To celebrate Etaewday, the day where Etaew tries to comfort himself that he is getting older. We'll be hosting a few community events, check out the list below.

DatesTop ^

Etaewday will run for 3 days from Monday, August 29 to Wednesday, August 31.

For specific times please check the calendar on the front page.

Badly Drawn EtaewTop ^

Courtesy of Chronozilla, you don't want to see my attempt.

  • Draw a representation of Etaew, badly or well
  • Submit your attempt to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Badly Drawn Etaew
  • 2 random winners will receive a Trove Pack
  • 1 winner that is well drawn will be chosen by Etaew to receive a Trove Pack

Dress Like EtaewTop ^

You all want to, look at that mustache!

Can you match Etaew's in-game appearance?

  • Dress your character like Etaew
  • Submit a screenshot to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Dress Like Etaew Screenshot
  • 2 random winners will receive a Trove Pack.

How do you say Etaew?Top ^

Nobody knows.

  • Leave a comment on this article with how you think Etaew is pronounced
  • A random commenter that attempts this will receive a Trove Pack. 

e.g. Avarem might be pronounced Av-er-em, who knows.

Comments and Likes Comments 83

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Etaew might be pronounced Eh-Tae-ew.

I, personally say it Êtáew, with the a being the tonic syllable.

its an awesome comment.

Could it be maybe "Ethiuw"?

E-taew /etiu/

At a ewwwwww


I just say E T A as in the acronym for Estimated time of arrival...the say ew as if I were to pronounce a u (or a double o sound for best accuracy.) E.T.A.oo


ETT as in Boba Fett, uh as in uh I don't know what you're talking about, and EWW as in gross!!!

If you can believe google translate its E - T - U

Eeee tay ew

Simple. E-taw.

Something like Eat-a-ew

My guess is Eh-Tay-wu

probably Eh-Tee-oo

Kind of like Atreyu but without the R. so ATEYU = Etaew

I guess I'd pronounce Etaew as "Eat-A-You"...

ive always pronounced it E-taw, with a kind of half h, half w sound at the end. but that could just be my ny-er accent lol.

My guess is Eat-ew.

I feel like it is something like "Eat-ow"

I'm guessing "Et-A-Ew"

My guess is Et-e-a

I pronounce it as ''EAT  A'' - ''EW''

My guess is Et-ay-ew  :)

i say etoh

e - like "E"mail

to - like "TO"ward

oh- like ho-"OH"(the legendary pokemon)

and when i pronounce i contract the "to" and the "oh" to "toh" 

so "etoh" is the answer

Aetawew  (like a long "@" then "taw" and then "wew" like in "few")

I say Etaew ET-AHL YOOW. A bit odd I know but each to their own right?

I'll say it as "EE-TAW"...

Oh wait, if we reverse the name... ETAEW is actually read as... WE ATE.


Mystery solved!

I say "eeh-taw".

I say Etaew like  E-T-EW (A is silent)

Actually the way I pronounce it is "EEH-TAW"

Little Etaew

looks best :)






Eh-Tow (Tow like 'Tow'er)


Dear Etaew,


You have been a amazing person throughout trove. Whenever I see your articles or comments on Trovesaurus, it brightens my day. I hope you have a merry birthday. 



P.S. Pronounce it in a yelling tone like so: E TAH EEEW (You know, because you're secretly a ninja, and you told me not to tell anyone... oh....)

I would porbably say it "E tah ew"

I pronunce ROBSON


i pronounce it:


I pronounce EE-TA-OO

aeiou, aieou, eaiou? eiou, ioue, aioue, aieu, aioeu.

Etaew (Ee - TAH - oo)


A person of great importance in the trovesaurus community.

Commonly mistaken for a god among men.


E-ta-ew is how I read it

I think it's something like E- TO but not really like that... idk :P

I pronounce it as Ei-ta-ew.

I've always pronounced it Ee-tay-ew/ Ee-tay-you :P seemed to roll off my tongue the best

Happy Birthday Etaew,


And he should be pronounced that: Et-a-ew almost sounds like E.T ^-^

 i think its pronounced Et-e-ow

Maybe Et-ow

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Teh ew im a disgusting creature jk

 Е-tey-eewww like that ???:D

Happy Birthday!!!

My guess for pronounciation is:

Ee - Tay - Ew




I blame all of my English teachers.

happy etaewday happy birthday my guess for the way your name is pronounced is et-a-wa

 Happy birthday, Etaew, you're managing a very promising website!


My guess for the pronounciation of your interesting name is:


On second thought maybe it sounds more like:


Happy Birthday Etaew, hope you have a greay day! ^^


Btw, I think that your name is pronounced like:


hey happy birthday etaew u deaserve this xD i think ur name spells E Ta Ow xD idk xD sounds funny maybe its like

You prononce it É-Taw-Ew

Ee-tea-aw, thats how i pronounce it :D

I would say it is pronounced like E-tae-w

How do you pronounce that?

i pronounce it: Eee-tae-w

I read it like Eh-Tah-Iw. XD

[e-ta-w] is how I think it is pronounced. 

Happy birthday Etaew xD I would spell it [ e-ta-ɛ ] 

It's pronounced:

Eh (the h is silent) - tah (again silent) - ew


e-Daewoo (yes the car manufactorer but replace the D with a T)


Eath-To I think how you pronounce your name

Etaew, Its pronounced like "Eat Two". The perfect name for the perfect Mod. ;D