Delves Shadow Tower

Shadow Tower has been made obsolete, but all nice things from it can now be found in Delves!

There are no longer Shadow Tower dungeons in front of the boss, you can open portal straight to them for slightly increased cost – 500 Flux for Normal mode bosses, 2500 Flux for Hard mode and 5000 Flux for Ultra mode. You still need to defeat bosses from lower floors to be able to open portals to higher floors.

Once the portal has been opened and boss defeated you can now Reset the Dungeon to spawn Cursed Skulls and Boss again. Defeating the 'reset' boss counts for Dungeon Completion badge and for Shadow Hydrakken / Drednaught badges, but it will not spawn a new reward chest and will not add progress to Daily Cubits Starbar. However you can gain new daily Chaos Chest rewards from completing reset Shadow Tower boss rooms.

Warning: It is only possible to reset boss room every 45 seconds using Dungeon Reset Switch next to exit portal.

Only the first boss completion per portal opened will grant a Reward chest.

Content of Reward Chests has been significantly altered. They no longer contain Shadow Shards or Shadow Caches or Titan/Lunar souls, but only some Gear pieces and Glim and rarely old mounts from bosses in Shadow Tower.

Spikewalker Hatchling 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a Spikewalker Hatchling Cache, rarely dropped upon defeating Spike Walker in the Shadow Tower.

Twitching Tentacle 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a Twitching Tentacle Cache, rarely dropped upon defeating the Weeping Prophet in the Shadow Tower.

Kami of Smoldering Scorn 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a Kami of Smoldering Scorn Cache, rarely dropped upon defeating the Vengeful Piñata God in the Shadow Tower.

Hydrasnek 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a  Hydrasnek Cache, rarely dropped upon defeating the Shadow Hydrakken in the Shadow Tower.

Hewn Hydrakken Head 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a Hewn Hydrakken Head Cache, very rarely dropped upon defeating the Shadow Hydrakken in the Shadow Tower.

De-Weaponized Worldender 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a De-Weaponized Worldender Cache, rarely dropped upon defeating Darknik Dreadnought Mk II in the Shadow Tower.

Dreadnought Mk I Prototype 50

Mounts (Shadow Tower)


  • 90 Movement Speed

Obtained from a Dreadnought Mk I Prototype Cache, very rarely dropped upon defeating Darknik Dreadnought Mk II in the Shadow Tower.

Has appeared on Luxion.

Tradeable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.


To obtain all weekly Titan Souls and Lunar Souls as well as Despoiled Divinity player would need to complete a total of 18 Delves of any type or difficulty per week. After depth 25 Each 3rd Delve consecutive completed has a Shadowy Soul Vault chest, which can be opened with Delve Shadowkey.

Note: you do not need to progress all 18 floors in a row. Completing 3 consecutive Delves, exiting the world and entering new portal works too.

You will see a Shadowy Soul Vault Deltalith indicating that chest will spawn in the entrance room of a Delve. Opening first 6 of those chests per week would grant all Titan souls, Lunar souls and Despoiled Divinity rewards.

There is a total amount of 117 Titan Souls, 18 Lunar Souls and 5 Despoiled Divinity that every player can obtain per week. Patron status or Delve depth do not have any effect on those.

With the Hubdate (released September 22 2020 on PC) each of 6 chests can grant following:

All Shadow Tower bosses can spawn in Delves, and most of them got new mounts!

Spike Roller 50

Mounts (Delves)


  • 90 Movement Speed
  • Special: can be used in Private and Challenge Delves

Rare drop from Spike Walker found in Delves only. Tradable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.

Prophet's Throne 50

Mounts (Delves)


  • 90 Movement Speed
  • Special: can be used in Private and Challenge Delves

Rare drop from Weeping Prophet found in Delves only. Tradable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.

Skulpin Airswimmer 50

Mounts (Delves)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide
  • Special: can be used in Private and Challenge Delves

Rare drop from Vengeful Pinata God found in Delves only. Tradable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.

Moonsail Glider 50

Mounts (Delves)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide
  • Special: can be used in Private and Challenge Delves

Rare drop from Daughter of the Moon found in Delves only. Tradable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.

Moonbeam Gunship 50

Mounts (Delves)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 90 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide
  • Special: can be used in Private and Challenge Delves

Rare drop from Daughter of the Moon found in Delves only. Tradable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.

Lunaclipsia 100

Mounts (Delves)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 90 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide
  • Special: can be used in Private and Challenge Delves

Rare drop from Daughter of the Moon found in Delves only. Tradable, can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.

With Delves, Shadow, Moon, and Eclipse Key Fragments become unobtainable and can no longer be used on chests. All those key fragments and complete keys can now be converted into Delve Shadowkey Fragments which make Delve Shadowkeys.

New keys and fragments can be crafted on Adventurer's Crafting Bench, Shadow Key Mold and All Purpose Key Mold, all under Delves category.

Key fragment convertion rates:

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 40 >> Delve Shadowkey 1
Eclipse Key 1 >>

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 60

Eclipse Key Fragments 10 >>

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 3

Moon Key 1 >>

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 40

Moon Key Fragments 10 >>

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 2

Shadow Key 1 >>

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 5

Shadow Key Fragments 10 >>

Delve Shadowkey Fragments 1

Note: unused Fragments, Gems and Keys will be removed from the game, currently planned for 2021 Jan.

Delve Shadowkeys are unified keys that are needed to open Shadowy Soul Vaults in Delves and Shadow Tower Vaults in Shadow Tower boss rooms.

All sources like Dungeons or World Bosses that used to drop Shadow, Moon and Eclipse Key Fragments now drop Delve Shadowkey Fragments instead. Club Fixtures no longer affect the drops.

Eclipse Key Codex – legendary tome from Mastery rewards tree has been renamed into Delve Shadowkey Codex and now produces 5 Delve Shadowkeys when charged.

Mondays are now Delve Days instead of Shadow Tower days, and provide bonuses of:

Purple name color can now be obtained by scoring in first 100 on Delve Challenge Leaderboards instead of top time for defeating Daughter of the Moon. There are no name colors tied to Shadow Tower anymore.

Binding Darkness no longer drops in Shadow Tower, but every mob and Reward Chests in Delves have a chance to drop some of it. Starfire Dragon Egg Fragments can be found in Delve Reward Chests too, and every World Boss in Adventure Worlds has a chance to drop them.

Tutorial questline 'The Shadow Escalation' is no longer available with this update, but the Giant Shadow Panda, that used to be a reward for completing the questline can now be crafted at Shadowy Market for 10 Heart of Darkness.

Shadow Tower Portal bench recipe has been updated to use Delve Shadowkey Fragments.

Club NPC Larsene that used to give an adventure for completing Shadow Tower now offers an adventure for 3 Delve Bosses.

Defeat 3 Delve Bosses 3
Club Adventure / adv_delves_unique_01
Dive down deep into a Delve and defeat 3 of the bosses within.
Larsene fixtures/adventure_biped_hero_shadowtrader

All Fish that required to be fished in Shadow Tower dungeons can now be found in Shadow Tower Lobby - access through Atlas or click on Lobby button at Shadow Tower Portal:

Delves Shadow Tower content powered by Mustaches and Bunnies.
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So this means that people on lower levels can't get titan souls.

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