Read about the changes made to the Trovesaurus site this month. Your use of, support and participation of the site allows it to keep functioning and receiving updates, thank you!
This month our featured site icon was mini sage.
ChangesTop ^
- Changing email addresses on your profile will now force log you out, this prevents some naughty things
- The Dev Tracker feature within pages will now highlight the search text in the results to make it easier to read
- Costumes can now be added to the rewards section
- The Pages feature within other pages will now highlight the search word in context
- Added support for future database imports to highlight new recipes, instead of just wiping all of the existing and importing from fresh
- Fixed an issue where an empty Upload New Version box for art was visible for users not logged in
- Further attempts to improve our email reliability
- Updated the Add Download form on the Mod page to be in the new site style
- Added a new Catalog Image (URL) field to mods, this replaces the icon replaced on the page
- Added support for Helmet and Costume mods to be added to user character profile pages
- You can now set allies, mounts and wings on your character page
- The front page has been split into tabs, News / Dev Tracker / Art / Mods / Comments
- It is now possible to block messages from certain site users
- item tags have been updated to allow amounts included e.g. (no spaces) [ item = chaos chest ; 200 ] for
Chaos Chest 200
- Various changes have been made to increase site page load speed
- Made some adjustments to the server status feature (but may have broken it....)
- Videos have been moved off an items main page, for some it was super long, it is now on a tab
- Added a new activity tab on the home page, this is for people logged in to see what their followed users are doing.
- Gold Users can now upload an image directly instead of specifying a URL
- Fixed an issue where devs added without a forum id would hold up the dev tracker
- Applied a major framework upgrade from Bootstrap 3 -> 4, this has altered a bunch of styles
- Some additional themes are available
- Added kinder page breakpoints when viewing the page on tablets
- Trending art will now show 10 items per tab
- New Modders and Artists are now announced to Discord
- Removed tick and crosses from events / contest sidebars, the background of the event icon will turn green if you are participating
- Blueprints are now tracked locally, and differences highlighted on imports
- Database collections imports will now highlight animation and rig changes
- Costumes now import rigs
- Adjusted the way site translations handle editors, it is now the same way as the rest of the site, and you can now remove editors
- Page dev tracker search and forum tracker search will now display results newest to oldest
- Added new visible checks for modders to see if they meet publish requirements
- Active contests on the art gallery are now ordered by the ones which end soonest
- Adjusted the Gold announcements to reflect gold rather than the old donation system
- Decreased the size of the removed comment message
- Badges are no longer announced through private message, I received a lot of questions asking what they were. They can return when they have more utility.
- Switched to some locally hosted JavaScript files to help our friend in China who couldn't load them externally
- Art with moderator notes are no longer counted towards artist status
- Hibernating users are now displayed as hidden users, and their profiles cannot be viewed, they also cannot receive email notifications from the site
- Combined the calendar groups again to simpler Art Contests / Mod Contests instead of split
Objectives for MarchTop ^
Let me know in the comments what type of changes you would like to see next month!
Sleepstache by pokemon008
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