Eggshell Contest - Egg Home Purple - 4/5
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Fae Forest]

Gonna submit it anyways, maybe not the blue one tho, I'll go with the pattern one last ^^
Eggshell Contest - Egg Home Purple - 4/5 status has been set to Approved
Ylva 3 years ago
Eggshell Contest - Egg Home Purple - 4/5 status has been set to Needs Review
_FutureHero_ 3 years ago

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The team really liked this concept but felt like it might might not be immediately identifiable as an egg dungeon for the event - the roofline just takes it a little bit too far from an egg shape. We'd love to see a full dungeon based on this design though!
Those houses are just so awesome :) Makes me wonder what could you create if you were to make your own dungeon :P
Approving this one.
If you would like to post another eggshell - please use the 5/5 counter in the name. That would be your last entry for this contest so please choose wisely :)