Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5

[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Desert Frontier]

2 years ago

by 0sita Home Files Download ZIP




Created 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Rewarded 2 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 2 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Added

Ylva 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Needs Review

0sita 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago


Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Needs Review

0sita 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Active

0sita 2 years ago

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Draft

0sita 2 years ago

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Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your Eggshell Dungeon design has been added to Trove and can be found in game during the Bunfest event :)

Hello :) 

Looks like this shell got Accepted, congratulations!

Find your design in Highlands and Geode Topside worlds during Bunfest event in April 2022!

You should see Trovesaurus Reward token added to your Trovesaurus account and Credits added to your in-game character.
Thank you for your contribution to Trove <3

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Rewarded

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Accepted

liked this!


Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Approved

Hello :)

Glad to see this one back on review! Its great as is indeed :)

Approving this one.

If you would like to post another eggshell - please use the 3/5 counter in the name.

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Needs Review


Thank you! your idea is great and i had similar ideas, like collar and pockets ... but i decided to not humanize it (my ideas of collar etc) and keep it simple: an egg in a jeans catsuit with belt and some flower stiches. so i will set it again like it is.

BTW: this event is a great idea and lot of wonderful results!

My other ideas did not work on eggs, but gave my first idea for an 1*-dungeon.

Only a few days left till the end of contest, hope you can find the time to finish this Egg Shell :) 

liked this!


Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Active

Hello again :)

Egg in denim is such an unexpected but a very good looking combination!

I believe there is some room to make it even more attractive. How would you feel if the part from the belt and up had a different color? Something like this for example, with same saturated yellow as you use for stitching. Baby-blue or other jeans color could likely work better.

I have also added some voxels to the topside edge of jeans, to add to a feeling that an egg is actually wearing pants. 

I am going to change the status of this one to Active for now. If you dont like any of those suggestions and would rather stick to the current design - send this creation right back to Review :)


Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Needs Review

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Active

Eggshell contest - Denim - 2/5 status has been set to Draft