
Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on July 11, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

Mod Description

Updates the clock mod to the latest version of the quest tracker, replaces letter explanations with visual images, Also fixes daylight savings time.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
  • Add position setting for flux per hour box.
  • Add position setting for world time box.
  • Add position setting for clock box.
  • Add position setting for Dungeons per hour box.

265.8 KB

  • Fix bug if hour offset was set to a negative value and clock was at 24:00 (12pm) it would show -X (where X was the number of the offset).

264.3 KB

  • Improve the performance a bit, replacing instantiations of new Date on each loop with getTimer helper method.

264.3 KB

  • Add Flux per Hour support (NOTE: This requires proper setup of configuration files (see "Mod Settings - Companion" for instructions) & "Superior Loot Collector - Advanced" version 1.3.0 or later).
  • Fix some spacing issues so its not as cramped in the starbar UI.

264.3 KB

  • Add support for troves built in mod configuration.

257.4 KB


Updates the clock mod to the latest version of the quest tracker, replaces letter explanations with visual images, Also fixes daylight savings time.

Use new configuration mod "Mod Settings - Companion" to configure instead.

Can be configured on my website:

Comments and Likes Comments 4

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Needs an update for Chloromancer Regrowth patch


Thanks for the notification, updated, should now work again.


Should I disable the original clock mod for this?

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: TheSymbol & Stormreaper

Tags: not found

Notes: Updates the clock mod to the latest version of the quest tracker, replaces letter explanations with visual images, Also fixes daylight savings time

Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • clockplus
  • swf 1+
    • questtracker


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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: December 23, 2018

Updated: February 4, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Collaborative Work

Trovesaurus Views: 37,005

Steam Workshop Views: 40,040

Downloads: 25,093

Collaborative Work

This mod is a collaboration between several Trovians.

Orignal version:

Visible on TroveTools