- fixed page calculation
- removed logging
fixed page swapping
adjusted the clipping box of the ui so it doesnt block unnecessary space to the left
- added an option to clear the price & unit price boxes upon auction creation
- fixed issues causing items to not be claimable
- added thousand separators to price & unit price boxes
- temporary fix for quicksearch from other uis added (slightly delayed after opening the ui)
- writing to the config on ui open, should prevent any form of config bricking

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Odd, should work on the latest version, can look into adding a claim all button next weekend.
Created: August 10, 2020
Updated: September 29, 2024
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 15,310
Downloads: 10,915
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Based on ExoDave's Superior Marketplace:
Visible on TroveTools