It's catchup time for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of March 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but you can always view up to date changes in the #changes channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Let us know what you think about these changes and if you have any suggestions for things you would like us to work on, write in the comments or in the #trovesaurus-website channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Fan Art
- There is no longer minimum image dimensions required to upload
- You can no longer enter art into challenges from the art upload screen, you now do this after you have published your art using the submit to challenge section on the right
- Removed the art description and listing of contents from the art upload screen, it doesn't need to be there, you can edit it in later
- Added support for us to display a custom message before you submit to a challenge
- Relation to Trove field has been changed to please describe your image
- Challenge status indicating that you need to set relation to trove, now asks you you to submit a description of your image, and does this with an inline form
- Removed older requirement for challenge submissions to have the relation to trove field set
- Moved the publish art button to the top of the art nav bar so its more noticeable
- After discussions with the team, for now, we are accepting cosmetic mods to be submitted, this can be used to replace items and deco
New Features
- Added tags
to show large art and mod results in a tab for articles - You can now use Unicode emoji pasted or from mobile and desktop keyboards throughout the site
- Added an emoticon menu to comments box
- The creations team can now tag creations
- Added new tool for logged in users, shorten Troxel links, you can find this tool on the tools nav menu and converts a horrible long nasty link into something like https://trovesaurus.com/l=3747
General Changes
- Now has a detailed list under the icon accordion which shows the tooltip and how to obtain
- Decoupled the generation of the calendar feed that TroveTools uses from the display function of the calendar widget, the feed is now built as part of the events start / end check task
- Pinned recipes no longer show with the calendar widget
- Discord will no longer announce when calendar entries are created
- Event calendar entries created for future dates now display limited information, so we can prepare them in advance without you spoilering yourselves
Home Page:
- The news feed will now hide all news with the tag "Event", and instead these will be displayed within a single block for one event, keeping everything together
- The news feed date has been moved to the left to be less weird, and have a larger area for text
- Posts can now be pinned to the top of the news feed (the event post was getting buried)
- Redesigned the Promos section to remove links to the database, we found a lot of people were clicking on the database item, and requesting information on how to obtain it instead of claiming the code
- Changed the navigation to remove the default calendar on the right, added a browse tab on the left
- You can now sort the list of packs by date
- You can now view the creations which have a special tag assigned (for now that is Animal Head), click on the tag when viewing the creation
- Added Meowser to the Dev Tracker
- Event pages now attempt to list subpages where possible, on the nav bar and at the top of the page
Fixes and optimisations
- It should no longer be possible to report a club adventure that someone else has already marked as active for the same club
- Removed some site padding around the site content
- On the profiles page, adjusted the breakpoints for the user mods columns at different resolutions, should give more space per mod on mobiles
- Fixed an issue which prevented you from removing a mod in your mod pack
- Moved the css loading back into the document head, this will increase page load speed slightly, but prevent some annoying flashes as the mobile nav bar loaded in on some browsers
- Item tooltips now only display a description and type and page links no longer display tooltips
- Refactored the association between the game events and the calendar / feed, so there is less weirdness involved and is easier for us to set up. This paves the way for better grouping of event content, such as art challenges, blog articles, so there is less spam of the same thing
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