- Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced

Mod Description
https://trovesaurus.com/mod=10870/--obscure-ui---mod-setting-manager required for settings

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

- fixed wording on some settings being misleading

442.7 KB

- Added Slot icon for Mystic items

- Added a Setting to automatically lock gear with a certain amount of stars

- Added a Setting to automatically lock gems above a certain pr

- Added a Setting to automatically unlock gems below a certain rarity

442.7 KB

added an option to sort the gear by rarity highest to lowest

442.7 KB

- changed how the "autoloot on open" setting works to also loot items that are locked by default on first ui open

442.7 KB

- added option for minimum gem autoloot rarity

- fixed collect all in compost

442.7 KB

File 6 22 B
Comments and Likes Comments 33

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I cannot make the mod hide Mana Maximizers from the collector, what should I write in the hidden items box to make that happen?


**mana max

should be enough

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Gems dont Invert sort like the Gear when you activate Invert Sorting Rarity (Most rare to least Rare). Also Stellar gems dont lock when you put the unlock gems below stellars.


1. The "invert sorting rarity" option is named "invert GEAR sorting rarity" - ill look into making it work for gems if i find time for it

2. The game auto unlocks gems up to stellar rarity, there's no way to fix that - i could make it always lock anything below but that would cause them to be locked again every time you re-open the loot collector


I see, Thanks for the answer. Thank you for considering including gems

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good mod
Hey! How can I make it so that the stellar lesser gems are automatically unlocked? Thanks in advance!

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[Deleted User]

removed by chaiosBR

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Love the mod but it refuses to acknowledge the existence of the abyssal gazer fish item

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is there any way that u could update the mod so it can lootcollect the 0-3 star c4's but not 4-5 star?

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I love this mod but can you fix the auto loot Empowered gems I can't figured it out with settings. When I do hide with for example "**Vamp|" but all stellar ones hide too. Thats little annoying.


Not quite sure what you mean by that.

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I mean I have Crystal 30 Level Empowered Gem but when I unequip that gem thats become unlocked and auto collect not like lesser ones
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for example if I have crystal lesser gems its automaticlly become locked but crystal empowered gems automaticly looted when its in my inventory
I loved your mods, tysm for your job :)
Compost Bin only loot collects 1 item at a time when in stacks and prompts you to choose how many of that stack you wanna loot collect
(When pressing Collect all)


Thats how Trove works, the confirmation ui is its own ui. If you want to auto confirm you gotta get a mod to auto confirm the other ui and even then it wouldnt fully work since the loot collector has to wait for the other ui to finish.


With - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Crystal 3 Edit It collects all when pressing collect all


<3, next update im hoping for the higher rarity on top setting
It would be nice if you could lock so it didn't autocollect cosmic gems so those could still be upgraded to 25 before loot collecting.


will look into that whenever i find time


you can now set the minimum rarity for gems to be auto collected

Higher gear does not show up at the top.
For example c3 is below c1.
And in return looted gear window its not in order at all


Its intended to not show higher gear rarities at the top. the buy back window is sorted by what you looted last, also intended.


Could that be made as additional settings with the Mod Setting Manager?


can do that yes, just cant tell when ill find time for it, dont have a lot of free time atm


Thanks alot, im glad just knowing you will get to it when you can
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Would just like to put a reminder of this incase you've forgotten

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clean but needs updating.

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This one doesn't lock stellar gems. You don't have a normal, non-advanced version that matches ExoDave's Superior Loot Collector? :(

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Criteox

Notes: Make sure to check out the other parts of this UI: https://trovesaurus.com/modpack=269/obscure-ui

Preview Path: ui/Trove_703ECdsZYq.png

Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • trove_703ecdszyq
  • swf 1+
    • lootcollector

loot collector

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: August 10, 2020

Updated: July 4, 2024

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 27,055

Downloads: 12,341

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Based on TheSymbol's Superior Loot Collector:


Visible on TroveTools