It's time to get spooky, for the next two weeks we challenge the artist community to create spooky versions of Trove related characters.
Spooky inspiration above provided by SkyTheVirus.
TaskTop ^
- Create Trove fan art related to halloween, whether this be spooky versions of Trove characters, or them dressing up for Halloween
- Upload your entry to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Spookyfest
All work must be your own, builds and images from the internet are not permitted.
DatesTop ^
- Tuesday, October 24, 2017 to Tuesday, November 7, 2017
RewardsTop ^
- All entries which have made an appropriate effort, judged byEtaew will receive 1x Reward Token, please try to spend a reasonable amount of time on your entry to be fair to other artists
- 2 judges selected from the artist community will pick 2 entries each that they wish to highlight for further rewards
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Spookyfest Art Challenge
It's time to get spooky, for the next two weeks we challenge the artist community to create spooky versions of Trove related characters.
Etaew October 24, 2017
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