We finish our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of August 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but you can always view up to date changes in the #changes channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Let us know what you think about these changes and if you have any suggestions for things you would like us to work on, write in the comments or in the #trovesaurus-website channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Site Performance
We've now completed most of our performance optimisations and are happy to report that the site is performing a lot better now and we can get back to our normal updates.
- Removed viewing contest art on a user art page, this was an old link that was performing badly (outputting every art)
- We can now flag certain pages to never process tags
- Item lookups are now cached
- Designers page no longer performs an over the top amount of querys
- Club builds page has been paginated and has larger images
- Database update pages summary no longer displays all recipes in that update if lots
- Temporarily disabled downloading of mod packs via the site
- The full text of notifications is no longer displayed and generated in the notifications modal on every page you visit
- Only the types of notification are now displayed, click to view the notifications in that group
- Collections designed by the Trove Team will no longer try to lookup users
- feedpages tag is no longer cached (we need this to be up to date)
- tags are now cached for 24 hours instead of forever
- mod downloads are now sent in chunks instead of loading the entire file into memory and then sent - some of the mod downloads were big
- art challenge page content is no longer cached making the entries list more reliable
- fixed an issue where you couldn't download some mod packs via trove tools, this caused by our pruning of the mod list, now all mods that are included in a pack are included in the mod list
- turned off the old lore page that was temporarily turned on, and causing performance issues
- countrys user lists are now paginated
- for performance reasons your page viewing history will only store the 100 most recent pages (down from unlimited)
- re-added pagination to gallery tag pages
- Sped up the way we generated a list of random modders on the mods page, was poorly performing
- Changed the Trending Mods module to Popular Mods, which only shows by most downloads of all time instead of weekly and monthly (they were largely the same)
- Removed excessive mod download metrics (previously used in trending mods, also freed up 240mb in the db yay)
- Removed email history freeing up 525mb from the db
Other Changes
- food items now list their effect and durations on the item page
- item tooltips for food, display this information
- Re-released the Quests section which pulls together event data based on client information, this is available from the More navigation dropdown
Layout and Appearance
- Removed Tools menu added a Tools page, renamed Community nav dropdown to More and added a link to Tools on it
- country page links are now handled when shown in places like recent comments
- tooltips now have no minimum width and lists within them now remove the bullet points and left align the text
- removed some of the excess bloat on mod tooltips
- Expanded the width of the clubs list page
- Removed remnants of club applications
- trove tools will once again show multiple file versions per mod
- fixed an issue where mods were hidden on your profile page if they were added to someone elses mod pack
- old mod links will now redirect to new mod links when used from trove tools
- enhanced the internal mod review tools available for the trove team
- Fixed an issue where notifications stopped being generated for likes on your content
- Fixed an issue which prevented the Trove Team from being able to browse the site !!!!!
- Removed the Featured Clubs module from the clubs list
- Removed internal code referring using account link keys. This disables the legacy features from Trove Tools (online and offline pings/mail counts/creating mod packs)
- Removed obsolete references to functions that posted articles to reddit
- Removed an obsolete Trending Art module
- Notifications from quick comments will now display the comment
- Groups of notifications can once again be marked as read, with the new read all button from the notifications page for that group
- The mail system now knows about deleted users, and will display [Deleted User #UserID] instead of the name. Various actions will be disabled in this case.