site Guides

Showing all guides with the tag site

10 Years of Trovesaurus

A decade has past since we started a Trove information site and we're still here, to celebrate 10 years of Trovesaurus we've partnered with the Trove team to add one of our early flying dragon concepts to the game, [Smoth, the Wingless] designed by Evilag...

December 17, 2024 Site Art Contest Mod Contest

Initial Release of Market Data

Continuing our release of secret projects from the modding team capturing data from the game we are pleased to introduce an introductory version of the in-game market data. This data is captured once every hour, and we have almost a month of history. Yo...

August 19, 2024 Site

Initial Release of Leaderboard Data

We've been working on some secret projects this last month, a few of the modders have teamed up to capture data from the game and Sly has been processing that for us to store and display. First ready for initial release are Leaderboards, right now we cap...

August 5, 2024 Site

2024's Tombstone Tempest has arrived!

Although a little late this year the Trove Team have been working with us to help offer again the chance to unlock the Tombstone Tempest Gunslinger costume. While you grab a copy, make sure you check out the rest our of exclusive collectibles too. Claim ...

June 20, 2024 Site Giveaway

9 Years of Trovesaurus

Happy cakeday everyone, today is our ninth year of operation. We would like to thank you all for being a part of our community and have a new gift for you this year. We're finally able to release the [Raptor Sage] that has been hiding in the client for a...

December 17, 2023 Site Art Contest

Restocked Spaceosaurus and Sagely Saurers

Thanks to the Trove Team we have restocked the [collection=Spaceosaurus] and [collection=Sagely Saurers] codes on our Promotions page. [collectionfeatured=Spaceosaurus] [collectionfeatured=Sagely Saurers] To claim these codes, or our other promotions v...

May 27, 2023 Site

It's Tombstone Tempest time again!

Hey everyone, it's time again for us to celebrate the Gunslinger with our Tombstone Tempest giveaway, thanks to the Trove Team who have provided us with codes to do so. It's also a good time to remind you to claim our other promotional codes for free moun...

March 13, 2023 Site

Introducing the Sagely Saurers

To celebrate 8 years of Trovesaurus, we've worked with the Trove Team to include a unique set of wings the [collection=Sagely Saurers] designed by [user=165583] and [user=TFMhisztike]. These dinosaur-inspired wings leave behind a trail of information :) ...

December 17, 2022 Site

Claim the Tombstone Tempest costume for the Gunslinger

Hey everyone, it's time again for us to celebrate the Gunslinger with our Tombstone Tempest giveaway, thanks to the Trove Team who have provided us with codes to do so. It's also a good time to remind you to claim our other promotional codes for free moun...

March 21, 2022 Site

Trovesaurus 7 - Art Challenge Results

Thank you to our artists for taking part in our celebration of 7 years of Trovesaurus, we have looked over your art and had to determine some order to give the rewards in, here they are! In addition we've stocked up Renewus Reunion packs on the Rewards s...

January 8, 2022 Art Contest Results Site

Trovesaurus 7 - Art Challenge

To celebrate Trovesaurus' 7 year anniversary we are encouraging our artist community to submit fan art featuring something from the Trovesaurus family, whether that is the Sage himself or the new Saurian Tamer costume. We're working on filling up the Rew...

December 15, 2021 Art Contest Site

Introducing the Saurian Tamer!

To celebrate Trovesaurus' 7th Anniversary the Trove Team has kindly allowed us to add our own costume to the game. Introducing the Saurian Tamer, a Dino Tamer costume. This costume paired with Sage's Stylin' Helmet allows you to play as our Sage mascot. ...

December 13, 2021 Site

New Metrics Section

We have released a new Metrics section where players can upload their /exportmetrics files and compare against other players. To help promote this feature we are drawing some of the submitters at random and awarding them a Dev Dreams on Monday. We've had...

December 1, 2021 Site

Trove Report - April 2021

A roundup of the changes across Trovesaurus and Trove during the month of April 2021....

May 1, 2021 Site

Claim a Tombstone Tempest costume and other Trovesaurus free promotional items

Hey everyone, thanks to the Trove Team we've added a number of Tombstone Tempest costumes for the Gunslinger to our claims area. While you are there, make sure you grab our exclusive mounts and allies too. These can be claimed over on our Promotions sect...

March 16, 2021 Site

Trovesaurus 6 - Art Results

Thank you to everyone who took part in our 6-year anniversary celebration, there are still Squishy Sage allies, hats and helmets available to claim from our rewards section. I've asked [Ylva] and [TFMHisztike] to join me in selecting highlights since they...

January 9, 2021 Site Art Contest Results

Trovesaurus - 6 Year Anniversary and new Promo Item

We are happy to announce that Trovesaurus is 6 years old, check out some stats, find out about the new promotional items and celebrate with us during our art challenge. This year I'd like to highlight the work that [Ylva] has done preparing the content f...

December 20, 2020 Site Art Contest

Trovesaurus Development Updates - August 2020

We finish our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of August 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months,...

September 1, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - July 2020

We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of July 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months,...

August 31, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - June 2020

We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of June 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months,...

August 10, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - May 2020

We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of May 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, ...

August 7, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - April 2020

We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of April 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months...

August 2, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - March 2020

It's catchup time for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of March 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but ...

August 1, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - February 2020

Here is a list of the changes to Trovesaurus during February 2020. Let me know what you think about these changes and anything that you would like to see us work on either in the comments or on the #trovesaurus-website channel in the Trovesaurus Discord....

March 4, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - January 2020

Here is the change log for Trovesaurus for the month of January 2020....

February 2, 2020 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - December 2019

Work continues on keeping Trovesaurus up to date and with new features, here is what we worked on during the month of December 2019....

January 2, 2020 Site

5 Years of Trovesaurus

To celebrate five years of Trovesaurus the Trove Team has kindly added a new exclusive ally for us, designed by [evilagician] the [papa sage]. Join the celebration and Claim a Papa Sage from the Trovesaurus Code Claim section....

December 17, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - November 2019

Another month has come around, here is a summary of things we have changed on the Trovesaurus site this month. A big thanks to [tfmhisztike] who has been providing a lot of personal support and also to [ylva] who added all the data for the Into the Deep S...

December 2, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - October 2019

Hello folks, October has now ended here is a summary of the site development this month. We do try to continue improving the site but the pace of this may change. Please remember that this site is community run by players, we are not funded by anything ot...

November 1, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - September 2019

Stay informed about the latest Trovesaurus site changes with our change log for this month below....

October 1, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - August 2019

Stay informed about latest Trovesaurus site changes with our change log below. We try each month to continue development of the site features, functionality and the user experience. This month is a little light due to holiday periods. This next month wil...

September 2, 2019 Site

Development Updates - July Edition

In this edition of Development Updates we talk about what has changed to the site over the month of July....

August 3, 2019 Site

Streamer Dreams Arrives on Trovesaurus Rewards

The Trovesaurus Rewards section have received a batch of [the streamer dream], [the streamer dream 2], [the streamer dream 3]. These items have been unavailable since the Trion Creators Program was suspended, so are a nice rarity for newer players. The ...

July 24, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - June Edition

June has finished and I get to announce what I've been up to during the last month on the site development front. Some exciting changes to announce this time. If you want updates on site changes as they happen you can join the Trovesaurus Discord and mon...

June 30, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Site Feedback

I'd like to start collecting more regular feedback from our loyal users about what you would like to see improved. Even though I appreciate it when people say everything is perfect and I don't need to change anything, I do like to have some direction on ...

June 25, 2019 Site Content Contest

Trovesaurus Development Updates - May

Thank you for your site support during last month, here are the list of changes we've made to the site during the month of May....

June 2, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - April

Thank you for being part of our slightly weird mustache leaning community. Here are the changes that have been made during the month of April. The amount of changes are smaller than some months due to some personal issues, so I apologize for that....

May 1, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - March

We work hard to keep the site up to date, working and pretty for you. Here are the changes to the functionality of the site during the month of March....

April 1, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - February

Changes made to Trovesarus during the month of February....

March 4, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - January

Here is a roundup of the changes made to Trovesaurus during the month of January....

February 2, 2019 Site

Mobile Support Weekend

Leading up to the Crystal Combat update releasing on consoles February 5, we are looking to prepare the site for increased mobile visitors. 1/3 visitors to our site uses their mobile device and so if you visit us regularly this is your chance to help make...

January 31, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - December

Here is a roundup of the changes made to Trovesaurus during the month of December....

January 5, 2019 Site

4 Years of Trovesaurus

Today we celebrate 4 years of Trovesaurus, we'd like to thank our community for supporting us for all this time and hope you continue to find us a useful resource going forward....

December 17, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - November

Trovesaurus is under constant development, here are the changes we have made during the month of November....

December 2, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - October

Changes we have made to the Trovesaurus site over the month of October....

November 3, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - June / July / August / September

Sage would like to present a list of changes made to the Trovesaurus site since June, he wants to say sorry that has has been too lazy to post them monthly. Art by [user=Delicious]...

October 2, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - May 2018

A round up of Trovesaurus site development for the month of May 2018. Changes are a little light this month as we prepare for Trove - Geode functionality....

June 1, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - April 2018

A round up on Trovesaurus development activity for the month of April 2018....

May 4, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - March 2018

A roundup of site changes we made over the past month. Featured image is the Superqubes logo designed by [user=SkyTheVirus]....

April 4, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - February 2018

Read about the changes made to the Trovesaurus site this month. Your use of, support and participation of the site allows it to keep functioning and receiving updates, thank you! This month our featured site icon was mini sage....

March 1, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - January 2018

I've been working hard this month to bring about a long list of site performance, functionality and style tweaks. Find out all about them below. Last month our featured site icon was Atronos, and this month we have little sage....

February 2, 2018 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - December 2017

Catch up with the changes to the site during the month of December. To be notified of all changes as they happen please check out the #changes channel in the Trovesaurus Discord....

January 3, 2018 Site

3 Years of Trovesaurus

Trovesaurus turns 3 years old today, thanks for being a part of this community. Check out some stats, a list of changes, and what we're doing to celebrate. Thanks to [user=SkyTheVirus] for the above image.  ...

December 1, 2017 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - November 2017

Another packed month full of changes, find out what what they are below....

December 1, 2017 Site

Trovesaurus Development Diary - October 2017

This month has been quite a busy one for site changes, here is the roundup....

November 1, 2017 Site

Site Updates - August

Here is a round up of site changes over the past month....

September 1, 2017 Site

Site Updates - May/June/July Edition

Here is a round up of site activity and changes over the past three months....

August 1, 2017 Site

Site Updates - May Edition

Here is the roundup of site activity and changes over the past month....

May 2, 2017 Site

Site Updates - April Edition

We'll post this today, due to hawkwardness of April 1 dates. Here is the roundup of site changes over the past month, a summary of our status and our plans for the coming month. Art by [user=SkyTheVirus]...

April 2, 2017 Site

Class Builds

Thanks for the feedback you guys gave recently about what you wanted to see in the builds section, I've been working on this during the past week and have it in a state that I'm happy with. More things could be expanded on in the future based on the origi...

January 8, 2017 Content Contest Giveaway Site

Site: Modders Code Vault (Storage & Distribution of your accepted mods)

Getting your mod accepted into the game, will grant you 50-300 codes to distribute among friends/family and other players. To ease the distribution, Trovesaurus will grand modders a personal storage and distribution channel. These codes will still be your...

December 23, 2016 code vault modder modding site

Two Years of Trovesaurus

Thanks everyone for being a part of the Trovesaurus community for the past two years. Today we celebrate the anniversary of when we brought the name online and we have a few giveaways for you to take part in....

December 17, 2016 Site

September Site Update

Thanks everyone for continuing to be a part of this community, I've been super busy this month and haven't been able to work on as much as I've wanted to. However things did get done, keep reading for the list of changes....

October 1, 2016 Site

August Site Update

Thanks everyone for being a part of this community, here is the site update for the work done this last month (August)....

September 1, 2016 Site

Login System Changes

I've adjusted the way you login to Trovesaurus lately, gone are the Username and Password option, and gone is the social registration and login method. Now we generate links sent to your emails which keep you logged in for 30 days....

August 5, 2016 Site