Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Stylish Wooden Window Decoration creation
Commented on: Stylish Wooden Window Decoration creation
Commented on: Stylish Wooden Bottom Decoration creation
Commented on: Stylish Wooden Bottom Decoration creation
Commented on: Stylish Wooden Door Middle Section Decoration creation
Commented on: Stylish Wooden Door Middle Section Decoration creation
Commented on: Corrupted radiant scimitar Melee creation
Commented on: Corrupted radiant scimitar Melee creation
The sword is looking great! Impressively well-made too.
Generally Sword do not get in game too often because there are over 1k different swords while other style categories are very far from that count ( , but i think this design is looking fabulous so good luck and hoping to see it in game.
PS. for the future occasions - we also require a Blueprint uploaded to the Files tab. It should be made from the same qb files as your Troxel link has, and it should be named according to the pattern of styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint
- so in this case a sword_corrupted_radiant_scimitar[zozhko].blueprint
. Having a blueprint allows Developers to quickly download, check and add creations to the game. Dont worry, i ve made one this time, but it helps if creators do it :)
Commented on: Roof Tiles Decoration creation
Commented on: Roof Tiles Decoration creation
Commented on: Roof Tiles Decoration creation
Hello! The set is looking great! A very thought-through and good looking design.
Could you please post each piece as a separate Creation? It is needed so Devs could pick and Accept the parts that they want to add one by one, it is also required for the Legal side of things - one post = one reward, in the case of Deco it is 500 Credits per Creation posted and Accepted.
So each post should have just one piece, with its name in the title, its model in Troxel and its blueprint in the files. The blueprint should be named according to a pattern of game files - deco_deconame[CreatorsName].blueprint
, so in your case - deco_roof_filled[0sita].blueprint
, etc etc. You could include screenshots of a full build on every page if you would like to.
Please use the following creation as an example -
Also please feel free to poke me on discord once you make a page and set it to Review so we could get them all approved within a shorter time frame.
Im going to change the status of this Creation to Active, you would need to set it to Draft to be able to make a new post. There is no limit on Draft, Approved or Accepted posts.
Commented on: Moontouched Pinata Head Helmet creation
Commented on: Moontouched Pinata Head Helmet creation
Hello o/
The pinatas for the most of them are recolors of each other, so it would ve been fine i think, but the new version looks great! Good work.
From here - Developers pick from the list of Approved creations and add them to the game, they usually add new creations about every half a year. Hoping to see this style in game!
Commented on: Moontouched Pinata Head Helmet creation
Hi! If you are aiming to get this creation checked and accepted for the game - you need to set the status of your creation to Needs Review. The Info box on the right side bar should have the full process explained.
The helmet looks really good! I would only suggest to add Material Maps to it, so it would be a perfect match for other items of the same style.
Material Maps are used to add a 'material' to models when they are viewed in Trove.
If you check the original head of this pinata (C_MT_pinata_lunar_head.qb), you could see that:
- the Eye is colored in Red on Type map (C_MT_pinata_lunar_head_t.qb)- this means those voxels are Glowing.
- and the Bridle is colored as Green on the Specular map (C_MT_pinata_lunar_head_s.qb)- this means those dark blue voxels are reflective like Metal:
Full guide to material maps can be found here > Please keep in mind that the maps can not overlap! The same voxels can not be Glowing and Metal at the same time.
Hoping to see this helmet on Review!
Commented on: Holy Fire Bow creation