Defeated
- World Bosses Defeated
- Companion Eggs Found
Additional Updates
- Starglint Pinatas rewarded from the Star Bar are now correctly tripled when patron is active.
- Diamond Dragonite is now provided by the Star Bar at a rate of 1 Diamond Dragonite for each time the Star Bar is completed. This is tripled while patron is active.
- The chance of getting Bobble Pod Seeds when harvesting plants has been doubled.
- The Moonlight Bulb cost of alchemy plant recipes has been reduced:
Green Thumb (200 Gardening Skill) Recipes now require 2 Moonlight Bulbs.
Botanist (250 Gardening Skill) Recipes now require 3 Moonlight Bulbs.
Most Horticulturalist (300 Gardening Skill) Recipes now require 4 Moonlight Bulbs. The Evolving Alchemy Plant Seed now requires 5 Moonlight Bulbs. - The non-rare allies from Ally Habitats now compost into 1 Organic Refuse, 1 Quality Organic Refuse, and 1 Superior Organic Refuse, rather than 3 Superior Organic Refuse.
On being harvested, Alchemy Plants now all give between 2 and 5 Superior Organic Refuse depending on the skill required to craft the seed (or 7 for Gem Dusters, Pearl of Wisdom Pods, and Chaos Chest Stalks). - Tame Companion Eggs now appear at the same time as Lesser Crystal Caches when assisting Cave Critters.
- Fixed an issue where interacting with Homeworld Hearts could cause lag for everyone in the Club World.
- Fishing Lures now deconstruct for 5 glim.
- Minions spawned by emblems now more consistently despawn when players get out of range.
- Added a drippy effect to the Jelotl Matron mount.
- The Haughty Kitty ally can now be deconstructed in to chaos cores.
Going Green Patch Notes content powered by Mustaches and Bunnies.
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Wish we could keep things like the shadowy schematics and radiant dayspring tokens. It’s like an exclusive thing to show how long we’ve been around ya know. A reward for sticking around throughout the years

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