Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Moontouched Pinata Head Helmet creation
Commented on: Moontouched Pinata Head Helmet creation
Hello o/
The pinatas for the most of them are recolors of each other, so it would ve been fine i think, but the new version looks great! Good work.
From here - Developers pick from the list of Approved creations and add them to the game, they usually add new creations about every half a year. Hoping to see this style in game!
Commented on: Moontouched Pinata Head Helmet creation
Hi! If you are aiming to get this creation checked and accepted for the game - you need to set the status of your creation to Needs Review. The Info box on the right side bar should have the full process explained.
The helmet looks really good! I would only suggest to add Material Maps to it, so it would be a perfect match for other items of the same style.
Material Maps are used to add a 'material' to models when they are viewed in Trove.
If you check the original head of this pinata (C_MT_pinata_lunar_head.qb), you could see that:
- the Eye is colored in Red on Type map (C_MT_pinata_lunar_head_t.qb)- this means those voxels are Glowing.
- and the Bridle is colored as Green on the Specular map (C_MT_pinata_lunar_head_s.qb)- this means those dark blue voxels are reflective like Metal:
Full guide to material maps can be found here > Please keep in mind that the maps can not overlap! The same voxels can not be Glowing and Metal at the same time.
Hoping to see this helmet on Review!
Commented on: Holy Fire Bow creation
Commented on: Holy Fire Bow creation
The bow is looking great! Flaming-hot design :)
If you are aiming for the Sundered Uplands biome, you might want to use the colors that belong to the biome - you can find them on this page, scroll down a bit to see the table
However, the bow could fit perfectly into the Dragonfire biome as is! You should be able to change the chosen biome under the Edit menu.
Also, some colors are reserved for Material Maps. Meaning if a voxel colored in such a specific color, it will gain a special texture/shader when viewed in game. You can read more about Material Maps over there > .
You are using one of those special Material Map colors on your main model - the tips of the model have red voxels of 255.0.0 RGB - which would have made them Glowing, if it was on a Type Material Map.
To avoid any possible issues it is best to not use Material Map colors on the main QB. Please recolor them to some other shade of Red, even the 250.0.0 RGB will work just fine, as long as it is not exactly the color used for the Maps.
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, please remember to set it back to Needs Review if you upload any changes!
Commented on: Celestial Hood Helmet creation
Commented on: Celestial Hood Helmet creation
Commented on: Bonestealer Mask creation
Commented on: Bonestealer Mask creation
The new version looks so good! Well done.
PS. Please remember to include your name on the blueprint - mask_bonestealer[G_33X].blueprint
, this needs to match your in-game name so Devs would be able to send rewards to proper account, and it is also used in the Designed By: field on the collectables.
I renamed the blueprint in this creation, dont worry, but please let me know if you update your name!
Commented on: Bonestealer Mask creation
Commented on: Bonestealer Mask creation
The mask is looking awesome! Its so good to see new designs :)
The /facepreview does not remove parts of the Hair style from the face area, so when you use that command the mask does not appear the same way as it would if it was equipped as a regular style.
If you check the current model through override (or enable some other face before using facepreview) you ll see some red voxels poking through from the side - is this intended?
I would suggest to cover them with a few more light grey voxels:
Also, just as a suggestion - you are an experienced creator by now, so may be consider using a bit more shading on the models? It really helps with highlighting the details and for adding more depths to the design. Something like this, nothing too extreme:
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, but if them red glowing voxels are meant to be visible from the side - set it back to Review as is.
Commented on: Sinister Wicker Claws Fist creation
Commented on: Sinister Wicker Claws Fist creation
Commented on: Stone Bricks Decoration creation
Commented on: Stone Bricks Decoration creation
Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Foundation Brick !
It can be unlocked with Textured Block Recipe and crafted at the
Cube Converter.