We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Ancient Dragon Ascension patch.
CollectionsTop ^
- Ancient Allure - An old-timey enchantment with plenty of classic appeal
- Ancient Dragoncrown -
- Ancient Dragon -
- Ancient Fledgling -
- Trimach the Ancient -
- Ancient Dragonlord Arsenal -
- Ancient Dragonling -
- Spirit of Trimach - On unlock grants a permanent +5 Maximum Energy, +1 Jump, and +50 Magic Find
- Twitching Tentacle - It still moves, as if with a mind of its own
- Ancient Fledgling - Strikes a dramatic silhouette against a full moon
- Ancient Dragon - Strikes a dramatic silhouette against a full moon
- Trimach the Ancient - Strikes a dramatic silhouette against a full moon
- Shadow Crawler - Tends to pop out of dark corners, startling the unwary
- Ancient Dragonling - Unlocked through consumption of 5 Ancient Dragon Souls, earned by opening Ancient Dragon Caches.
ItemsTop ^
- Ancient Dragon Soul - Consume multiple Ancient Dragon Souls to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Ancient Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store -
- Ancient Dragon Soul - Consume multiple Ancient Dragon Souls to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Ancient Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store -
- Ancient Dragon Cache - Contains materials used to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts! -
- Mount: Twitching Tentacle - It still moves, as if with a mind of its own -
- Mount: Shadow Crawler - Tends to pop out of dark corners, startling the unwary -
StylesTop ^
Melee Weapon
- Ancient 'Stachestamper by Trove Team - Fashioned in Trimach's image, and spruced with fibers from his magnificent beard
Pistol Weapon
- Ancient Browblaster by Trove Team - Adorned with clippings from Trimach's wondrous whiskers
Staff Weapon
- Ancient Beardbraider by Trove Team - Used to groom Trimach's beard before and after battle
Bow Weapon
- Ancient Windwhisker by Trove Team - Fashioned from the unbreakable fibers of Trimach's Beard
- Ancient Dragoncrown by Trove Team - Allows the wearer to communicate with their Ancient Dragon at any distance
- Moon Draccoon Helm by Destral - Draccoons were fiercely loyal to the Moon Goddess, but have not been seen the Sundering
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