You can view our old Trovesaurus Gold page at:

Main Features

For the duration of Trovesaurus Gold

Remove Adverts

When you are logged in to the site, you won't see any adverts.

Custom Avatar, Title, Banner and Gold Colour

Use any image as your avatar and profile banner as well as set a custom title for yourself. Stand out with a unique gold colour.

Featured Twitch Streamer

We'll show a banner featuring your nominated Twitch streamer at the top of the home page when they are streaming Trove.

Colours and Rank Icons on Discord

We'll grant you a special supporters rank on Discord which will allow you to have unique colours or icons.

Get Gold


Trovesaurus Gold is available by spending a Reward Token, if you wish to use that option please check the Trovesaurus Rewards page.

Trovesaurus Gold Plans

Please note that we consider a "month" 30 days.

Payment is handled by PayPal we do not store any of your payment information.

  • Click on a PayPal link below
  • After completing the transaction, PayPal will notify Trovesaurus
  • We'll attempt to match the PayPal email address with your Trovesaurus email address, if that fails we'll try to match your logged in Trovesaurus user.

You need to be logged into Trovesaurus to pay for Gold, otherwise we can't grant it to the right account. The price is currently $2 for 30 days. Login