We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Faster Fish and Double Dragon Edition.
In Progress
- War Horse - This means war.
- Polar Caterkiller category changed from InProgress to Rare
- Kiwi category changed from Hidden to InProgress
- goldfish file updated from '' to 'Pets'
- goldfish category changed from to InProgress
- Faerie file updated from '' to 'Pets'
- Faerie category changed from to InProgress
- quarble category changed from Hidden to InProgress
- quarble category changed from InProgress to Hidden
- Kiwi category changed from InProgress to Hidden
- Candoria Styler - Style a zone based on Candoria.
- Volcanic Fields Styler - Style a zone based on the Volcanic Fields.
- Uncanny Valley Styler - Style a zone based on the Uncanny Valley.
- Desert Frontier Styler - Style a zone based on the Desert Frontier.
- Frigga's Fjord Styler - Style a zone based on Frigga's Fjord.
- Medieval Highlands Styler - Style a zone based on the Medieval Highlands.
- Treasure Isles Styler - Style a zone based on Treasure Isles.
- Neon City Styler - Style a zone based on the Neon City.
- World Expansion Styler - Transform the Sea of Regret into something useable.
- Tabula Rasa Styler - Style a zone based on a blank slate.
- Peaceful Field Terraform - Style a zone based on the Peaceful Field.
- Tundra Terraform - Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra.
- Peaceful Hills Styler - Style a zone based on the Peaceful Hills.
- Field Terraform - Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field.
- Sea of Deep Regret Styler - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret.
- Sea of Tranquility Styler - Style a zone based on the Sea of Tranquility.
- Sea of Regret Styler - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret.
- Permafrost Styler - Style a zone based on Permafrost.
- Cursed Vale Styler - Style a zone based on the Cursed Vale.
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