Thanks everyone for being a part of the Trovesaurus community for the past two years. Today we celebrate the anniversary of when we brought the trovesaurus.com name online and we have a few giveaways for you to take part in.
The site first made its appearance mid September 2014 as a recipe database hosted on my personal domain that I shared with reddit. It wasn't until several months later that I rolled it into its own entity. Take a look at some of the previous versions of the page.
- March 2014: News, Patches and Dev Tracker appears
- October 2014: First appearance of Styles, Recipes and Items database, as well as Livestreams tool
- December 2014 (1,000 users): Trovesaurus name chosen (thanks Market), Guides and Trove Creations support added.
- January 2015 (5,000 users): Clubs and cornerstones database appears
- February 2015 (10,000 users): Mods database added (thanks Dusty)
- March 2015 (16,000 users): We host our first giveaway and appear on Facebook
- July 2015 (200,000 users): Trove launches on Steam
- April 2015: We publish our first developer interview and appear on Twitter
- July 2015: We add a Server Status tool
- November 2015: We open the Trovesaurus club
- December 2015: The
Sageosaurus appears thanks to
TeeKayM, we also launch our Discord server
- January 2016: We launch the Gallery section
- July 2016: We lost 10 months of the database at this point, Sadraptor becomes a thing.
- April 2016: We start the Class Art project
- August 2016: We added Trovesaurus Gold as a way for people to support us
- October 2016: Trovesaurus Rewards system added
Thanks for helping
Dusty_Mustard with the mods database
TeeKayM with item details
Uniquisher with the clubs database
cantafrond with news
Jeanolos with the Trove Toolbox mod loader
Qoaleth with news
Digiwolf with site tasks
SkyRider3217 for creating the Sageosaurus image
Evilagician for building the new club spawn
- The mods and officers of the club and Discord for helping me out
Previous site designs
Note: All rewards are currently PC ONLY.
- In the comments below let us know about your experience with Trovesaurus for a chance at 1 of 20 Reward Tokens
- When did you first visit? how did you hear about us? What would you like us to work on?
- Join our 2nd Anniversary Giveaway for a chance at Trove Goodies
Comment giveaway winners (20 winners win 1 Reward Token)

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I think, he first time I visited this website was in august/september 2015. I was looking for info about few things in trove I couldn't found how to get inside the game, and then I found trovesaurus serching on internet.
The first two months I couldn't see the things well until trovesarus change the website.
My first visit was about week ago when i was searching information about Item/class and hopefuly i found this site and all info what i wanted to know, then i started exploring this website and i found really interesting guides etc. Its very good website, clean look and creative design. Keep it up :D
so, i think its about 3 months ago maybe?. i was searching for something on google, like maybe a mount, then i found this site.after i'm done searching what i need to find, i want to explore this site, and wow there's MOD!...i want you guys to maybe help us with more features that make it easy to search something maybe?. [more translation or maybe something helpful like that]
I first stumbled across this site when I tried to google an item in trove. This was the first website that popped up. To my amazment it had practically everything about trove on here. The only thing I can think of to make this website better is to have some community events ingame. (well more often :))
I started playing trove a little less than 5 months ago and was looking at this site within days. For general information on the game there really isn't a better place to start. The mods were an awesome bonus after I figured out basically what I'm doing. I don't think the site really needs any improvements because it's easy to use as is. Etaew is doing a great job with the place. Keep up the great work!
I found this website about 2 mounths ago when I got back into trove after a long break and this site has been nothing but helpful since then. It's especially good for when I mod as it has all the file names. As for improving it, well I really can't think of anything that could be done to improve it. I look forward to using this website going forward
I started playing trove 2 weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. But I've seen people with cooler gear and mounts so I thought I'll get some. But when I tried I was down to almost no resources. So I looked up easier ways to get them so I came across Trovesaurus. And this place had tons of info and it did help me but I still couldn't get the things. And so I saw that this place had giveaways and I signed up. And I really enjoy them(even though I haven't gotten anything). So I think Trovesaurus is the best place for info and other things
I first visited this place to spam the server status to see when I could log in again, a long time ago when the Neon dragon was new. I'm glad I did, seeing the amount of cool giveaways and free stuff I've gotten all thanks to this site.
I am not a new player to Trove, but this site helped me a lot, the database is awesome there's no site like this, it helped me with the guides, and i discovered the trove modding first here, them it helped me a lot with knowing about the models of itens i dont have, and with the trove translation Portuguese project since every item i translated i did some check here to see the model of the item so i could give it a good name.
I am a very new player, just got here last week, and I found Trovesaurus when looking for mods. And I love the server status page because i have crap internet so I love that page to know if the servers are acually down or if its just my bad internet.
Could you guys add a function that allows users to search the mods cluster, on certain days I just want to see dracolyte costumes, others I just want mounts but I have to see everything which just extends my search time.
I heard from trovesaurus in the forum when it was created and only had one problem with the site (when they changed the login system)
and i´m really happy that trove has such a well designed fanpage with every info about the game, it really deserves it.
keep up the good work and hf
I don't know exactly when I have discover Trovesaurus. One year and half? not at my begining on trove, and not at the begining of Trosaurus...
I play on Trove since the beta with few friends. Trovesaurus is now the primary source of information for Trove. We can find mods too.
My english language isn't good even if I read it moire easily, so, i prefer to don't write a lot but thanks Trovesaurus :)
I began using trovesaurus when i first began playing for guides on my classes which really helped, then i used it as a good wiki. AFter that i discovered the mountain of mods on here and began to go to town modding everything i could. Trove is a really fun game to me and i really enjoy using trovesaurus for trove as it really helps me.
I first started using Trovesaurus back before I even used Twitch. I loved watching streamers and trying to figure out trove from another viewpoint. Now I get on Trovesaurus for contests, streams, and Mods. It has really changed, and it has changed in a good way. Keep it up, Im expecting even greater things to come.
I first joined back when the Sageosaurus was being given away. I had used the site to look through different things before, such as costumes. Looking at styles was also pretty helpful to building the perfect look that I wanted.
I was never much into the modding scene, but I was able to learn a bit about it from here as well. As for game information, I've been playing Trove pretty much since the beginning, so there isn't too much I'm not caught up on. When I do find something, I always know where to look.
when i first learnt about mods in trove a year ago and learnt how to make them i needed a place to upload some. I was directed from the forums to this site which allowed me to upload my mods. soon after though, i got bored of trove and left... later on i decided to come back but i had no clue what my account details were... So i eventually got bored and quit again... But then, when i came back this time again after pm'ing etaew about login stuffs, i saw there had been a site data loss issue... but then i started modding again which is now :D
I still think the site could be improved more with its looks :) Unsure of how, yet.
I first started the adventure on trovesaurus about 3 months ago. I had been looking online for a build for revenant and I found myself here. I loved the easy to use format of the site and the community so I made an account and plan to stick around for more years to come. The only thing I'd want to change on this site would be a Mobil version added!
I found out about trovesaurus quite a while ago and was a member its nice to see a lot of work and the efford put into the events and giveaway. But here you can also find a lot of tips information about mods or normal items or simply help if you need something. i Think this is a great page that helps a lot and gives nice giveaways and events to all players equally, hope it will stay that way and looking forward to the new events in the future.
I think Trovesaurus is a well run site with many nice users always willing to lend a hand. I always use the database to make sure that a style that I want to make wasn't built first. :P This giveaways are amazing though, even though I've entered countless times and almost always lost, I'm so glad that they continue to host them. :)
I first visited during October 2014 and at that time I was using it to look at styles and what not. Over the years It's become more then just that, I to this day still remember seeing this linked on reddit and I loved what you guys and girls made here. The only thing I can suggest for you guys to work on is you just doing what you do best <3
FR :
Etant novice sur Trove, par le biais d'un ami j'ai découverte Trovesaurus, votre site m'a beaucoup aidée dans la compréhension du jeu et de son contenue, notamment dans les mods que vous avez mises à notre disposition. Trovesaurus regeorge d'information grace à son databass complet et fiable. C'est rare que l'on voit un site comme le votre aussi complet et propre (soutenu) ! Merci infiniement pour se que vous nous avec offert, c'est en partie grace à vous que je suis encore présente sur Trove ! Bonne anniversaire Trovesaurus-sama & ! Joyeux nöwel à toute l'équipe OhOhOh ~
ENG : (Google translate, i'm sorry)
Being a novice on Trove, through a friend I discovered Trovesaurus, your site helped me a lot in understanding the game and its content, especially in the mods you have made available to us. Trovesaurus regeorge information thanks to its complete and reliable databass. It is rare that we see a site like yours complete and clean (sustained)! Thank you so much for you that we have offered you, it is partly thanks to you that I am still present on Trove! Happy Birthday Trovesaurus-sama! Merry Christmas to all the team OhOHOH ~
I visited like 1-2 months ago from some players talking on the global chat, and I chose to stick around for events, streams and other things. I don't really see anything around here that needs fixin, so... It's all good.
Love y'all!
Well for the first time when I came here it was for getting new items to my account in game but then I have noticed that this site have even greater potential than rewards what we could use in game.Why? because it have also a knowledge of each person who came here.
Hi pep. I'm very new here like 30 mins ago. And although I've only heard of trove on consol by my 4 kids and now have been playing since beta launched . I must say I love your game. I'm a 37 yr old father and husband . I've been a professional cage fighter for the last 12 yrs have studied martial arts my whole life and have been a pro mlg gamer for last 5 yrs . And from all the intense trainning in fighting and gow4 trainning with my team I love just sitting down and relaxing playing trove . I must say it has so much depth . But weather u are a casual gamer or a competitive freak like my self it has every thing .
It's great I can log on play just for fun with no purpose or I can plan out weapon builds club construction ect. It's just fantastic.
Now I know I only play on consol. Don't really do pc Gamming . But I'd love to hear from any one and every one about great weapon builds character tactics . How to best develope my club just alaround every thing I plan on getting into this game hard core . Fell in love with it as soon as I started playing .
Also I'd love to help develop and help on this site and ingame as much as possible so any thing me and my son's can do please don't hesitate to msg me.
But I found this site purely by mistake . While serving up why xbox one server is down . Started reading articles fell in love with it and signed up .
So cheers to you all for a great community and effort in elevating what so far to me is a fantastic game.
If any other consol gamers out there happen to read this my GT is TheticPanic and I'm on xboxone . Add me I'd love to play learn and help any one out there that enjoys this game.
If I'm not at a fight or competing in mlg tourneys . I'd be happy to relax and play some trove.
Any ways thanks again .Cheers
Panic .
my friend tould me about trovessaurus 1 year ago, i dont remember exactly when. well, i don't know something for you work on, in my opnion trovessaurus it's perfect the way it's now
okay one thing i wish is that troevesaurus would add a feature to link playstation account because i play trove on ps4 so i dont know how i am going to use promo from here on ps4
Today is the day that i last year came to here for checking christmas stuff(contest etc),
Trovesaurus is always a good place to check all the accurate information, and yeah my main priority to here is probably checking artworks and have fun with the contest.
And hello again, i popped out and probably will disappear very soon :P
2 days before I register trovesaurus, I came to see some guide. It's very helpful and I see this website have giveaway and link to trove streamer. So I registered and became member of trovesaurus :D
I first found out trovesaurus was a thing, about 2 weeks after i began playing trove, that was about 540 days ago, for the most time, i was lurking, didn't really comment or do art or anything, but i stopped lurking, when the trovesaurus club became a thing, after that i began talking with some of the members, some time after i saw that the trovesarus discord opened and i joined, i have met so many people though trovesaurus that i now know and talk to a lot and i truly think that if trovesaurus havnt been here or the club or discord wasnt here, i wouldt have been playing trove to this date.
The first time I visited this site was on October searching for giveaways :P The things you could try workin' on is maybe something like this. At the end of each month everyone gets 1 token. Or make daily games on this site if we win the game we get a token. It could make the site a lot more fun :)
I actually first found Trovesaurus after a long break from when I played in beta...I was looking up information on the gem system and this site had a pretty good guide! And then I discovered the contests and community content, which is now my favorite part of the site.
As far as thinks to work on, I guess just polishing the layout, and maybe doing something about the laggy, intrusive, audio-playing fullscreen ads.
I started playing Trove around a year ago, so I'm pretty sure I visited Trovesaurus a few times when I looked for Trove wikis.
And when I decided to enter into the Dragon drawing contest at the beginning of this year, I just couldn't stop XD
Trovesaurus has been so fun and worth it :3 I'm glad I stuck around
Happy 2nd Anniversary, Trovesaurus!
I found this website a long time ago, say around a year. i did not sign up but i did read some stuff as i was not verry experienced at that time, i was just googleling around with a trove question and this site poped up. just a random coinsidece i guess. but here i am, using the site for mostly giveaways and mods xD. ty for the effort on this site tho! real good work :)
I found this awesome game on Steam while I was searching some cube graphic games.
I heard that you guys are cool and Trove is the best proof for me. The Game totally fascinated me and I really love it.
I hope Trove will have more and more beautiful stuff in collection and colorful blocks in "Cube Converter" too.
Thanks for your work. You are the best !
Happy 2nd Anniversary !!!
I first found this page while chatting with evil in the creators discord. I was dragonless and a total noob:). Every since then I've been doing contests and checking trovesaurus for updates on all things trove.
I founded this page when a friend wanted to create a MOD.
He speak to me about this website and since i'm on it for every mod, giveaway and getting informations <3 thanks for your work !
I can't remember when did I first visit Trove, but I remember how I found Trove. On that day, I was boring because I only played 1 game, which was League of Legends, and I felt sick of it. So, I look up on Steam and searched for a free to play game, then I saw Trove ( first page in "most popular" tab ). I read the comments and most of them are positive, so I started to play it. Days after days, I got addicted that I didn't realize, I was grinding all day and night, I didn't even sleep for 2-3 days. Now, I have maxed mastery rank and level, so I have nothing to do beside earning flux and getting stronger. Overall, this game is pretty good for me, but I think it will be better if the Developers add more levels ( uber 10 or new shadow dungeons ).
I think I first visited this page last July (this year). I checked it out because some told me that I can learn alot of new things (updates and stuffs) about Trove because I stop playing for like a year. I can say that Trovesaurus' guides and events helped me out alot in terms of knowledge and progression. So yeah, thanks alot Trovesaurus! :D
I like the page, before i dont have an account so i always check the information and i can say that is good
I like Trovesaurus, its a very nice site about Trove. I like all the Contests and the Giveaways.
Been here for a little over a year now, At first i didn't sign up im just here to look for the server status, some guides and trove database updates etc.. But then after a few months I saw this contests and free giveaways then that was when i sign up, I was somewhat a F2P player so getting cash shop items is a bit rough, so then i tried my best to win it all just to complete my collections in-game. But overall this site has been amazing since the start and it keeps improving overtime, just wishing you best for more years to come. Happy 2nd Year Trovesaurus!!
I first visited a couple of months ago, when I returned to Trove after 1-2 years of inactivity. I was searching around for any kind of wiki for Trove, and stumbled across this one among the results.
I obviously decided to stay, as this is the best place for getting the info that you need.
If I ever stumble across anything I feel warrants my feedback, you can always expect an e-mail or message from me ;)
Been here for over half a year now I think, first started coming here occasional for guides unknowingly as I would google for help on things for Trove and I usually ended up on a guide on here, I eventually started being a member here since the website proved to have a lot of useful info and fun giveaways.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TROVESAURUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love you guys you always informed me about whats new in trove (i checked everyday your website) the trovesaurus mount was my first mount if trovesaurus didn't exist i was now riding slow sebastian :) thank you guys for the good years!!!
greetings from belgium
PS: i dont now when i visit the site for the first time ;p
My first visit on Trovesaurus was around year ago when i tried to find different site than the wiki with information related to the game. Something here made me feel like "Oh! This is what i looking for" and I began to frequently visit this page. After some time there were more and more cool stuff and giveaways.
This page becomes more and more user friendly and develops in an unimaginable pace. I don't really know if I should tell you what do you have to work on because it's all going to be perfect.
However some people still coming here just for giveaways to get free stuff, but in my opinion it's little bad. Trovians who through their involvement brings life to this page have nothing more than parasites.
So at the end i would say there could be something like events with integrated community but i know it's depends on Your free time :)
All best for you !
First visit would have to be some time late 2014, been using the site as a way to keep track of news and information happening in the trove world. I Heard about the site from a few users, their names elude me now.
I feel the database and item pricing pages need a little work, just on making them more clean and easyier to navigate!
I joined Trovesaurus a few weeks ago when someone in-game mentioned mount and dragon giveaways here. I've stuck around because the newsfeed and item price database are really useful.
I don't remember when exactly I joined Trovesaurus. I heard about it through other streams and I wanted to get a Trovesaurus mount. At first I didn't really do anything, but recently I've been participating more in contests and the such. Personally, I think you could improve the colour scheme on the site more, more dark colours and vibrant colours :D. Otherwise, I think this site is perfect!
I joined Trovesaurus Past November 10 2016, When I Played Trove.I heard about this site from a stream of Digiwolf At First Glance with this site im excited i never knew that this exist then when i start joining the contest i enjoyed entering giveaways fan arts i love doing something new and i love the mods hope that this site will expand and i will support this site nonstop :D and please dont stop giving prizes i love palying trove my stress reliever and thankyou for making this site TROVESAURUS..
I joined trovesaurus this past june, when I started trove. I heard about it from my IRL friend DarkPineapple58 and I have enjoyed entering giveaways and downloading mods. This is an amazing website and I hope it contonues for a long time.
Trovesaurus is incredible! The mod database is honestly one of the best things about Trove as a whole. I love the incredible art and it is nice being able to check CC rotation.
Trovesaurus is a Powerful help for news and adepts Trovians.
I dont remember when was my first visit to this website but it was for Mods.
Thank's you "Google Referencement" for trove mods.
And one Thing i would : is a better searching bar.
Troveasaurs is a great website with an outstanding community of helpful talented individuals that got me into modding and helped me in rough times while modding. The website is a great place for the trove community to come together and share ideas, art, mods and anything else thought up! Most recently what got my attention was Commander Vituses cards as an example!
Here's to 2 great years for a great website!