This is a page with Results for Bunfest Dungeons Eggshells contest!
Dear Creators!
Thank you all for participating in our Bunfest Dungeons Eggshells coloring contest! We got an amazing number of participants and 45 unique, funny, elegant and absolutely beautiful Egg Shells. It is truly amazing to see so many creative designs!
Trovesaurus Rewards
We have distributed out Trovesaurus Reward tokens, if you participated in the contest – you should see them added to your account. You can spend them over here > https://trovesaurus.com/rewards . You need to be logged in on Trovesaurus to see that page.
Following users have participated in the challenge and got all 5 shells Approved, they have received 5 tokens:
Following users have participated in the challenge and got 2 shells Approved, they have received 2 tokens:
Following users have participated in the challenge and got 1 or less shells Approved, they have received 1 token:
Thank you all so very much for your contributions!
Here are the numbers of all entries per user:
Trove Team Rewards
Trove Developers Team has accepted 30 egg shells for the game, good job everyone!
If your Eggshell has been marked as Accepted and Rewarded – you should see 250 Credits per Rewarded shell added to your in-game account of the same name as your Trovesaurus username.
As a quote from ActualPostCard: Some of you may notice you've received a few more credits than you'd eggspect based on the eggcepted entries. Don't get scrambled, it's still all sunny side up - there's a reason for this that you'll find out during the eggstravaganza (coming Bunfest event).
Check the spoiler below for all the Eggshells that have been Accepted and will appear in game during Bunfest event in April 2022!
Trove has the most talented and creative community that I have ever seen!
Even though this Challenge is over, you can always post your designs for Styles and Dungeons on Creations! Player-made Costumes, Allies and Mounts can also get accepted into the game, be sure to submit them as Mods.
We also have another ongoing Modding challenge from Tuesday, February 1, 2022 (1500 UTC) to Tuesday, March 1, 2022 (1500 UTC) ! Check it out :)
Would you like to see more challenges for styles, dungeons or mods? Let us know in the comments!