Thanks everyone for taking part in our Llamafest Art / Mod and Story contest, we have the results ready to share.

Also to mark the end of Llamafest we've dropped the Reward Token cost for each llama from 3 to 2 and added [collection=Hairy Llarry] to round out our llama collection.


Art Majors Top ^

Receive 3x Reward Tokens to spend in our Rewards Section.

Llama based on my favorite mount, the shkeletal shmeep. <:

It was really fun drawing llama faces xD

Art Minors Top ^

Receive 2x Reward Tokens to spend in our Rewards Section.

All the Llama means all the llamain the main game not include the modded

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No description entered

Evil llama incarnate?

Art RandomsTop ^

Receive 1x Reward Tokens to spend in our Rewards Section.




Due to the number of people participating in the modding contest, all participants receive Reward Tokens. All mods can be seen in the modpack.

Jusiv created 11 baby Llamas

pendk is world famous for Llarrot

BisquiteCat made a Llama Bike

UziEl made a gold llama hotbar.


Winners receive 2x Reward Tokens to claim a Llama of their choice.

Story WinnersTop ^

Strom11 read the story here.

See read the story here.

LilAlloy1 read the story here.

xXMRNARWHALEXx read the story here.

Robaschi read the story here.

SentinelKnife read the story here.


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