Here is a roundup of the changes made to Trovesaurus during the month of December.

ModdersTop ^

  • VFX files now force downloads, helping prevent the need to right-click and save
  • Troxel info can now be set on a PTS collection
  • Tweaked the Mod Info tab on the collection page as it could get quite long
  • Fixed the QB Colour Tool having some unreliable results for the sort by colour section
  • The class pages now has a Mod Info tab where you can find information on the various parts used, a big thanks to Delicious who did most of this work.
  • Fixed an issue where mods that pointed ot art in the inspiration box were not listed on the related mods on that arts page
  • Re-added a Rig Report button to the Rigs page

ArtistsTop ^

  • Art can now be flagged as archived, and collapsed down on the user profile, there are new buttons on the art page to do this

DatabaseTop ^

  • PTS collections can no longer have corrections submitted to
  • Added warnings to collections with a category of READY_FOR_GAME and InProgress to highlight that they are not yet available in the game
  • Cleaned up the crafting page to have tabs instead of a long list
  • Cleaned up the professions page to follow a cleaner style and actually work
  • Increased our accuracy of our icon generation when it came to blocks
  • Recipes that are items but unlock collections will now point to the collections they unlock, meaning prettier icons
  • The model viewer has been moved to the right and now has 3 tabs, a larger full body preview and a embedded Troxel viewer for static and auto rotate
  • Missing item links will now display a site formatted error page instead of an empty page
  • Added the new model viewer to the styles page
  • Biome types can now be filtered to make the list more manageable
  • Updated the Gems page to bring it up to the current site style, gems are now grouped by name to prevent confusing duplicates.
  • Updated the class page to help clean them up, but more work is needed
    • highlighted the class nav menu
    • removed the tabs for gems and abilities, cleaned the info up and added to the main summary page
    • fixed an issue where the sidebar would die on the summary page
    • cleaned up the costumes list so that it applies the large icon site style and made the costumes go into the right sections

EveryoneTop ^

  • Added usernames as valid options for the smart tag system with an optional label split by a ; Etaew is cool
  • Replaced the club heart icon for likes, we now use some custom icons by Delicious
  • When you are mentioned in comments by user tag, a notification is generated for you
  • Fixed some flickering on comment tooltips
  • Updated the appearance of comments
  • Comments can now be liked by the page author
  • Fixed an issue where smart tags could get caught in a loop with certain images
  • Added a new button to subscribe to contest notifications from within the contest page, those subscribed will receive notifications when a contest starts, ends, 7 days remaining, 2 days remaining
  • Fixed an issue where the calendar system was stalled preventing events from being announced as started and finished
  • Fixed an issue with the tag system being overly cautious about processing images
  • Notifications URLs are now more reasonable and likely to tell you what they point to instead of VIEW LINK
  • You can now like replies to your comments
  • Removed nested comment replies, all replies are now in a single comment thread, replying will mention the person and send them a notification.
  • Added a new dungeon tag which will generate links to dungeons, include the dungeon icon, label and type.
  • Condensed the top navigation slightly by removing the text for notifications, changed the notification icon, made the counter badges look more condensed and noticable and moved the mail icon out of the profile dropdown.
  • The Sageosaurus claim page now outputs the total amount of sages that have been distributed
  • Smart tags will now look up classes and accept labels Gunslinger is the best
  • Added a calendar icon to the new nav on the top, shows current events in a modal
  • Dungeons can now be searched by name using the site search
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