Changes we have made to the Trovesaurus site over the month of October.
General Changes
- Contributions Page - cleaned up the page a little, and you can now see what users have contributed from a tab on the user profile page
- Builds - Vanguardian has been added to the build creation form
- Biomes - refactored the relationship between biomes and the world types, world types can now be set a description, and we'll be adding these to the biomes page
- Guides - gave returning players guide a new url /returning
- Dungeons - dungeon lists will now generate appropriate thumbnails where the default image has not set an appropriate size yet
- trovesaurus.com/discord now links to a page, where you can see server information first and other club links, instead of directly to the invite link, set your clubs discord url using the clubs pages
- Modularised the image scroller that we use on the mod section so we can use on the rest of the site
- When pages have no image set, we will now permanently generate a random one from our list of default images, instead of having one show randomly every time
- Fixed an issue with the rich text editor, boxes were not appearing for a while.
- Added support for "Now" in the time reporting tool, 0 seconds from now was weird
- Added the tag [ recipeitems=category ] for use in guides or site text, this will output the items from that recipe category (the name on the category for the bench)
Profile Improvements
- Updated the appearance of the list of users that you follow
- Added a new field specifically for tooltip text. You can now have longer text on your main field, and short text in the tooltip.
- Badges have mostly been removed, some still display as icons.
- Tooltip text will now display on the top of user profiles, the nav bar has been given a darker colour to make it pop out easier, the forum and twitter links have been moved to the right hand side, and added a new profile field for discord id
- Added icons for platforms thanks to Deli
- A box has been added on the right hand side of a user profile to display stats on their likes sent and received.
- We will now report when the last time the user was active on the site.
- The time you last updated your character and mastery info is now displayed at the bottom of the mastery and classes widget.
- Fixed the images list so that they are once again shown in a grid, also fixed the image link in the header
- Adjusted the images list so that they are hidden for mods that are not yet released
- Updated the mods tab of the user profile page, links are now based on icons, also displays mod packs
Database Improvements
- Style results in the search will now also match on the blueprint
- Added labels to the item icons if they contain _notrade in the identifiers, this helps prevent confusion with items of the same name and icon
- Added trove and geode mastery icons to the collection page
- A troxel model viewer has been added to all collections pages, to replace the view in troxel button, these models can be adjusted via the troxel link contribution system
- Blueprint downloads will now force a download on browsers that dont already
- Reduced the size and complexity of collection tooltips, no longer shows effects, or some obtain info, just description, type icon and name
- Collection modinfo will no longer generate duplicates and are now sorted by name
- internal, fixed an issue with the recipes importer not liking prefab blocks, fixed an issue with the npcs importer not saving or updating stuff (oops)
- Re-added the line breaks handling in items / collection descriptions
Comment Improvements
- Adjusted the style of comments, removed tooltips from them, click the avatar for the user profile, click the date for the view single comment permalink, increased size of reply button
- You can now write your comment wearing different hats, if you post as an artist on art, your comment will be highlighted as a critique / encouragement from fellow artist, comments from mods will be pinned to the top of the comment section
- Fixed an issue preventing people from replying to comments
Mod Improvements
- Updated the rig page to display qbcl download buttons for the individual collection results
- Changed the wording of default model to suggested model, and set the suggested models for costumes
- You can now add more than one theme to a mod, for crossover creations
- ticks will now show on a user mod list grid for mods that are accepted
- fixed an issue which prevented mods from having their scheduled publish date set, also if you clear the publish date area it will remove the schedule
Art Improvements
- To help reduce potential awkward rankings, the artists page is now more neutral, the page has been condensed and the order changed, artists are now listed in order of their last submission, active artists are considered artists who have submitted something in the last month, previews of their recent art is also displayed, more work will come in future
- Art cards have been attempted to be made less obnoxious, by removing the solid footer when there is something to indicate, we've added delicious ribbons to the top left of art for ones that have a mod note, that you like, and that are invalid for a contest entry due to a missing relation to trove field, or outside the contest time period, the buttons have also been made smaller, and the background behind them removed
- Artist ranks are now granted manually, this will be reviewed around the ending of each contest, criteria should aim to have at 3-5 well received and good effort art, and not been regularly warned about cheating or tracing
- Gallery art cards will now collapse properly on mobiles, instead of going SUPERSMOL
- Large art results (using tag [ artlarge ]) will now use the image scroller if it detects any
tags in the description, this will only work on imgur images
- The art page will now also use this image scroller
- Artists requesting feedback will now announce in discord, and display in the seeking feedback list for 7 days before being removed, at the end of 7 days you can request feedback again, at the moment there is no limit to the art you can request feedback from, but if this is abused ill restrict it
- The additional art description box will no longer display if the description is not complicated (no images), added tag processing to the text displayed below the main image
Notification Improvements
- Reward tokens are now notified using the notification system, not the private message or email system
- Fixed the notification generated when a comment is replied to
- Giveaway winners and event start / end subscribers are now notified using the new notification system, they will no longer receive it in private messages or emails
- Gold duration mails have been replaced with notifications
- Notifications are now sorted by newest first
- Notifications now hide immediately, once you press the red x, this prevents a page reload
- You can now read notifications you can have dismissed using the new button on the bottom of the notifications window, this helps solve a problem when faes accidently close important notifications such as code rewards
- Fixed an issue preventing notifications on comment replies
Mail Improvements
- First part of the mail cleanup, we have a new condensed inbox
- Mails are now shown individually, not just the latest by person, unread mails are now shown first, regardless of when they were sent!!!!!!!
- You can now view your sent mail via a new tab
- Reorganised the mail page, it is now in a more familiar style, with folders on the left, and folder view on the right / messages, added suggested users on the left for quick composing to ME and the people you mail the most
- Added a quick compose field to the mail sidebar, type username and press enter
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