Hubdate New Trove Hub
Introduction Etaew
Trove Hub is the first place that players find themselves in after completing tutorial. Portals to hourly challenges appear here and all event NPCs spawn in the Hub. With this update Hub got a whole lot of new buildings and workbenches, significantly increasing its usability.
Players can enter the Hub by holding a Return-to-Hub button (H key on PC), by using a portal from Geode Sanctuary or by using universal Atlas (Ctrl+A on PC) from any location. Players always spawn in Hub facing South and looking at the Statue of Sun Goddess Elysia. There are signs placed throughout the whole Hub, be sure to read them if you find yourself lost in the new layout.
Appearance of the Hub changes with every season, but buildings, workbenches and NPCs always remain in same places. Hub can be separated between 9 zones, each with its own purpose and functions.

Landing Pad Etaew
Spawn place for everyone who enters Hub.
Landing Pad is located in the very middle of the Hub. This is where players spawn when they enter the Hub world.
Workbenches and Portals:
Welcome! – new Welcome! sign, interact with it to open Welcome screen. Hotkey on PC by default – F1.
Adventure Board – new Adventures notice board, interact with it to show the quests you have picked up sorted by categories and available Expertise/Event questlines. Hotkey on PC by default - I.
Challenge portal for Racing and Coin Collection hourly challenges will appear on Landing Pad at the start of an hour, unless the Challenge for that hour is "Complete X amount of Dungeons".

Club House Etaew
Home for new portals to Clubs and trusty NPCs.
Club House is located to the south-east of Landing Pad. If you are looking at the statue of Sun Goddess (south) the Club House will be to the left of it (south-east).
Workbenches, NPCs and Portals:
Clubs – new Clubs sign, interact with it to open Clubs menu, this only shows clubs that you are a member of. Hotkey on PC by default – P.
Liked Worlds – new Liked Worlds sign, interact with it to bring up the list with all the club worlds that you left a Like on. Hotkey on PC by default – [ .
Currently Active NPC Club World Portal – these 3 new portals can showcase any club that has Rally of Heroes club fixture and has at least one NPC active on it. Each Hub world has portals to different Clubs.
Clubit Minting Machine – is used to turn
Adventurine into
Clubits, which can be donated to Club Vaults.
Club Merchant – trade your
Adventurine for mounts, allies, styles and recipes. This NPC is basic club Merchant, you would need join clubs with upgraded Travelling Club Merchant fixture to interact with advanced Club Merchants.
[Club Decor Merchant] – trade your Adventurine for Club-themed decorations.

Sun Goddess Statue Etaew
This statue is the most known monument in the whole Trove. Trovian Atlas, Store, Claims and Radiant Merchant are found near.
The statue of Sun Goddess Elysia is located directly to the south of Landing Pad. Every time you enter hub it will be right in front of you.
Workbenches and NPCs:
Trovian Atlas – big workbench in the shape of Trovian World with Gem worlds orbiting around it. Interact with it to open the Map of all the Trove Universe, navigate through the map and select worlds to quickly teleport there. Hotkey on PC by default – Ctrl+A.
Store – big workbench in the shape of a chest with Credits and Credit pouches. Interact with it to open in-game Store. In there you can purchase various boosts and packs with cosmetic items for in-game currency –
Credits or real money. Some items can also be purchased with
Cubits that can be earned every day by filling the Starbar. Hotkey on PC by default – N.
Claims – new workbench. Pretty green Present Box will be floating above this workbench if you have something to claim. Interact with it to open Claims menu, which lists all items you have or have not claimed during this game session. Hotkey on PC by default – L.
Radiant Merchant – trade your
Radiant Sovereigns for
Empowered Gem Boxes,
Golden Chaos Chests,
Titan's Treasures or
Party Animals here.

Character Corner Etaew
Marketplace, weekly Featured Collections and Character-related workbenches.
Character Corner building is located to the south-west of the Landing Pad. If you are looking at the statue of Sun Goddess (south) the Character Corner will be to the right of it (south-west).
Marketplace – new workbench in a shape of Market Scales. Interact with it to open the in-game Marketplace, where players list various items for
Flux or
Penta-Forged Shadow Souls. Hotkey on PC by default – U.
Trading Post – used for safe trading between two Trovians at a time.
Featured Collectable – new workbench. Every week either an ally, a mount, a boat or other collectable will be featured. Players are able to craft it or immediately unlock with
Credits. Please note that the following screenshot has been taken on PTS (Public Test Server) and prices on Live Server may differ.
Barbershop – change appearance of your characters. Any head style and hair style can be applied to any class. To use the Fox head and Headless styles you need to own Lunar Lancer and Revenant classes respectively.
Class Changer – switch between classes. Hotkey on PC by default – J.
Character Sheet – new workbench that looks like a statue of a Trovian with a book. Interact with it to open your Character Sheet with equipment, flasks, mount, costume etc. Hotkey on PC by default – C.
Collections – new workbench in a shape of tiny Ganda placed in a glass display box. Interact with it to open your Collections with all your unlocked styles, mounts and badges. Hotkey on PC by default – Y.

Event Venue Etaew
Events are held here.
Located to the east – left of the Landing Pad, this part of the Hub has special buildings for major events and features seasonal structures while there is no event active. Left to right on the image above: autumn, winter, spring and summer seasonal structures. Radiant Dayspring can always be found on a small platform.
Workbenches and NPCs:
During events Quest NPCs and NPCs that give Daily Adventures can be found here.
Radiant Dayspring – is used for Prismatic Questline and for event-related craftables.
Note: Full walkthrough for the Prismatic Questline is available here.

Guild Halls Etaew
Everything for Delves and essential workbenches for Geode activities.
Delve and Geodian Guild Hall is located to the west – right of the Landing Pad. In front of the building there is a small area with useful workbenches and seasonal decorations.
Workbenches, Portals and NPCs:
Personal Chest – access your personal storage, up to five tabs can be unlocked.
Loot Collector – deconstruct unwanted gear and other items for useful resources.
Rejuvenation Station – refill your Flask charges.
Delve Workbench – craft Delve portals, potions, bombs, banners, allies and decorations using
Inert Geodes and other materials found in Delves.
Public Delve Gateway (Private Mode) Portal – queue for Public Delve experience. Read more about Delves here.
Merchant [Rokatan] – trade your Inert Geodes for Delve Mounts and other useful items.
Daily Delve Adventures giver NPC – pick up various daily adventures for Delves from this Pebble NPC. Read more about those adventures here.
Geode - Sanctuary – portal to Geode Sanctuary. You can also enter Geode Sanctuary by using Atlas (Ctrl+A on PC by default).
Reliquary Keeper Umber – quest-giver pebble for Collect Organics quest. This task can be completed in both Geode Caves and in Delves.
Sous Chef Saltina – quest-giver pebble for Collect Builder's Crates quest. This task can be completed in both Geode Caves and in Delves.
Understudy Biol – quest-giver pebble for Care for Cave Critters quest. This task can only be completed in Geode Caves.
[Reliquary Merchant Thundos] – trade your Crystals for various Reliquaries.
Reliquary Revealer – is used to open your charged Reliquaries for various Geode resources.
Module Workbench – is used to craft new Modules – parts of Discovery Suit equipment layout that can be used both in Geode Caves and in Delves.
Module Forge – is used to upgrade your Modules. You need
Crystals and various resources from Geode Caves for that. Vaca-Matic Module also requires
Inert Geodes.
Egg Incubator – Companion Eggs found in Geode Caves can be hatched here.
Companion Trainer – is used for upgrading your hatched Companions to higher levels.
Forever Home Finder – can be used to get rid of your Companions or their Eggs.

Battle Station and Dragon Crucible Etaew
Bomber Royale portal and PvP Merchants are found here together with the Dragon Crucible. Has an entrance to underground Light's Den – new Luxion location.
Located to the north-west – behind your back on the left side, if you are looking at the Statue of Sun Goddess (south). Below the statue of Azulian (blue) Dragon you can find Dragon Crucible. Follow spiral staircase down to the basement with Bomber Royale portal and both Merchants. Enter the underground cave of Visiting Merchant Luxion by descending down the golden stairs.
Workbenches, Portals and NPCs:
Dragon Crucible – craft your Dragons, Dragon Eggs and Dragon Souls here.
Bomber Royale Portal – join the Bomber Royale PvP match with up to 20 other players. Hotkey on PC by default – Ctrl+B.
[Bomber Royale Merchant] – trade your hard-earned Bomber Royale coins for Auras, Tomes and Mounts.
Battle Broker – trade
Arena Coins – old PvP currency – for mounts. Same mounts are available for purchase from Bomber Royale Merchant for Bomber Royale coins.
Luxion of the Golden Hoard – this NPC visits the Hub every month for few days. Trade your
Dragon Coins for various rare goods. During his visits, Luxion can be found in the Light's Den – special cave under the Hub. There are two entrances to the cave, one here by Dragon Crucible and one on the opposite side of the hub – at Crafters Corner.

Leaderboard Lounge Etaew
Leaderboards and useful workbenches.
Located to the north – straight behind your back, if you are looking at the Statue of Sun Goddess (south). Exit the Hub by walking under this arched building to find cornerstone plots right outside of the Hub's wall. Few most useful workbenches are placed in front of this building.
Leaderboards – new workbench in a shape of Golden Cup. Interact with it to open Leaderboards for Daily Contests, Power Rank and many more. Hotkey on PC by default – K.
Rejuvenation Station – refill your Flask charges.
Novice Crafting Bench – journey start for all the Trovians, craft essential benches here if you lose your personal Novice Crafting Bench.
Trading Post – used for safe trading between two Trovians at a time.
Personal Chest – access your personal storage, up to five tabs can be unlocked.
Loot Collector – deconstruct unwanted gear and other items for useful resources.
Gem Forge – improve stats of your Gems or reroll their bonus stat upgrades.
All Purpose Key Mold – craft keys for various Trove activities.
Chaos Core Crafter – make use of your
Chaos Cores, unlock new classes and collectibles found in
Chaos Chests.

Crafter's Corner Etaew
Workbenches for all Trove Professions. Has an entrance to underground Light's Den – new Luxion location.
Located to the north-east - behind your back on the right side, if you are looking at the Statue of Sun Goddess (south). This building has workbenches for all Trove Professions – Gardening, Ringcrafting, Runecrafting and Crystallogy. Enter the underground cave of Visiting Merchant Luxion by descending down the golden stairs.
Workbenches and NPCs:
Gardening Bench – is used to craft various plant seeds, sponges and more advanced Gardening Workbenches. Craft enough items from highest available tier to access recipes from the next tier.
Runecrafting Bench – is used to craft Tomes, various style unlockers and block recipes. Craft enough items from highest available tier to access recipes from the next tier.
Ringcrafting Bench – is used to craft all sorts of Ring boxes – open them for rings with various stats. Craft enough items from highest available tier to access recipes from the next tier.
Crystallogy Workbench – is used to craft consumables for Geode Cave adventures, costumes, mounts and deco items from materials found in Geode Caves. Craft enough items from highest available tier to access recipes from the next tier.
Wheel of Seasons – is used to craft seasonal Decorative items. Recipe unlockers are found in seasonal Pinatas.
Shadowy Station – is used to craft spooky allies, mounts and decorations from resources available during Shadows' Eve (autumn) event.
Turkeytopia Table – is used to craft Thanksgiving-themed allies, mounts and decorations from resources available during Turkeytopia (autumn) event.
Snowfest Table – is used to craft snowy allies, mounts and decorations from resources available during Snowfest (winter) event.
Bunfest Station – used to craft Easter-themed mounts and decorative items from resources available during Bunfest (spring) event.
Luxion of the Golden Hoard – this NPC visits the Hub every month for few days. Trade your
Dragon Coins for various rare goods. During his visits, Luxion can be found in the Light's Den – special cave under the Hub. There are two entrances to the cave, one here by Crafter's Corner and one on the opposite side of the hub – at Dragon Crucible.