We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Neon Dragons Edition.
Badge: Neon Dragon Ascension
- Neon Dragonling -
- Neon Dragonlord Helm -
- Neon Fledgling -
- Neon Dragonlord Arsenal -
- Neon Dragon -
- Lambent the Neolord -
- Spirit of Lambent - On unlock grants a permanent +5% Energy Regeneration, +1 Jump, and +50 Magic Find
Mounts: Legendary Dragon
- Lambent the Neolord name changed from N the Illuminate
Mounts: Adventure Box
- Giant Red Panda - Much more active and agile than its monochromatic cousins.
- Giant Fae Panda - Highly magical and mischievous, only the Fae can domesticate them reliably.
- Panda Adventurer's Chest - Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Red Panda or Giant Fae Panda mounts.
- Neon Dragon Cache - Contains materials used to unlock Neon Dragon mounts!
- Mount: Giant Fae Panda - Highly magical and mischievous, only the Fae can domesticate them reliably.
- Mount: Giant Red Panda - Much more active and agile than its monochromatic cousins.
- Mount: Tundra Thunderer - Break the ice with this massive glacier gorer.
- Mount: Torched Taurus - This burning bull scorches the earth with its hellish hooves.
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