
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Sunburst Fist creation


I renamed it when i Approved. The blueprint in the Files tab should be named fist_sunburst[Tellador] already.

Commented on: Sunburst Fist creation

Sunburst status has been set to Approved

Commented on: Sunburst Fist creation

Ah, good to see v3 with Material Maps. Looking radiant!


Commented on: Chaos Note Staff creation

Chaos Note status has been set to Active

Commented on: Chaos Note Staff creation


Loving the idea for the staff and the color pallet, smooth and right on point :D

It seems like the back end (flags) of it might be a bit too bulky, it noticeably collides with parts of character models:

I would suggest to make it just a tiny bit smaller, that way the beam could follow a curve. Also may be shaping the head a bit closer to a rounded oval would sell the idea slightly better? 

Quick edit to show what i mean. As always, you dont have to copy this, but please make the flags smaller so they wont collide with wings ribbons etc.


Im going to change the status of this staff to Active for now, but hoping to see it back on Review!

Commented on:


Do you mean the 'Forge a Crystalline Weapon' quest step? You should be able to craft any recipe on the [Sunseeker's Crystalforge] to progress your questline.

It was changed at some point after the initial Gearcrafting patch to 'Forge Crystal Gear' that points you to the Gearcrafting Forge instead, but its possible the platform you play on does not have this change yet.

Commented on: Gear Grinder Fist creation

Gear Grinder status has been set to Approved

Commented on: Gear Grinder Fist creation

Hi there! Sorry for the delay.

Colors on the new version are looking very good! Great fit for the Ashen wastes.



Commented on: Radiant solarion mod


it is working on my side too, thank you very much!

beautiful design

Commented on: Radiant solarion mod


From what i know, when you are using an in-game command to build tmod it should pick up all the override folders properly. Downside here would be that this would pick up ALL the files in ALL THE override folders that you have, so if you dont want something included you would need to remove it from override.

If you are using old/new Trovetools id suggest asking on Trovesaurus discord #modding channel, im sure somebody there would be able to help.

Commented on: Radiant solarion mod

Hi, im having troubles with the mod.

Seems like its trying to place the blueprints in /blueprints/override folder, rather than 2022/skins/solarion_floral/override ?

Commented on: Corrupted Sun Staff Staff creation

Corrupted Sun Staff status has been set to Approved

Commented on: Corrupted Sun Staff Staff creation

Hello again!

Version 2 looks so much better, good job!



For the future uploads, please upload a Blueprint of your creation to the Files tab - its next to Edit, Images etc. Having a blueprint there allows Developers to quickly download, check and add creation to the game files. 

The blueprint should be named according to a patter that all the other in-game files use:


so in your case -  staff_corrupted_sunstaff[BPsysOri].blueprint 

That name in square brackets will be the name that gets displayed in a Designed By: field. so please always make sure that it is spelled correct. This name should also match your Trovesaurus name AND your in-game character name - if it does not, the Developers will not be able to find your account and send rewards when creation gets Accepted.

Dont worry, this time i ve uploaded a blueprint for you, made from your latest Troxel link files.