Showing all recipes from Dragon Crucible.
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Crystallized Cloud4,000
Pristine Snow50
Mushroom Chunk5,000
Shapestone Ore60,000
Steed Feed5,000
Plasmic Solution10,000
Robotic Salvage750
Crystallized Cloud75
Lorekeeper Dragon Egg Fragment5
Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragment100
Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragment100
Furious Dragon Egg Fragment100
Stained Dragon Egg Fragment100
Puffed Dragon Egg Fragment100
Foraged Dragon Egg Fragment100
Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragment100
Aquaran Dragon Egg Fragment100
Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment12
Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragment100
Pyric Dragon Egg Fragment100
Primordial Flame50
Radiant Shard300
Azulian Dragon Essence4
Golden Soul1
Glacial Shard20
Dragon Coin10
Golden Soul2
Glacial Shard40
Dragon Coin4
Robotic Salvage5
Mushroom Chunk25
Faerie Dust10
Bleached Bone15
Dragon Coin300
Primordial Flame500
Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg1
Formicite Ore2,500
Dormant Siege Dragon Egg1
Heart of Darkness30
Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg1
Shadow Shard150
Dormant Infineon Dragon Egg1
Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg1
Faerie Dust750
Drak-O-Lantern Dragon Egg1
Radiant Shard2,000
Dormant Wisdom Dragon Egg1
Dormant Worldspring Dragon Egg1
Radiant Shard1,500
Dormant Joyous Dragon Egg1
Crystallized Cloud2,000
Blank Scroll120
Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg1
Corgi Talisman3
Steed Feed1,600
Dormant Valiant Dragon Egg1
Shapestone Ore8,000
Meteorite Fragment150
Dormant Lightning Dragon Egg1
Despoiled Divinity12
Chaos Core50
Forged Stellar Soul30
Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg1
Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg1
Dragon Coin50
Dormant Furious Dragon Egg1
Dormant Stained Dragon Egg1
Sundercharge Crystal50
Irradiant Soul50
Ashen Soul50
Phoenix Mote100
Dormant Puffed Dragon Egg1
Wild Cupcake500
Dormant Foraged Dragon Egg1
Ashfern Sporeling500
Unnatural Device500
Dormant Irradiant Dragon Egg1
Phoenix Mote50
Irradiant Powercell500
Dormant Aquaran Dragon Egg1
Mark of the Angler2,500
Scale of the Depths100
Premium Canned Fish50
Dormant Caprian Dragon Egg1
Astral Echoes500
Mark of the Angler500
Bamboo Shoot10,000
Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg1
Dragon Coin400
Pyric Essence1,250
Fish Bone1,000
Dormant Pyric Dragon Egg1
Dragon Coin200
Primal Red9,999
Primal Blue9,999
Primal Green9,999
Block Dragon Egg Fragment5
Ancient Scale20
Enchanted Scale5
Deep Sea Dragon Egg Fragment50
Wild Cupcake750
Candorian Dragon Egg Fragment50
Golden Seashell2,500
Pirate Dragon Egg Fragment50
Infinium Ore1,400
Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragment100
Sticky Ichor750
Enchanted Wood750
Spinner Dragon Egg Fragment100
Robotic Salvage650
Heart of Darkness2
Kami Dragon Egg Fragment100
Sunlight Bulb2,000
Rich Fertilizer800
Floral Dragon Egg Fragment100
Meteorite Fragment120
Rich Fertilizer600
Preserver Dragon Egg Fragment100
Heart of Darkness4
Somber Soul65
Voidwatcher Dragon Egg Fragment50
Glacial Shard3,000
Ice Dragon Egg Fragment100
Moonsilver Dragon Egg Fragment50
Basic Canned Fish5,000
Golden Seashell700
Bubble Dragon Egg Fragment100
Primal Yellow9,999
Primal Orange9,999
Primal Purple9,999
Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragment5
Meteorite Fragment100
Faerie Dust300
Somber Soul30
Starfire Dragon Egg Fragment100
Memory Matrix10
Logic Loop5
Sentience Shard50
Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment100
Charged Circuit10
Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment100
Crystallized Cloud6,000
Sunlight Bulb4,000
Radiant Shard3,500
Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment100
Primordial Flame675
Meteorite Fragment115
Golden Soul45
Tempest Dragon Egg Fragment5
Faerie Dust250
Shapestone Ore5,000
Sagely Blue Dragonscale100
Faerie Dust600
Sunlight Bulb3,000
Golden Soul30
Honeybreeze Dragon Egg Fragment100
Sandseasower Dragon Egg Fragment100
Primordial Flame700
Radiant Shard1,250
Enchanted Wood500
Wrathflame Dragon Egg Fragment100
Corn on the Cube150
Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment100
Chaos Chest75
Chaos Dragon Egg Fragment50
Hexed Dragon Egg Fragment100
Robotic Salvage500
Ironclad Egg Fragment100
Crystallized Cloud3,500
Radiant Shard1,000
E.G.G. Fragment100
Primordial Flame1,000
Astral Echoes1,000
Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment30
Abyssal Essence1,250
Ink Bladder1,000
Acid-incubated Dragon Egg Fragment100
Zephyr Essence1,250
Depths Sand1,000
Zephyr-touched Dragon Egg Fragment100
Diamond Dragonite400
Water Gem Dust4,000
Diamond Dragon Egg1
Air Gem Dust4,000
Fire Gem Dust4,000
Dragon Coin600
Cosmic Gem Dust10,000
Diamond Dragon Egg3
Crystalline Core5,000
Diluted Draconic Essence3
Enchanted Wood1
Sunlight Bulb1
Bleached Bone1
Glacial Shard1
Dragon Coin1
Burnt Draconic Essence1
Faerie Dust50
Bleached Bone50
Heart of Darkness1
Somber Soul25
Voidwatcher Dragon Egg Fragment5
Chaos Core5
Chaos Dragon Egg Fragment1
Sundercharge Crystal5
Irradiant Soul5
Ashen Soul5
Phoenix Mote5
Primordial Flame10
Astral Echoes20
Heart of Darkness5
Shadow Shard15
Robotic Salvage50
Kami Dragon Egg Fragment5
Sticky Ichor125
Enchanted Wood125
Spinner Dragon Egg Fragment5
Despoiled Divinity1
Forged Stellar Soul1
Plasmic Solution100
Robotic Salvage25
Hexed Dragon Egg Fragment5
Ashfern Sporeling100
Unnatural Device50
Cosmic Gem Dust500
Germinating Draconic Essence1
Moonsilver Dragon Egg Fragment1
Sunlight Bulb10
Golden Soul3
Honeybreeze Dragon Egg Fragment10
Ancient Scale5
Enchanted Scale1
Deep Sea Dragon Egg Fragment1
Sunlight Bulb100
Rich Fertilizer40
Floral Dragon Egg Fragment5
Meteorite Fragment25
Rich Fertilizer50
Preserver Dragon Egg Fragment5
Basic Canned Fish50
Golden Seashell70
Bubble Dragon Egg Fragment5
Faerie Dust30
Somber Soul3
Starfire Dragon Egg Fragment5
Shapestone Ore80
Meteorite Fragment15
Primordial Flame75
Golden Soul5
Sandseasower Dragon Egg Fragment5
Corn on the Cube15
Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment5
Air Gem Dust500
Scorching Draconic Essence1
Charged Circuit1
Logic Loop1
Sentience Shard5
Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment5
Bomber Royale Coin: Blast Coin10
Primordial Flame25
Golden Seashell50
Pirate Dragon Egg Fragment5
Primal Red99
Primal Blue99
Primal Green99
Radiant Shard50
Infinium Ore50
Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragment5
Primal Yellow99
Primal Orange99
Primal Purple99
Corgi Talisman1
Crystallized Cloud60
Sunlight Bulb40
Radiant Shard35
Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment5
Primordial Flame5
Ironclad Egg Fragment5
Wild Cupcake10
Irradiant Powercell25
Fire Gem Dust500
Glacial Draconic Essence1
Memory Matrix1
Sentience Shard1
Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment10
Faerie Dust25
Shapestone Ore500
Sagely Blue Dragonscale10
Formicite Ore50
Wild Cupcake50
Candorian Dragon Egg Fragment1
Radiant Shard15
Glacial Shard50
Ice Dragon Egg Fragment5
Crystallized Cloud50
Blank Scroll10
Chaos Core1
Forged Stellar Soul5
Mark of the Angler25
Scale of the Depths5
Premium Canned Fish5
Water Gem Dust500
Bamboo Shoot50
Zephyr Essence5
Zephyr-touched Dragon Egg Fragment5
Pyric Essence5
Pyric Dragon Egg Fragment5
Abyssal Essence5
Acid-incubated Dragon Egg Fragment5