Za'Hadeen, Heart of the Flame



Keeper of the Worldfire, and able to channel its power at will. Attacks more quickly than other dragons and press attack and hold while in the air to continuously shoot.\n\nOnce unlocked, grants 10% increase to power rank from Fire Gems.
250 Mastery Points



Crafted through the [item=Dragon Crucible] essentially using a [item=Diamond Dragon Egg].

Using the following items can unlock this collection

Mount: Za'Hadeen, Heart of the Flame

Mount | | 90 Movement Speed | | Wings | | 90 Movement Speed | 100 Glide |

Last updated 6 years ago

? Mount allows the player to move quickly on land.

? Wings allow the player to glide through the air.

Designed by: Trove Team

Themes: Draconic

Icon blueprint: c_mt_dragon_gemred_ui

Updated: 6 years ago | Created: 10 years ago | Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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