We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Frosted Mini Update.
CollectionsTop ^
- Iguana - Running Reptile.
- Shadow Stain - Envelops your weapon in perpetual purple patina.
- Compass Rose - Beloved of maritime explorers throughout the ages.
- Serpent's Nest - Sail of a notorious buccaneer and betrayer.
StylesTop ^
- Pain Paddle by Dryblood - Wherever it goes, suffering follows
- Overripe Repeater by Catpower12 - Fashioned from fruit that has been left out far too long
- Spliced Spice by Saffrontato - There is little nuance to this scorching blend of blinding heat
- Scarlet Starbird by Rlrlrl - Its sleek form hints at its otherworldly origin
- Burning Borer by Dddsasul - Its fiery arrows have been known to pierce rock and steel
- Twinblade Tactics by Mobryn - It helps to have a plan - or a tool - for all ranges
- Prismatic Prayer by randomer679 - The wish for a bright future, and the resolve to see it come true
- Bow of the Blue by DarkKnightWolf - A mark of honor for those who have befriended Azorian's Brood
- Glimmer in the Void by ChaosWasTaken - Sometimes all one hopes for is a release from oblivion
- Spiralling Shadow by JeeveSobs - A skein of darkness, spun into shape by unknown hands
- Papillon Piercer by Eriri - It is no Chaos Butterfly, but it can still deliver a swift and merciless end
- Verdant Vanquisher by seedyman - Minder of the meadow and hero of the highlands
- Frontier Fletch by Reggid - A deadly bow for desert survivalists
- Undergrowth Stalker by Ryuujiin - Perfect for tracking prey in thick forests, but easy to misplace due to its camouflaged appearance
- Forest Foeseeker by Synix - Uninvited guests to the forest face the direst of consequences
- Glade Garrison by The_Illuminati - A handy shortbow for light-cover skirmishes
- Skyfire Stinger by Wultiplicity - Fills the sky with soaring streaks of flame
- Signal Shortener by Keroloth - Disrupts the flow of data to and from the target
- Neonstroke Nightbow by wickedSkies - Certain and unflinching as death's own scythe
- Arching Arclight by Pwanchy - The current coursing through it charges the arrows it launches
- Crash.exe by Stedms - With a name like that, its purpose should be evident
- Sibilant Static by CrazyChild - All it leaves in its wake is the deafening silence of dead channels
- Wafflewing Warbow by Arradir - Its crisp, fluffy texture has been perfected over many generations of dessert chefs
- Pie Rind by Ejthepro - A little fruit and a little frosting keep a taut drawstring
- Jellybird Jeopardy by AtomicHoagie - Created to put poachers on the endangered species list
- Candied Farclaw by RocketCarrot - Adorned with the talons of an ancient Candorian raptor
- Syrup Sprayer by small_angry_owl - Each of its four nozzles dispenses a different flavour of pain
- Shining Saphirus by Lacirev_ - A slender shooter imbued with celestial sorceries
- Sunset Sky by Jamster - Its gems mirror the colors of the sky as the sun sets
- Seraphic Shortbow by Battleschlumpf - The gaze of the heavens is always upon you
- Righteous Rangefinder by IGN - Having belonged to a holy knight from the Sky Realms, it seeks out evil wherever it may hide
- Masked Marksman by Nullfinity - Part of the matching uniform of a mysterious champion of justice
- Slipstream Skimmer by DakotaSpine - Takes advantage of convection currents for increased range
- Ancient Auricorne by SolarSentinel - Said to have been crafted from the horn of a Monarch dragon who defied the Sun Goddess
- Abalone Arbalest by Crizo - It appears to be crafted from dozens of fine layers of seashell
- Shadowy Portal - Venture with your friends to the Shadow Tower.
- Pail o' Popcorn by Fuzz - It takes a carefully honed sense of balance to not spill everywhere
- Collector's Cap by AdamantSpartan - Worn by those compelled to complete all collections
- Whiffy Wedge by Narwiff - Some find the pungent aroma of this cured cheese rather enticing
- Dawnbreak Diadem by Lisa_Kusya - Its origins are cause of much speculation, but most scholars associate it with the Sky Realms
- Packed Cat by Dominus_Storm - How does it fit in such a constrained space?
- Massive Musubi by BuguSparkle - Never a bad hat to have handy if you get stranded without food
- Cutesy Kitty by IdaTheCat - This pretty bow makes any feline feel fine
- Recipe For Success by PinkNekoGirl - This stylish scroll harbors teachings on etiquette, fashion, and empathy
- Summer Pinata Beanie by Aviarei - Keepin' it fresh
- Uberman Cap by Knightlock - A high-quality replica of the original, made by fans for fans
- Pink Budgie Beanie by Mansage - This chic chapeau matches your birdie buddy perfectly
- Dharmic Dynast by ZESTZKIDZ - To rule with equanimity is to rule according to the mandate of the Sky Realm
- Empress's Eminence by ZESTZKIDZ - A magnificent crown for the empire's most powerful woman
- Overlord's Opulence by Eriri - The stately crown of one of the great empires from before the Sundering
- Claimed Cornerstone by Mew2ian - Don't you just hate it when others try to muscle in on your territory?
- Staggering Sunflower by Stedms - It seems to thrive in even the most desolate environments
- Knight Hairant by Knightlock - Protects your head from lice and dandruff as well as enemy attacks
- Pierced To The Core by HaruFenix - Whoever fired that arrow, you definitely want them on your side
- Limber Ladybug by Sheribonbon - Agile enough to keep her balance even when you are running and fighting
- Big Boss by Xanthius - A bucket-sized hat for the biggest bad in town
- Temporal Traveler by Sokkan - Keeps you right on time, every time
- Dinky Desperado by Knightlock - Keeps his eyes on the horizon, as if expecting trouble
- Stylish Scientist by Scheurmuis - It comes loaded with a number of gadgets useful to every gentleman adventurer
- Top Cubit by Qoaleth - The price paid for the best headgear
- Regent of the Rivers by PinkNekoGirl - Worn by rulers of an ancient desert kingdom blessed with two life-bearing rivers
- Diffident Digger by Manouco - A jumpy little guy who tends to dart back into hiding at the slightest disturbance
- Tuckered Pteropus by Ampitere - Just catching its breath, it'll be out of your hair in a minute
- Cemetery Stalker by Antoniouss - Overgrown with lichen like the graves of the dead its wearer hunts
- Toxic Topper by Darklaw - Comes with an variety of vials containing poisons and contagions
- Cranium Cooler by JordanX120 - It is an icebox made specially for your brainbox
- Frosty Trickster by Narwiff - Hat of a notorious Permafrost prankster
- Pemburr Beanie by Aviarei - Keeps both your head and your heart warm
- Rimehorn Circlet by Zwatchdog - Tamed by the Frostfae, rimehorn rams were trustworthy and surefooted mounts
- Brilliant Bubblehead by Sheribonbon - Leave a trail of bubbles in your wake with this whimsical topper
- Dainty Daydream by Sheribonbon - How easily the mind wanders, and how easily it is once again grounded
- Frolicsome Flitterers by Curare - This hat seems to attract all manner of playful bugs to it
- Trick Top by Baltimore - This tricked-out hat is definitely not for children
- Finicky Faeling by Knightlock - It is constantly trying to get your attention, especially during combat
- Fourth of Seven by Gregorius - Enshrined in this simple cap is a thrilling mystery, the beginning of a fantastic journey for your dreams
- Bite-Sized Dracolyte by Knightlock - Just because it is small doesn't mean it can't bring the heat
- Sleepy Salamander by indal - This heat-loving reptile finds your head a suitable perch for sunbathing
- Watchful Whelp by AtomicSmore - This tiny drake keeps an eye out for trouble
- Radio Receiver by Dusty_Mustard - Tunes you in to all manner of hidden messages
- Drained Life by Sheribonbon - Trovian needs food badly!
- Pemborg Beanie by Aviarei - Interfaces wirelessly with attuned mounts for an optimal riding experience
- Gadgetobeanie by Aviarei - Take the techno with you everywhere you go
- Hat Hologram by Forgive - It looks quite dashing, but it offers little in the way of actual protection
- Wig-Mounted Witness by TeamRocketGrunt - You don't really need a wig, but the extra padding spares your scalp much pain
- Spirit Spurs by DecibHell - Neon City natives revere the kami, enshrining the remains of those that fall to the machines
- Calcified Cake by Dowiet - Left out long enough for the frosting to fortify into a concrete-like consistency
- Kneading Jellybird by AtomicHoagie - It wibbles and wobbles with every step you take
- Eggster Headster by Qoaleth - Made to resemble a favourite seasonal mount
- Sunlight Circlet by Popez - Braided from a single ray of sunlight, laden with blessings
- Mitaura's Horns by billybeatable - A radiant crown crafted in the image of Mitaura, one of the Celestial Paragons
- Burnished Biregnum by Stedms - It symbolizes the Sun Goddess's supreme authority over the Prime and Sky realms
- Cloud Coxcomb by MCfan567 - It is unknown when Prime Realm fashions started appearing in the Sky Realms
- Sun-Touched Sultan by Qoaleth - Many rulers made worship of the Sun Goddess the de facto religion of their realms
- High-Flying Hairship by McClutchin - The breezy hair aft, all sails on high, ten guns on each side mounted seen...
- Cerulean Skullcap by Aodahn - Awarded to one revered as a life-long friend ally by Azorian's lineage
- Amphibian Admiral by GadgetCAT - Captain Kero mysteriously disappeared shortly after the defeat of the Ladybug Armada
- Wilful Whale by AtomicSmore - This sarcastic cetacean always has a snarky quip ready
- Worn Tricorne by Alaskan - It has seen much strife, both on land and at sea
- Beanie Bobber by Humpypants - It floats atop a cushion of water that somehow doesn't dribble down your face
- Obstinate Octopus by GogestickCJ - Tenaciously holding on to your head with the help of its tentacles
- Headland Lamp by jokerr77 - Now don't go making mischief with passing ships, you hear?
- Topsy Turtley by Turtle_In_A_Tophat - It was born without a shell, so a kind hatter made it a specially-devised hat
- Li'l Pip by TheFluffyRaptor - This little bird appears to have lost its mother, so you're in charge of it for now
- Dr. Grog, Ship Surgeon by EyeballPrincessII - This savvy rodent knows all the secrets to staving off scurvy on long sea voyages
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