Delves Overview

Delves are type of gameplay which combines caves from Geode with procedural-generated combat opportunities. Delves are time-sensitive so players need to complete objectives and defeat the Boss in time to be able to receive rewards and have an option to keep going deeper. With the increased depth the challenge and rewards grow.


There are 3 kinds of DelvesPublic, Private and Challenge. Up to 8 players can enter any of them.

  • Public: Queue up to adventure with other players to do Delves
  • Private: Create a private Delve to do on your own or with players in your Club World
  • Challenge: Private weekly challenges to get the deepest Depth in Delves

Note: in later updates the gateways to specific bosses and biomes were added.


Initial Depth is calculated based on your classes Power Rank, and how deep they have progressed on that class in Public Delves.

Dungeons can drop Stable Gateways which allow you to start Delves at a specific Depth.

Completing a Delve

Each Delve is affected by a combination of Deltaliths – mutators that can change stats of mobs and players as well as affect other aspects of Delve walkthrough.

All Delves allow players to use their Modules from the Geode Discovery Suit mode as well as engaging in regular combat. Unlike Adventure Worlds where players switch between Combat and Build Mode, in Delves players switch between Combat and Discovery Suit mode. There is also a new module - Vaca-Matic to quickly pull enemies towards player.

To complete a delve players must complete its Objective displayed in top right corner of user interface. Objectives can differ from killing all monsters in X rooms to collecting X crystals. Monsters do not respawn so cleaning out the room always makes a Checkpoint – safe spot. Checkpoint rooms get marked on compass – progress bar and a warm blue light appears in the room.

Delves are a dangerous place. In them, each death of a player increases their respawn time by 5 seconds. That accumulated time is reset when the Boss lair is reached. Fellow players are always able to resurrect you in 4 seconds. Respawning without help of others returns the player to the entrance room of that Delve tier. Conveniently, there is an Intra-Delve Transport, using it will send the player forward to farthest fully cleared (Checkpoint) room.

If the Delve Objective has been completed and one player from the group has reach the Boss room, other players will be presented with pop-up window offering a quick teleport to Boss room. Players outside of Boss room cannot get rewards from the chest.

There is a Boss trophy before every Boss Room to give a quick indication of what players will be facing. Boss lairs can also have some Deltaliths indicating challenges that accompany the boss.


After defeating the boss a chest (or two!) will appear. Regular Pressurized Chest and Heavy Pressurized Chest do not require anything special to be unlocked. They drop new untradable currency – Inert Geodes, Banner Poles and Standards, special Boss themed mounts and banner recipes, gear pieces and rarely Mementos – brand new collectables. Pressurized chests can appear at any depth.

Every 3rd consecutive completed Delve after depth 25 has a Heavy Pressurized Chest and a Shadowy Soul Vault. To open the Vault you need Delve Shadowkey, their fragments can be obtained from any dungeon or world boss outside of Delves. In the first 6 vaults per week you can find Titan Souls, Lunar Souls and Despoiled Divinity, after that they will continue dropping Shadow Caches and Shards.

You have to complete in total of 18 Delve floors a week to get all Titan and Lunar soul rewards.

Rarely at deepest Delves of Uber 10 or 11 it is possible to find new tier of Crystal Gear – 4. It can only be obtained in Delves.

If the boss was reached and defeated within a time limit, a Ready Station will appear. Interact with it and stand close by to speed up the Portal to next level – deeper Delve.

If the team took too long to reach or defeat the boss, a Warning Sign will appear instead of Ready Station and you would not be able to proceed further. Do not worry though, you can always queue for another Public Delve or open your own Private or Challenge portal.

In any outcome, a Personal Chest, Loot Collector, Shadow Key Mold and more might appear after the boss is defeated. Discovery Suit layout NPC Pell is always there if you would want to change modules around. Flasks get automatically refilled once the boss is initially summoned and again once the boss is defeated. All dead players get automatically resurrected when Boss is slain.

There are 6 new badges for completing Public, Private, and Challenge delves.

Randomly picks group of queued Trovians. Portal Always available in Hub.

  • Class Changes: Locked
  • Invites: Return Invites Only
  • Difficulty: Average Public Delve Score of queued Players
  • Mounts and Wings: Any
  • Delve time: 7 min 30 sec
  • Boss time: 3 min

Public Delves are the first type of delve available to players, to enter one head to the Hub.

There is a new Delve building in the east section of Trovian Hub, right where the PvP building used to be. In there you can find Public Delve Gateway portal together with new Delve Workbench, new daily Delve Adventure NPC, Delve Merchant and Module Forge with Module Workbench.

Interacting with a portal will queue player for a Delve. Public Delve queue is global, meaning people queued in different Hubs can end up together. Queue wait can be up to 5 minutes long. After that time passed, a queued played will be sent into the Delve. If there were other people of matching rank queued they will be sent in Delve together. If not – the player will end up alone. Do not worry, the difficulty of Delves scales to the players who are in it.

Note: Once queued for a Delve of any type, the player will stay queued even after going to another world.

Interact with the portal again at any time to un-queue from the Public Delve. Players who log out while being queued will be unqueued automatically.

Note: It is not allowed to switch classes inside of Public Delves (unlike Private Delves). You will be sent into the Delve with a class you had active when queuing.

All mounts and wings can be used in Public Delves. It is also allowed to switch equipment and gems.

Chat command /joinme can be used to re-invite players who may have disconnected or left the Public Delve for some other reasons. However, it cannot be used to invite players to Public Delve who were not there when the Delve started.

Bronze Badge: Public Delves and Silver Badge: Public Delves track the amount of completed Public Delves.

Some Leaderboards are based on Public Delves progression. Check Weekly Contests or Delves tab!

Portals needs to be crafted and placed by Players. Can enter alone or with up to 7 others, invites allowed.

  • Class Changes: Unlocked
  • Invites: Up to 8 players total
  • Difficulty: Average public Delve Score of queued Classes
  • Mounts and Wings: Delve collections only
  • Delve time: 7 min 30 sec
  • Boss time: 3 min

Private Delve portals can be crafted by Players at Delve Workbench and placed anywhere where you have building rights – in Club worlds, on personal cornerstone or in various Adventure worlds. Once placed, anyone can use the portal to register for that delve.

Note: Only one Delve Gateway (Private Mode) can be placed by player at a time. If additional ones are placed they will disappear right away.

Player who placed the Private Delve Portal gets automatically queued for that Delve. Up to 7 other people can queue together with the portal owner.

Portal owner can interact with it at any moment. First interaction will send a message to queued players to get ready. Second interaction will rush the queue and send everyone queued into that Delve. If at any moment a full set of 8 players is queued, the portal will trigger and send everyone in the Delve right away.

If a Private Delve Portal is broken using the mining laser, it will return to the owner’s building inventory and unqueue all queued players.

Note: At least one person should stay with the portal. If all nearby players run away from it, it will unqueue everyone and destroy itself.

Private delves allow players to change their class at will. However, only Delve mounts and Wings can be used in Private Delves COLLECTION LINK

The /joinme chat command can be used to invite more players at any time, up to a maximum of eight unique players.

Gold Badge: Private Delves and Platinum Badge: Private Delves track the amount of Private Delves completed.

Some Leadeboards are based on Private Delves weekly progressions. Check Contests or Delves tab!

Portals needs to be crafted and placed by Players. Can enter alone or with up to 7 others.

  • Biomes: Depth-Locked, reset weekly
  • Class Changes: Unlocked
  • Invites: Return Invites Only
  • Difficulty: Challenge Delve Depth of placing Player, or always a 110 for Easy Challenge portals     
  • Mounts and Wings: Delve collections only
  • Delve time: 7 min 20 sec
  • Boss time: 3 min

Every depth of Challenge Delves has same objectives and creatures for all Delvers that week. There are two craftable Challenge portals – Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode) and Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy), both crafted at Delve Workbench and require same amount of materials.

Challenge Delves start at the Depth 110 and Easy portal will always have this depth as starting one.

However, every time a group of players or single player progress through the Challenge Delve, their personal difficulty will be locked to the last completed Challenge Delve depth.

> For example, you start alone at 110 and complete 15 Challenge Delves. Next time you place Challenge Mode portal this week your starting difficulty will be 125, but Easy Challenge portals will still open a 110 Depth no matter your progression.

At the end of every week all personal progressions decay by 8, but will never drop below 110.

> For example, you reached Challenge Delve Depth of 130 this week, next week your personal Challenge Mode portal will offer 122 starting Depth.

As with the Private portals, Challenge Delve portals can be placed anywhere where you have building rights, and any players can queue in.

Note: Only one Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode) or Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy) can be placed by player at a time. If additional ones are placed they will disappear right away.

Player who placed the Challenge Delve Portal of any kind gets automatically queued for that Delve. Up to 7 other people can queue together with the portal owner. Only queued players will be able to get re-invited for Delve after it stats.

Same as with Private portals, Challenge Portal owner can interact with it at any moment. First interaction will send a message to queued players to get ready. Second interaction will rush the queue and send everyone queued into that Delve. If at any moment a full set of 8 players is queued, the portal will trigger and send everyone in the Delve right away.

If a Challenge Delve Portal of any type is broken using the mining laser, it will return to the owner’s inventory and unqueue all queued players.

Note: At least one person should stay with the portal. If all nearby players run away from it, it will unqueue everyone and destroy itself.

Challenge delves allow players to change their class at will. However, only Delve mounts and Wings can be used in Private Delves COLLECTION LINK

The /joinme chat command can be used to re-invite players that were queued to the portal and entered the starting Delve.

Some Leadeboards are based on Challenge Delves progression. Check Weekly Contests or Delves tab!

To unlock the Boss Fight of a specific Delve, players must complete a specific objective, this will be shown in the top-right of the screen.

The random objective is based on Delve Type, Depth and available Deltaliths. Each player contributes to the objective completion.

There is a 7 minutes and 30 seconds timer to complete the objective and reach the boss room, if this is not reached further progression in that delve will be locked.

Types of objectives:

  • Kill Monsters (X Amount)
    • killing monsters throughout the whole Delve counts for the objective.
  • Kill (Specific) Monsters (X Amount)
    • not every Delve room might have those tasked monsters
  • Kill (Deltalith Affected) Monsters (X Amount)
    • not every monster might have that specific Deltalith applied to them. Check Monster Trophies and Deltaliths placement in the Entrance room.
  • Empty (X Amount) rooms of creatures
    • you must kill all monsters in a room for the objective to progress. Once cleaned out, a room will be highlighted on the Compass and a special Visual Effect will appear on it.
  • Defeat (X Amount) of Monoliths
    • Monoliths are special Delve-themed Cursed Skulls. Upon activation, they spawn some monsters around them in the room. Killing all monsters completes the Monolith and the room where it was placed. There are no free-roaming monsters in a room that has Monolith.
  • Collect (X Amount) of Crystals
    • everywhere in Delves you can find Crystals, or advanced Shadow Crystals that grant both Crystal and Shadow Shard on pickup.
  • Collect (X Amount) of Ore
    • Delves feature ores from Geode Caves. Not all ores can be mined right away, an upgraded Omni Tool is required.
  • Sometimes an Objective may only require players to reach the boss room in time without any additional tasks.

Once the objective is completed, at least one player much reach the Boss room to stop the timer. Once Boss cursed skulls are activated, the Boss timer will start – 3 minutes. Failing to kill the Boss in under 3 minutes will also lock further progression in that Delve.

Inert Geode

A new currency that can be acquired inside the Delves that is used in crafting recipes and purchasing from merchants.

Tradable and Capacity

They are not tradable and only a certain amount of them can be carried in the inventory at any given time.

  • Starting capacity is 700
  • players can purchase two Inert Geode Wallets from NPC Merchant in the Hub, which adds 200 capacity each.

Used to Craft


At the Delve Workbench for a chance to receive some Pressure-Locked Delver's Caches.

Read more about Delve lootboxes here >


  • Each monster in Delves has a chance to drop Inert Geode
  • Found inside Pressurized Chest after defeating a boss at the end of Delves, with the amount depending on the Delve Depth - Heavy Pressurized Chests have higher amounts.
  • Banner of the Geodeseeker increases Inert Geodes drop from monsters, but does not affect drops from Chests.

Delve Foods

Pressurized Cave Kelp, Condensed Cave Milk and Freerange Electrolytic Crystals are used in crafting and upgrading Delve recipes.


Rarely found in Heavy Pressurized Chests (every third Delve after defeating a Boss)

At higher Delve Depths there is less chance to drop low tier food (Kelp) and more chance to drop high tier food (Electrolyte Crystals).

You can downgrade Crystals to Milk and Milk to Kelp at the Delve Workbench.


All three of them are placed in normal Adventure inventory, instead of Resource Inventory, and can be used as Food.

Pressurized Cave Kelp Item / food

Delictable and light, this snack is coveted by bosses within Delves.

Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.

+100 Light, +500 Health Regen, + 1 Jump, +1 Flask Capacity
20 min Duration

Condensed Cave Milk Item / food

Rich with nutrients, a certain amount of pressure is required for this naturally occurring, pudding-like snack to congeal.

Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.

+200 Light, +1000 Health Regen, + 2 Jump, +1 Flask Capacity
20 min Duration

Only the deepest of Delves have the right environments for the formation of this splendid snack.

Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.

+300 Light, +1500 Health Regen, + 3 Jump, +1 Flask Capacity
20 min Duration

Delves Overview content powered by Mustaches and Bunnies.
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Im 8k pr and when i go into a delve i always get to depth 11 and i play with guys that have like 200 pr so i one shot everything, even if i do go from depth 11 to like 20, the next time i join i will be at 11 again. is it a glitch?? its so dumb


yea me too, i always want something challenging but im pared with nooooooooobs

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What PR is needed for depth  25?

Also, if I open a depth 7 portal with a class, and get the PR of the same exact class to 5k, will it change the depth upon replacement by the same class? Should it stay as depth 7? If so, what can I do to get it to depth 25?

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