Guild Halls -
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Everything for Delves and essential workbenches for Geode activities.
Delve and Geodian Guild Hall is located to the west – right of the Landing Pad. In front of the building there is a small area with useful workbenches and seasonal decorations.
Workbenches, Portals and NPCs:
Personal Chest – access your personal storage, up to five tabs can be unlocked.
Loot Collector – deconstruct unwanted gear and other items for useful resources.
Rejuvenation Station – refill your Flask charges.
Delve Workbench – craft Delve portals, potions, bombs, banners, allies and decorations using
Inert Geodes and other materials found in Delves.
Public Delve Gateway (Private Mode) Portal – queue for Public Delve experience. Read more about Delves here.
Merchant [Rokatan] – trade your Inert Geodes for Delve Mounts and other useful items.
Daily Delve Adventures giver NPC – pick up various daily adventures for Delves from this Pebble NPC. Read more about those adventures here.
Geode - Sanctuary – portal to Geode Sanctuary. You can also enter Geode Sanctuary by using Atlas (Ctrl+A on PC by default).
Reliquary Keeper Umber – quest-giver pebble for Collect Organics quest. This task can be completed in both Geode Caves and in Delves.
Sous Chef Saltina – quest-giver pebble for Collect Builder's Crates quest. This task can be completed in both Geode Caves and in Delves.
Understudy Biol – quest-giver pebble for Care for Cave Critters quest. This task can only be completed in Geode Caves.
[Reliquary Merchant Thundos] – trade your Crystals for various Reliquaries.
Reliquary Revealer – is used to open your charged Reliquaries for various Geode resources.
Module Workbench – is used to craft new Modules – parts of Discovery Suit equipment layout that can be used both in Geode Caves and in Delves.
Module Forge – is used to upgrade your Modules. You need
Crystals and various resources from Geode Caves for that. Vaca-Matic Module also requires
Inert Geodes.
Egg Incubator – Companion Eggs found in Geode Caves can be hatched here.
Companion Trainer – is used for upgrading your hatched Companions to higher levels.
Forever Home Finder – can be used to get rid of your Companions or their Eggs.