To celebrate Etaewday, the day where Etaew tries to comfort himself that he is getting older. We'll be hosting a few community events, check out the list below.
DatesTop ^
Etaewday will run for 3 days from Monday, August 29 to Wednesday, August 31.
For specific times please check the calendar on the front page.
Badly Drawn EtaewTop ^
Courtesy of Chronozilla, you don't want to see my attempt.
- Draw a representation of Etaew, badly or well
- Submit your attempt to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Badly Drawn Etaew
- 2 random winners will receive a Trove Pack
- 1 winner that is well drawn will be chosen by Etaew to receive a Trove Pack
Dress Like EtaewTop ^
You all want to, look at that mustache!
Can you match Etaew's in-game appearance?
- Dress your character like Etaew
- Submit a screenshot to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Dress Like Etaew Screenshot
- 2 random winners will receive a Trove Pack.
How do you say Etaew?Top ^
Nobody knows.
- Leave a comment on this article with how you think Etaew is pronounced
- A random commenter that attempts this will receive a Trove Pack.
e.g. Avarem might be pronounced Av-er-em, who knows.

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I just say E T A as in the acronym for Estimated time of arrival...the say ew as if I were to pronounce a u (or a double o sound for best accuracy.) E.T.A.oo
ive always pronounced it E-taw, with a kind of half h, half w sound at the end. but that could just be my ny-er accent lol.
i say etoh
e - like "E"mail
to - like "TO"ward
oh- like ho-"OH"(the legendary pokemon)
and when i pronounce i contract the "to" and the "oh" to "toh"
so "etoh" is the answer
I'll say it as "EE-TAW"...
Oh wait, if we reverse the name... ETAEW is actually read as... WE ATE.
Mystery solved!
You have been a amazing person throughout trove. Whenever I see your articles or comments on Trovesaurus, it brightens my day. I hope you have a merry birthday.
P.S. Pronounce it in a yelling tone like so: E TAH EEEW (You know, because you're secretly a ninja, and you told me not to tell anyone... oh....)
Etaew (Ee - TAH - oo)
A person of great importance in the trovesaurus community.
Commonly mistaken for a god among men.
Happy Birthday Etaew,
And he should be pronounced that: Et-a-ew almost sounds like E.T ^-^
happy etaewday happy birthday my guess for the way your name is pronounced is et-a-wa
Happy birthday, Etaew, you're managing a very promising website!
My guess for the pronounciation of your interesting name is:
hey happy birthday etaew u deaserve this xD i think ur name spells E Ta Ow xD idk xD sounds funny maybe its like