We've updated the Trovesaurus database from the Meownt and Candy Fishing Edition client files.
Fish: Chocolate
- Mint Choctacoise - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Blueberry Pie-ranha - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Pygmy Plum Pike - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Orange Marlingue - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Cherry Jellyfish - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Sour Skate - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Reef Liquoral - Common fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Crawling Cupcake - Uncommon fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Fudgsicle Fish - Uncommon fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Candycap Mushfish - Uncommon fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Candied Cutterfish - Uncommon fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Rich Browniemone - Uncommon fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Ancient Chocolurker - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Blue High Flying Cotton Candish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Pink High Flying Cotton Candish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Pressurized Gobfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Popular Poptopus - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Chocodile - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
Fish: Enchanted
- Frog Prince - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Phoenix Fish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Witchly Anemone - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Gryphish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Deep Sea Merthing - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
Mounts: Hidden
- Silver Tabby Meownt - Purebred by Frost Fae royalty over many generations to the most regal of bearings.
- Ocelot Meownt name changed from Awesome Ocelot
- Black Meownt - Nothing to fear. Or is there?
Mounts: Adventure Box
Mounts: Fishing
Mounts: Cat
- Meownt - This rideable cat is still a cuddly kitten at heart.
Mounts: Unobtainable
- Caterpillar - Larva Lamborghini.
- Candied Fishing Cane file updated from '' to 'Fishing Poles'
- Fishy-Phone - Shout a fish at one of your friends for the world to see. Requires mastery rank 20
- Enchanted Scale - Crafting Material. Obtained by fishing
- Old Boot - Completely useless
- Phoenix Adventurer's Chest - Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Truefire Phoenix or Balefire Phoenix mounts.
- Mount: Enchanted Jellyfish
- Mount: Meownt - This rideable cat is still a cuddly kitten at heart.
- Mount: Black Meownt - Nothing to fear. Or is there?
- Mount: Silver Tabby Meownt - Purebred by Frost Fae royalty over many generations to the most regal of bearings.
- Mount: Balefire Phoenix
- Mount: Truefire Phoenix
- Deep Water - Quite wet.
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