The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Chaos Factor Edition client files and the following changes have been made.
CollectionsTop ^
- SS Corgi - Clipper class ship.
- SS Infinity - Clipper class ship.
- Clipper of the Master - Clipper class ship.
- SS Dingy - Raft class ship
- SS Trovian - Clipper class ship.
- SS Blocksides - Galleon class ship.
- Chaotic Cruiser - Galleon class ship.
- SS Draconic - Galleon class ship.
- SS Dutchman - Galleon class ship.
- Jumping Jadefin - Common fish. Found in any water
- Blue Balladine - Common fish. Caught from any water
- Violet Verseskimmer - Common fish. Caught from any water
- Fat Catfish - Uncommon fish. Found in any water
- Saltwater Swordfish - Uncommon fish. Found in any water
- Worn Sail - It has seen much use, but has a few good leagues in it yet
- Basic Sail - The scent of the sea clings to its unmarred surface
- Ladybug Sail - All that remains of the mighty ladybug armada that challenged the D'hev in aeons past
- Bee Sail - Don't bee mad
- Ghostly Sail - Shredded from centuries of sailing in stormy seas
- Green and Gold Sail - E'er the green and gold shall fly above calm sea and beneath blue sky
- Red and White Sail - A common sail, employed by captains of many cultures
- Pirate Sail - Sail the seas for fun and profit
- Ancient Scale Sail - A magnificent sail that will carry your boat swiftly to safe port
- Golden Shell Sail - Emblazoned with the coat of arms of an ancient seafaring nation
- Trovian Sail - The mark of a true adventurer
- Sail of the Master - Quite the commanding curtain of cloth, this one
- Dark Infineon (Candy Barbarian)
ItemsTop ^
- Chaotic Cruiser
- Worn Sail
- Deep Sea of Regret Terraformer - Terraform a zone back into the Deep Sea of Regret. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones
- Treasure Isles Terraformer - Terraform a zone into Treasure Isles. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones
- Sea of Deep Regret Terraformer - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones
- Sea of Tranquility Terraformer - Terraform a zone into the Sea of Tranquility. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones
- Cursed Vale Terraformer - Terraform a zone into the Cursed Vale. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones
- Mount: Bouncy Ladybug description changed from '' to 'It only looks friendly'
- Mount: Jelly Knight name changed from 'Mount: Gel-I Knight'
- Knight Costume: Elysian Guardian name changed from 'Knight Costume: Elysian Knight'
- Plasma Fishing Style Surprise description changed from 'Unlock a random Winter adventure style you don't already have unlocked' to 'Unlock a random Plasma Fishing adventure style you don't already have unlocked'
Deco and BlocksTop ^
- Melty Ice - Fill up your pool with this.
- NerdPolonium - Very volatile.
- Hatch - Turns on and off.
- Used Sail Salesman - Sells sails in exchange for shiny Glim
- Deep Blue Sea name changed from 'Deep Blue sea'
- 8-Bit Grape name changed from '8 bit Grape'
- Khaki Pants name changed from 'khaki Pants'
- Electric Lime name changed from 'Electric lime'
- Transparent Purple name changed from 'Transparent purple'
- See-Through Green name changed from 'Sea Through Green'
StylesTop ^
Pistol Weapon
- Breach Blaster by Screamheart - Standard issue for units tasked with assaulting fortified positions
- Unassuming Underhander by Rajeeb - Every gunslinger should keep a couple of tricks up their sleeve
- Leaky Lilantium Laser by Zsword - You really should look into getting it fixed before you start glowing green
- Shardlight Shenanigun by Voyvoda - A customised weapon perfect for trick shots and similar ballistic chicanery
- Beta Beamer group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Longbarrel Lazslinger group changed from Neoncity to Default
Staff Weapon
- Rubicite Riposte by HandofGod - This carmine column always has a crushing comeback
- Bedlam's Beak by AngeloTGC - Battlefields descend into disarray with but a wave of this disruptive device
- Raptor's Eye by Byoo - Spells channelled through it seek out their target wherever it may hide
- Enigmatic Effigy by Kayzheox - Scholars vehemently disagree on what it actually depicts, but they agree it depicts something
- Wicked Whirlwing by nikolako - A pinion-like polearm that dispatches foes with decisiveness
- Bilious Bloom by Zoe - Even its wielder isn't safe from the oozing corruption it secretes
- Fae Family Tree by Walyn - Fae groves are intricate records of lineage and hierarchy stretching back centuries
- Drakeblood Douser by MiszterSoul - Dragon hunters relied on their sorcerers to locate their prey and support them in quelling the formidable beasts
- Power Polisher by EyeballPrincessII - In the battle against entropy, every little bit helps
- Radiant Rod by LippyLapras - Cast back the darkness wherever it encroaches
- Tic-Toc Stick group changed from Relic to Frontier
Bow Weapon
- Dimensional Discerner by DJ_Lobster - Enables the acquisition of otherworldly targets
- Hornbeam Bow by Condorspark - A humble bow with great heroic potential
- Violet Vigilante by hardline - Justice. It's what's for dinner
- Vehement Virulence by currazooxd - Its arrows spread corruption that cannot be contained
- Rigid Attestor by Dex - Fortunately for you, it is already strung, else it would be unusable
- Crimson Cardinal by Fiscon - Guides the flock and fells the wolves
- Cold Chrome Interceptor by Dave203 - Puts a halt to enemy advances, permanently
- Heartwave Beamcaster by Nomeneta - Turns your heart's beat into a roaring song of battle
- Rainbow Unicorn Rod by GadgetCAT - It's magical!
- Psionic Siege Bow by Sir_Anthony - Easily pierces thought shields, mental barriers, and intellect fortresses
- Apis Archer by Delvulria - Its arrows cause pain magnitudes beyond the actual physical damage dealt
- Arching Adder by Jusiv - Startled snakes are not to be trifled with
- Gossamer Gale by Tenku - Beatifully crafted from a pristine set of wings
- Feisty Floret by Tribe - Every beautiful flower has a razor-sharp thorn hidden away
- Dragoncrest Greatbow by FuzzyDerp - Bears the emblem of one of the dragon emperor lineages
- Signal Barrage by Fayd - Overwhelms the target with a veritable flood of incoming strikes
- Fuel Rod Ejector by MokeyMokey - Radioactive waste as ammunition doesn't seem all that great an idea in this context
- Twilight Heartseeker by TeeKayM - In the knife's edge between light and dark, the hunter stalks their prey
- Chiropteran Captor by ZeleX - Strikes true in darkness, perfect for catching night-prowling vermin
- Trueshot Treat by KeKo - A delicious dispenser of flavorful firepower
- Coin-Op Compound by FriedSushi - Many decry this weapon as being pay-to-win
- Danger Dango by Ryuuktsu - Give your foes something to chew on
- Coiled Cloud Serpent by Khastiel - Cloud serpents occasionally fall from the the Sky Realms to the Prime, causing much destruction
- Ancient Shadowseeker by MonsterAnt - An ancient bow, inscribed with feats from the early history of the Shadow Hunters
- Golden Inquest Greatbow by Thunderised - Carried by lawgivers and peacemakers of the Sky Realms
- Oathbound Bow by Cman0147 - Sworn to serve liege and lineage
- Watchful Webspider group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Silvered Circuitbreaker group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Pinpoint Bitslinger group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Scattered Array group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Crosswired Carronade group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Holoblade Server group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Remote Exploit group changed from Neoncity to Default
- Porcelain Crown by MajorTom - Don't wear it to long, your brain will go numb
- Feline Listeners by TigerLove - With hearing this sharp, its no wonder jungle tigers can hear their name being called
- Borne Bear by Mythlit - This bitty bruin is surprisingly heavy for its size
- Scalp Skitterling by Ranen - This hellbug has developed a preference for head-top environments
- Rich Raptor Beanie by Aviarei - A classic statement of fashion and taste
- Dinky Darkling by Smorph - This little guy isn't a creature of shadow, but it looks very similar
- Mega Mount Meal by Aodahn - This vast vegetable could feed a stable of sublime steeds
- Tiny Turret by MappyT - Its naive-sounding AI is a consummate and cold-blodded killer
- Top Cake by Stedms - This tasty topper is always good for a laugh
- Peppermint Prophet by Brava - Worn by augurs and soothsayers of the Candorian tribes
- Dark Infineon Helm by Screameart
- Top Hat group changed from Uncommon to Promo
- Mining Hat group changed from Rare to Promo
- Sly Style group changed from Legendary to Promo
- Amaze Dukke group changed from Resplendent to Promo
- Coping Optics by LETAL1TY - Shades for folks who dole out the punishment with little regard for others' feelings
- Ghastly Grin by Angelrow - Madness makes mirth of the misery of many
- Veteran's Visage by InfineonJ - At what price victory?
- Iron Faceplate by Humpypants - Reserves your softer side for those who are not your foes
- Arctic Ambusher by Eriri - Blend into the crowd, no one will know better
- Mistreated Minion by Paper97 - The most loyal servant is the longest-suffering
- Green Sheen by chocobag - It has a certain comforting glow
- Sweet Smile by Kingmickey - Makes your face irresistibly attractive
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