We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of June 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but you can always view up to date changes in the #changes channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Let us know what you think about these changes and if you have any suggestions for things you would like us to work on, write in the comments or in the #trovesaurus-website channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
- When deleting a creations file you will be taken back to the creations file page instead of the creations home page
- Creations can now filter by Helmet type
- Added loot table data for reliquaries
- A collections obtain field can no longer be requested more than once per patch, it'll now tell you the date we last verified it
- The QBCL button on the mod info tab on the collections page now has a direct link to any related QBCL files (rig or this file)
- The mod idea generator can now be used when not logged in
- The QB Colour Tool is now a little more cautious about what files it accepts to prevent site falling over.
User Profiles
- Art link suggestions are no longer generated for those without purely alphanumeric characters in their username
- Fixed an issue with the icon and background select on the user profile
- user classes power rank and level are now stored in a single record, instead of multiple for historical purposes, this feature was no longer used and presented some problems when people entered some incorrect values
- when saving new class data the oldest duplicate records will be deleted
- fixed an issue where the sigil was missing on the classes tab of the user profile
- Removed the user profile option to select an older text editor, this option was ignored for a while when I moved you all over to the new one
- Removed the user profile option for Tooltip, this field wasn't really used anymore, this has been moved over to the new space for short profile intro (previously the text area for Modders and Artists). a generated small description will be shown if nothing is entered
- The user description when the profile is linked (on discord etc) now uses the short intro text, if nothing there, uses the first paragraph of the longer text, if nothing there, displays a short generated description
- Removed a few unused fields on the profiles, making that entire tables data storage a lot smaller
- Sigils are now all pre-built instead of built each time you visit a profile page
- Packs list now has a new indicator that a pack is out of stock, to help people not be confused with it saying it's available
- The page has been split by categories again, and the count adjusted to rewards that are currently in stock
- The icon next to the search bar now acts as a button, it won't ignore the text you write and just take you to the search page
- Removed the side navigation, added two new top navigation buttons
- What are contributions is the default page which explains the contribution system, shows your overall contribution stats and shows recent contributions
- What can I do is the old task navbar, this has been expanded to have a clearer name and a brief description
- For circumstances where a submission is rejected but was useful in helping add the correct information, we've added a new "Credited" flag
- Recent contributions list has been improved and changed style.
- The results are now paginated and no longer limited to only the most recent 25
- They also now show the full DB link with icon and tooltip and if it was approved or credited.
- When the field being shown is for "images", a preview image will show and not just a URL
- The user profile now counts credited contributions, and displays a full DB link, also the order is now shown by the time they were approved not submitted
- You can no longer submit site corrections if you have blocked our editors
- Sounds and QBCL files are now part of the contribution system and now earn progress towards reward tokens. These are now subject to moderation and rejections will delete the files. Previous uploads have been approved and credited.
Trovesaurus Gold
- Attempted to add some fallback to when we receive notification of Trovesaurus Gold payment after you visit the thanks page to automatically grant you credit instead of me manually needing to do it.
- Removed the lazysizes JavaScript dependency to help load the site faster (lazy loading is now moved to default browser behaviour if supported)
- To help shave a few more ms on loading performance moved the bootstrap CDN stylesheet internally
- Condensed the rig grid buttons slightly
- Gracefully handled attempting to display an inline comment that has been deleted
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