Below are the changes we have detected in the Cookiephant Edition patch.
CollectionsTop ^
Fishing Poles
- Basic Fishing Pole - A basic beginner's pole for fishing in water
- Molten Magma Sifter - A heat-resistant pole for fishing in lava.
- N-0 Depth Scoper - An advanced angling rod for fishing in plasma
- Candied Fishing Cane - A sweet angling rod for fishing in chocolate
- Lure - Here fishy fishy
- Basic Sail - Basic Sail
- Boat icon updated from
- Relic of the Past name changed from Stone Shadow Hunter
- Dead Shot name changed from Bone Shadow Hunter
- Sharp Shooter name changed from Sharpshooter
- Starter Pirate Captain name changed from Starter Pirate Lord
- Starter Pirate Captain category changed from Pirate Lord to Pirate Captain
- Level 10 Pirate Captain name changed from Level 10 Pirate Lord
- Level 10 Pirate Captain category changed from Pirate Lord to Pirate Captain
- Level 20 Pirate Captain name changed from Level 20 Pirate Lord
- Level 20 Pirate Captain category changed from Pirate Lord to Pirate Captain
- Master of Commanding Pirate Captain name changed from Master of Commanding Pirate Lord
- Master of Commanding Pirate Captain category changed from Pirate Lord to Pirate Captain
- Ghost Pirate Captain name changed from Ghost Pirate Lord
- Ghost Pirate Captain category changed from Pirate Lord to Pirate Captain
Inventory ItemsTop ^
NewTop ^
Crafting Material
- Ancient Scale - Crafting Material. Obtained by fishing
- Golden Seashell - Crafting Material. Found most often in the Treasure Isles
- Candied Cutterfish - Uncommon fish. Caught any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Lava Lancefish - Uncommon fish. Caught from lava flows like those in Dragonfire Peaks
- Neon Knightfish - Uncommon fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Jumping Jadefin - Common fish. Found in any water
- Blue Balladine - Common fish. Caught from any water
- Violet Verseskimmer - Common fish. Caught from any water
- Fat Catfish - Uncommon fish. Found in any water
- Saltwater Swordfish - Uncommon fish. Found in any water
Fishing Pole
- Fishing Pole: Basic Fishing Pole - A basic beginner's pole for fishing in water
- Fishing Pole: Candied Fishing Cane - A sweet angling rod for fishing in chocolate
- Fishing Pole: Molten Magma Sifter - A heat-resistant pole for fishing in lava
- Fishing Pole: N-0 Depth Scoper - An advanced angling rod for fishing in plasma
- Chocolate Fishing Style Surprise - Unlock a random Chocolate Fisthing adventure style you don't already have unlocked
- Lava Fishing Style Surprise - Unlock a random Lava Fishing adventure style you don't already have unlocked
- Plasma Fishing Style Surprise - Unlock a random Winter adventure style you don't already have unlocked
- Water Fishing Style Surprise - Unlock a random Water Fishing adventure style you don't already have unlocked
- Heart-a-Phone description changed from 'Shout your love to everyone currently playing the game. Requires mastery rank 20' to 'Shout your love to everyone online and leave your mark on them for the next 24 hours. Requires mastery rank 20'
- Lure icon updated
- Dance Pad icon updated
- Tome: Formicite Formula description changed from 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces Formicite' to 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces 50 Formicite'
- Tome: Infinium Miner's Almanac description changed from 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces Infinium' to 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces 25 Infinium'
- Tome: Mycological Manual description changed from 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces a Mushroom Chunk' to 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces 50 Mushroom Chunks'
- Tome: Cybernetics Catalogue description changed from 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces a Robot Part' to 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces 15 Robot Parts'
- Tome: Shapestone Survey description changed from 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces Shapestone' to 'Accumulates experience as you do. When fully charged it produces 100 Shapestone'
- Metallic Block Recipe name changed from 'Metal Block Recipe'
- Metallic Block Recipe description changed from 'Unlock a random Metal Block recipe you don't already have unlocked' to 'Unlock a random Metallic Block recipe you don't already have unlocked'
- Standard Block Recipe name changed from 'Base Block Recipe'
- Standard Block Recipe description changed from 'Unlock a random Base Block recipe you don't already have unlocked' to 'Unlock a random Standard Block recipe you don't already have unlocked'
DecoTop ^
- Candorian Bed Foot
- Holostation
- Rope Bridge Edge Section
- Permafrost Plinth
- Rope Bridge Edge Railing Section
- Cookie Penguin Effigy
- Screen of Staggering Size
- Knight Plushie
- Colossal Cream Cone Stand
- Candorian Bed Head
- Tree Column Root Section
- Massive Flask of Zeal
- Candified Qubesly Plushie
- Rope Bridge Center Section
- Patio Parasol
- Tree Column Hollow Trunk Section
- Colossal Cream Cone Crown
- Tree Column Bough Section
- Tree Column Trunk Section
- Stack of Cannonballs
- Bitter Snow Spirit Wall Trophy name changed from 'Snow Spirit Wall Trophy'
- Stark Snow Spirit Wall Trophy name changed from 'Snow Spirit Wall Trophy'
- Mounted Radiant Helm name changed from 'its rubble'
- Burnt Orange name changed from 'Burt Orange'
- Reddish Orange name changed from 'Redish Orange'
- Candy Coating description changed from 'Pink Frosting From Sugar Drop Pass' to 'Pink frosting from the Sugar Steppes'
- Shadow Market description changed from 'Deals in' to 'Deals in all manner of shadowy goods'
- sign01 description changed from 'Lava: Lava hurts! Use [Q] to heal as you cross to the other side.' to 'Elysian Flask: Your Elysian Flask is a rechargable healing potion. Use it with [Q] to heal as you cross to the other side of this lava.'
- sign01 description changed from 'The Elysian Flask: If you are hurt you can press [Q] to use your Elysian Flask, a rechargable healing potion.' to 'The Elysian Flask: You can recharge your Elysian Flask at a station like this one.'
- Realm Portal: Sky name changed from 'Sky Portal'
- Realm Portal: Sky description changed from 'Transports you to the Sky Realms' to 'Teleports you to the Sky Realm. Can only be used by members of the club'
StylesTop ^
Melee Weapon
- Streak Sear by Revoniel - Cooks foes to perfection
- Partition Punisher by 0R305 - How easy it is to subvert a tool's function
- Over-Knight Deliverance by Shjohn - First-class service, guaranteed
- Bright-Faced Beater by magicbat - Always facing in the right direction
- Cinder Blocker by Equinoxide - Parries your foes' blows, turning their battle cries to ashes in their mouths
- Skyfire Sagaris by Kukui - An ancient weapon that delivers electric shocks, likely inspired by flashing lightning
- Shorn Shards by Neverlast - Cobbled together from the remnants of an ancient relic
- Plains Prowler by AceGonzalez - Forged with a feline semblance, it is a weapon of unequaled ferocity
- Heraldic Handaxe by Horrormallow - Bears the coat of arms of an ancient noble house
- Agile Axe by Thunderised - A fleet chopper of class and finesse
- Ascended Aventurine Axe by Vinyll - A mighty adventurer's weapon that rose to royalty with its owner
- Scintillating Scimitar by Aodahn - A gleaming blade of great beauty
- Haunted Hexblade by Fizzinc - Spiteful spirits casts curses on those cut by its blade
- Permafrost Pickaxe by Volfide - Bringer of frozen death and destruction
- Flame Maiden's Gambit by Rokiux - According to legend, it is a demon tricked into its current form for a hundred generations
- Rubidian Railhammer by Byoo - Summarizes your discontent with crushing concussive force
- Robo-Reaver by DaveOverlord - Mauls machines and annihilates androids
- Beryllium Bisector by Kariaro - Its blade is formed by a highly focused forcefield generator
- Work in Progress by Erudito - If it works this well as-is, imagine its power had it been finished
- Hard Candy Hammer by Sotilis - Equally good at giving and receiving the lickings
- Muffin Maul by TNT_101 - It puts the 'ache' in cupcake
- Pristine Pokken by Rercon - Greatly coveted, it is rare to find a specimen in such good condition
- Ceremonial Sword by Kratori - Able to fell mighty foes, despite being mostly for show
- Bone Knight Blade by Uniquisher
- Elysian Guardian's Sword by LippyLapras
- Bone Knight Helm by Uniquisher
- Elysian Guardian Helm by LippyLapras
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