What mods uses "MrrrConneCT"?
Mod Packs (List)
Created by
MrrrConneCT 4 years ago, updated 3 years ago
What mods uses "MrrrConneCT"?
It's mod not in Trovesaurus? RuIntoEng ( https://bit.ly/RuIntoEngToQuorumTrove )
Directory when installing mods:
Does not match embedded archive name ?Fix Error(to Recommendation)
Recommendation: Remove these characters from the file name→ ?_123456789
MrrrConneCT settings (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870975297841926155/872559086435176528/unknown.png )?
Click RMB(Right Mouse Button) and choose "Open link in a New Tab" for increase and open screenshot
Scroll down to see the list of mods!
It's mod not in Trovesaurus? RuIntoEng ( https://bit.ly/RuIntoEngToQuorumTrove )
Directory when installing mods:
Does not match embedded archive name ?Fix Error(to Recommendation)
Recommendation: Remove these characters from the file name→ ?_123456789
MrrrConneCT settings (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870975297841926155/872559086435176528/unknown.png )?
Click RMB(Right Mouse Button) and choose "Open link in a New Tab" for increase and open screenshot
Scroll down to see the list of mods!
Downloading via TroveTools.NET requires having it installed