Clean VFX Item Drops Not Submitted

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

I've heard your request for some changes and I finally got some time to apply them.

Common to Resplendent Tiers:

- Removed nearly 100% of vfx to a simple glow to the color corresponding with each item tier

Shadow, Stellar, Crystal Tier:

- Added the Item picture to each tier
- Even cleaner beam and pulse
- Unique Sound to Shadow, Radiant, Stellar and Crystal whenever they drop
- Has an infinite Pulse with each corresponding color
- Has a soft Beam with corresponding color

Crystal Unique Effect:

- Has a x1.5 bigger aoe pulse incase you miss it
- Has a 50x50 floor of little stars if you've missed the crystal and are within the area
 *(Star field has been changed to be more appealing to the eye and less of an annoyance)
 *(The massive vortex was too annoying for many players so in result has been removed)

Have a nice day and enjoy your time farming.

285.8 KB

Minor Update!

- Icon of the mod has been updated
- New video showcasing the vfx, more edited than the previous ones

ShowCase video link:

242.1 KB

Update 4!

Fixed issues where if you left any item lower than Shadow on the ground would generate a gem break sound.

222.5 KB

Update 3!

Changes made:

All Tiers:
- All pulses have been reversed starting outside and coming to inside so it's easier to find the item.

Shadow Tier:
- I've changed the sound to something softer so people don't get confused in case it's a higher tier drop.

Crystal Tier:
- I've changed the sound
- There's now a grid of small stars to help out when a crystal drops
- Pulse size has been increased by x2,5 so it matches the size of the grid of stars
- Added a vortex in the middle in case u get too careless looking around.

If you have any issues let me know and I will try to find a solution that can work for everyone.

Thank you and have a good day farming.

224 KB

212.8 KB

Comments and Likes Comments 4

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Hey i was wondering if there is a way to disable this mod for shadow items?

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I like this mod a lot. The reason i like it is because of the performance. In that respect it could be even better. I personally only need the bars. The extra stuff is unnecessary and bogs the system down especially when items on the ground get stuck and don't unload. It may also be worth noting that it conflicts with another mod that removed the circle vfx from jumps. 👍

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Don't work :(frown

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: KillerT800

Tags: Vfx

Notes: Quality of life mod update.

Mod FilesShow

  • pkfx 8+
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_01
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_02
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_03
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_04
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_06
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_08
    • item_loot_spawn_lvl_09
    • item_treasurechest_spawn_01
  • dds 3+
    • l_07_shadow
    • l_09_stellar
    • pulsetexture
  • png 1+
    • 400x230_preview_44

I've heard your request for some changes and I finally got some time to apply them.

Common to Resplendent Tiers:

- Removed nearly 100% of vfx to a simple glow to the color corresponding with each item tier

Shadow, Stellar, Crystal Tier:

- Added the Item picture to each tier
- Even cleaner beam and pulse
- Unique Sound to Shadow, Radiant, Stellar and Crystal whenever they drop
- Has an infinite Pulse with each corresponding color
- Has a soft Beam with corresponding color

Crystal Unique Effect:

- Has a x1.5 bigger aoe pulse incase you miss it
- Has a 50x50 floor of little stars if you've missed the crystal and are within the area
 *(Star field has been changed to be more appealing to the eye and less of an annoyance)
 *(The massive vortex was too annoying for many players so in result has been removed)

Have a nice day and enjoy your time farming.

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: May 26, 2019

Updated: September 6, 2021

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 17,782

Downloads: 7,522

Visible on TroveTools