
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: The Ancient Waterguards Mask Mask creation

Hello o/

Please dont forget to set the status of your creation to Needs Review if you want it to be checked and eventually considered to be Approved and Accepted for the Trove game.

Quick feedback - the Attachment Point (pink voxel) should not be physically connected to the mask (the row of blue blocks).
Also creations should not have blocks darker than 10 10 10 RGB - at the moment the pupil of the eye is pure 0 0 0 RGB - meaning the light in game will not be reflected from this surface. Using the black of 10 10 10 RGB would not make the color change noticeable to the eye, but it will make it technically correct.

Also you can use a Lint and Export function in Troxel to automatically check your model. On the right sidebar, find Trove Creations section, select the type of your creation and click the button - it will highlight all the issues, if there are any.

Commented on: KnowledgeStaff Staff creation

KnowledgeStaff status has been set to Active

Commented on: KnowledgeStaff Staff creation

Hi there!

Please keep it as a Staff, we have much more Melee weapons in game than Staves.

I love the idea haha, this is great! Do I understand it correctly, these are the books being pierced by a sword, right?

If so, for colors i would suggest to:

  • make the pages of books paper-white and noticeably different from the sword steel color
  • make the sword closer to blue steel to make it easier to tell where the sword is
  • make the handle of the sword closer to orange/brown gold than lime green yellow to make it more different from the yellowy green voxels on the pink book
  • move the handle a tiny bit further from the fist book to make it easier to notice

So, something like this:

You dont have to make any of those changes ofc, only if you feel like they would improve the design in some way.

However, its usually best to fill in all the hollow holes on the inside of the model - these:

Things like this are not visible to players in game, yet they count as 'surface' for a model when it is being rendered. 


Hoping to see this on review again soon!

Commented on: blowedfire Melee creation

blowedfire status has been set to Active

Commented on: blowedfire Melee creation


I do not see any new model or screenshots or any other changes since the last Review?

Feedback would be same as last time - please move the sword blade a bit towards the front so it does not clip with shoulders of the Knight.

Commented on: Crystal Cut Fist creation

Crystal Cut status has been set to Approved

Commented on: Crystal Cut Fist creation

Everything seems to be in order. Nicely done.


Commented on: blowedfire Melee creation

blowedfire status has been set to Active

Commented on: blowedfire Melee creation

Hi there!

I see you fixed corner-connected voxels already, good job :)

The sword design looks really good! I have to ask, is this meant to be a reference to some other existing sword design from a game or a movie? 


There is a tiny issue with the shape of the sword, its visible on your screenshot - on Knight, the upper side of a hangguard is clipping with the shoulder piece. This could be fixed by shrinking the length of the blade a tiny bit and moving its model closer to the sharp end.

Also, the Sword category has the most styles. There are almost 1000 different melee weapons, but only ~500 spears, ~500 bows etc. Meaning it is much harder to get a sword Accepted in game, compared to other weapon styles.

Using some Material Maps and/or theming the sword for one of the biomes that have fewer styles could be a good thing. For example, the current color pallet is somewhat close to the Ashen side of the Sundered Uplands. 

Material Maps in Trove are used to apply special qualities to voxels - with Material Maps you can make voxels glow, be transparent, shine like metal and so on. - please keep in mind that Maps can not overlap, the game can not render 'glowing metal', so if the same voxel is Mapped with Glowing on Type map and Metal on Specular - the game will pick ONE of these properties when a blueprint is generated.

Im going to change to status of this creation to Active for now so you could fix that clipping of the sword model and the shoulder. Any other changes are up to you.
Dont forget to change the status back to Needs Review once you upload changes.

Commented on: Crystal Cut Fist creation

Crystal Cut status has been set to Active

Commented on: Crystal Cut Fist creation

Hello again!

The new model does fit in the dimensions, but because the AP is now 1 block closer to the front upper side of the fist, it has a very noticeable clipping on almost all the vanguardian costumes - check the model on lvl 10 20 30 etc.

You could fix that by extruding the block in that direction:

Also, if you are changing a model, please be sure to also update the screenshots too. One or two new ones would be perfect.

Hoping to see it on Review again soon!

Commented on: Crystal Cut Fist creation

I'm thinking of a cool name status has been set to Active

Commented on: Crystal Cut Fist creation

Hi there!

The fist design looks pretty interesting, i like the colors!

About the shape, the maximum size for fists is 6x9x5 voxels around a fixed position of the Attachment Point.

Troxel does not have support for checking Fists, but the guide on Wiki should still be available -  .

The Claws of Clarity is a good Fist style to compare with because it uses maximal possible dimensions.

If i were to match the location of Attachment point, the comparison would look like this, meaning that the current design is 4 voxels too long and 2 voxels too wide to fit:

Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, please set it to Needs Review once you upload the resized version.


Commented on: DrownFish Melee creation


Have you been using a /weaponpreview function to view the belueprint in game or the Override folder?


Having your blueprint in either override or as a mod would make you see your design instead of a sword that you chose to replace.

For example, if you name your sword blueprint equipment_weapon_1h_sword_001.blueprint and put it in the Trove/Live/blueprints/override - you will see your model replace the Chipped Sword in game. All the other players will still see the Chipped Sword as it is - unless they download the same override file.

Same works for any other sword. 

You could make a .tmod (Trove Mod file) out of your sword if you want an option to enable/disable its visuals through Mods menu - check step 10 here > .


I hope this helps!

Commented on: DrownFish Melee creation

DrownFish status has been set to Approved