Thanks for taking part in our mustache appreciation celebration, here are the results.
Reward StructuresTop ^
Please note we are trialing a new reward structure where we try to eliminate some of the negative competition elements of a contest.
- All participants will receive 1x Reward Token if they have made an appropriate effort
- The contest has run for 2 weeks, so 2 judges will choose 2 entries each to receive 2x Reward Tokens, with reasons attached
Etaew's HighlightsTop ^
Extra Tokens
I liked the group photo style of this one, clean characters and a derpy Qubesly at the bottom.
I liked the clean style, and the extra thick mustache!
Special Mention
Very close entry, I want to make way for non regular winners, but still need to acknowledge the cuteness of this Etaew cosplay by Commander Vitus
[user=Delicious]' HighlightsTop ^
Extra Tokens
This entry is very creative in its idea, by giving you the thought of your little pet dragon drawing an adorable mustache on you to make your day better! It reminds me of how a certain Stache-boss sends me equally adorable animal pictures every other day, proposing my future lifestyle as a home-zookeeper and making the blue days feel brighter.~ This entry is reminiscent and heartwarming, and deserves a great big hug of attention! Great work, Sworro! \o/
This entry’s very creative and story filled! It hides a lot of references to the Trovesaurus Discord, featuring personal characters [such as Wyvern, Etaew and Vitus in the back] – including hidden friendships like the Daughter of the Moon and the Sun goddess chatting away together off to the right. It deepens the story line, especially depict MrWhoever’s theories of Trove Lore. Amazing work! ❤︎