Another month has come around, here is a summary of things we have changed on the Trovesaurus site this month. A big thanks to TFMHisztike who has been providing a lot of personal support and also to
Ylva who added all the data for the Into the Deep Section.
Into the Deep
- Added a full section for the Into the Deep update thanks to
Prefab Modding Tool
- Released Prefab Modding Tool allowing Modders to swap
- Allies with other Allies
- Mounts with other Mounts
- NPCs with Allies.
- This feature is available to logged in users only, and can be found on the Mods nav menu.
- Select what you want to replace, and what you want to replace it with, press submit, move the downloaded file into the directed folder
Trovesaurus Chat
This feature is a test feature, and may not stay around permanently
- launched for the new "chat" feature (instant trovesaurus mails), along with "rooms" (clubs)
- the icon can be found on the top of the site when you are logged in
- chats between users are using the trovesaurus mail system
- you can find those conversations also in the mail system
- messages sent this way will not generate email notifications like the mail system does
- the notification bar will display an unread count, which updates every 10 seconds
- when viewing a chat conversation, an audio alert will sound when you have a new message in that channel
- when you view a channel, you are considered "subscribed to it" and will see unread indicators until you view it again (i need to write a leave)
- to view club channels, you need to "join" the club on trovesaurus clubs page clicking on a channel with unread messages will mark those messages as read
Shadow Theme
- Thanks to
TFMHisztike we have added a work in progress Shadow Theme to the theme switcher
Comments and Likes
- The Comments and Likes section has been reduced in size
- Buttons for Like / Comment will update text / fill in when appropriate
- Comments made by the creations team on ceraetions pages now appear with a blue background
Quest Tracking
- Added an experimental quest tracking widget for events
- Click on the checkbox to set your step
- The final step marks as complete
- The mods list will now prioritise catalog images when provided
- Catalog images can now be set with a drag and drop of an image on the Mod Icon section of the Images tab when viewing a mod
- Added some filters to the blueprints page and made it searchable
- Squished the mods list so they show more per row (from 2 to 3)
- Mod Packs now split their list of mods by category and the header has been condensed slightly
- Unlisted mods can now be viewed again, requested by ExoDave
- Art challenge notifications will now call it a challenge instead of a contest
- When a challenge starts, an announcement will be made on Discord
- The Dungeons page is now full width, and the dungeons are now in an accordion grouped by biome and sorted the dungeons alphabetically
- Dungeons now reference a biome by ID, that makes it less weird when biomes have alternate names
- Dungeon individual pages are now full width, and the image is a little further down the page
- Frameworks page is now full width, and instead of tabs to filter workbench it now uses an accordion
- Biomes page is now full width and biomes are in 3 columns per row instead of 2
- You can now request updates on things we previously marked as complete, in order to request more up to date information, please don't spam us
- Items page has been changed to use the full width, moved the filter from the top to the left hand side and re-ordered alphabetically
- Unlocker pages for recipes now display the recipe
- Added historical Chaos Chest data up to the start of 2017, thanks to Summer for maintaining a historical record
- Crafting recipes have been condensed a little, Chaos Core Crafter was pretty fat, materials are hidden until pressed
- Fixed an issue where Gardening recipes were still pointing to the old bench (antiquated)
- Hardcoded a break between a collection of the same name as a pinata, seriously stahp calling them the exact same thing, latest culprit is curious clubyata
- Style pages can now have custom icons as we can't reliably generate icons for torches or blueprints in subfolders at the moment
- Unread mail counter will now update without page reloads, if the chat system test gets removed that system will stay
- Gave the Profile Edit page a bit moreo f a larger list when viewing it without selecting an option
- Today in Trove now indicates the new Chaos Chest loot
- Removed the list of banned users with the public reasons to prevent drama
- Removed links to the Server Status page from the front page, I can't reliably use this feature at the moment
- Weekly Bonuses and Seasonal Events can now display at the same time in Today in Trove
- Upcoming Luxion visit now has new graphics that fit the Today in Trove section
- You can now select mods with the category "Dragons" when selecting a Mount in your user profile character loadout
- Fixed an issue preventing people from editing comments
- Tried to make the countdown indicators for events less rounded up by adding a decimal place
- Fixed an invalid link on the ideas generator for dungeons
- Attempted to fix an issue where if you had been mentioned in a comment, the notification telling you had a bad link for the comment
- Fixed an issue where some deco (signs) weren't having their icons set
- You can now view the items on Luxion's visits from the Luxion page, apparently you aren't all admins
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