We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Welcoming Edition patch.
CollectionsTop ^
- Chaotic Clipper name changed from SS Infinity
- Chaotic Clipper file updated from '' to 'Boats'
Adventure Box Mounts
- Blue Budgie Buddy - This friendly avian is an avid racer
- Pink Budgie Buddy - This friendly avian is an avid racer
Treasure Isles Mounts
- Jade Larvorghini - This baby bug is a pro at larval locomotion
- Battle Catterpillar - Leads a double life as a shy little bug until you call it to do battle
- Candorian Caterpillar - This wiggly gymmy worm will sugar rush you to where you need to be
- Rodeo Cowterpillar - Not the smoothest of rides, but it mows lawns nice and even
Cat Mounts
- Steam Meownt - Powered by barely comprehensible technology.
- Permafrost Meownt name changed from Ice Blue Meownt
- Magic Meownt - These fantastical felines can often be found frolicking in fae forests.
Treasure Isles Pets
- Solar-Powered Satellizer - This bitty bug bot is an advanced experiment in energy self-sufficient automata
Hidden Sails
- Insanity Sail - Nothing good can come of sailing under it
- Chaotic Sail - You are convinced it changes appearance every time you look at it
- Shadow Sail - Proof that there are oceans to sail in the Everdark, maybe
Other Sails
- Scarlet Shroom Sail - Its presence emboldens those who toil beneath it
- Desert Sunset Sail - To many, the sea is yet another frontier to be conquered
- Spooky Sail - Any captain that flies this sail is just asking for trouble
- Golden Trident Sail - Thought by many to be an attempt to propitiate the warring rulers of the oceans
- Hypnotic Sail - Ships that fly it are prone to mysterious accidents
- Frost Fae Sail - A relic of the once mighty Frost Fae kingdom
- Moonshadow Sail - Those who served the Moon Goddess before her betrayal were forever suspect after it
- Dark Phoenix Sail - This ominous sail inspires dread in any wise captain
Adventurer Skins
- Xero Line Wings icon updated from
- Bloodsucker Wings icon updated from
- Bounding Boot - Made for walking.
- Cardinal Wildwing - It manifests a rare and mysterious power
- Lucky Cloverwing - This Fae flitterer is thought to bring fortune to those who find it
- Feisty Flamedancer - These butterflies fill the summer skies with dancing star-like lights
- Empyreal Emperor Butterfly - Butterflies are believed to have migrated from the Sky Realms to the Prime many millenia ago
- Brown Behe-Moth - This ferocious heavyweight bug has few natural predators
- Arctic Behe-Moth - This large lepidopteran likes to chill in cool Permafrost climes
- Fuchsia Flitterer - Many believe Chaos Butterflies are an evolution of this species
- Solar-Powered Satellizer - This bitty bug bot is an advanced experiment in energy self-sufficient automata
DecoTop ^
- Dusty Bookcase
- Candy Pipe Vertical Section
- Watchful Guard Dog
- Climbing Fae Vine
- Weird Wardrobe Top Section
- Igloo Front Left Quarter
- Timeless Rose
- Gunslinger Plushie
- Large Desk Left Section
- Candy Pipe Corner section
- Weird Wardrobe Bottom Section
- Creepy Cauldron
- Solid Bookcase
- Candy Pipe Horizontal Cross Section
- Candy Pipe Downturn section
- Pirate Qubesly Plushie
- Cyber Coolant
- Jail Bar Divider
- Lounging Primblock Pup
- Igloo Front Right Quarter
- Phantom Qubesly Plushie
- Bead Curtain Top Section
- Bead Curtain Mid Section
- Icelocked Tusk Bottom Section
- Hanging Fae Vine
- Candy Pipe Vertical Cross Section
- Candy Pipe Straight Section
- Standby Server Rack
- Porcelain Throne
- Wide Candy Chimnney Stack Section
- Igloo Back Quarter
- Cozy Pember Pup
- Welcoming Robo-Cat
- Radiant Banner Mid Section
- Radiant Banner Top Section
- Sturdy Bookcase
- Fancy Desk Left Section
- Candy Pipe Upturn Section
- Fancy Desk Right Section
- Well-Loved Bookcase
- Flowering Fae Vine
- Radiant Banner Bottom Section
- Large Desk Right Section
- King Qubesly Plushie
- Jail Bar Lock
- Bead Curtain Bottom Section
- Icelocked Tusk Mid Section
- Icelocked Tusk Top Section
- Wide Candy Chimnney Flue Section
- Napping Pemblock Pup
StylesTop ^
Melee Weapon
- Halcyon Hammer by NyantaMan - A weapon from happier days, it has seen much strife since
- Striking Strings by Pumkmine - It's all well and good until someone gets hit over the head with hit
- Surge Saviour by Paper97 - Protects from electric overloads, but delivers equally devastating concussive attacks
- Foam Fighter by Humpypants - Knock your foes out of the park
- Hollow-Head Halberd by Laegh - The head has been customized to improve speed and wieldability
- Whirlwind Whisker by Furler - Agitates the air around it creating turbulence with each swing
- Burnished Broadsword by Howell - This heavy blade is polished to a mirror-like sheen
- Cavalry Cleaver by Yelish - This long-hafted weapon is designed to be used from horseback
- Constructed Block Basher by Pumkmine - Just watch out and make sure it doesn't fall apart when you strike
- Prize Pincher by Zanano - The power to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
- Emerald Enemy by Qbush - This verdant runeblade burns with barely-restrained virulence
- Exact Incisor by ap5p - This handy weapon combines high accuracy with ease of use
- Ivied Beleaguer by Lightraider - The cream of the crop with it comes to causing harm
- Eleven-Edge Sword by knecls - Its form is great for prying open armor
- Boon of Bliss by Sotilis - Blessed by he who governs chance and fortune, all praise be to him
- Path to Darkness by OreoKirby - Rumored to open gateways into dark dimensions of shadow
- Apis Punisher by Dragoes - Beating your foes with it leaves their ears buzzing
- Hungering Hacker by Laegh - A wicked weapon that thrives on carnage
- Phantom Pinion by Roniofking - Its blade only manifests when there are foes nearby
- Golden Glacier Glaive by Sevrenox - In ages past it carved out what would become the beginnings of the Frost Fae kingdom
- Ceremonial Fae Club by Humpypants - After the Sundering, Wild and Dark Fae fell into barbarism
- Heat Beater by knecls - It radiates its own heat, making it a great blacksmithing tool
- Incandescent Machete by MetalTxus - It generates its own heat, allowing it to weaken metal arms it strikes
- Draconic Devastator by Reikdar - Fashioned from the wing of an ancient wyrm of fearsome repute
- Bot Bereaver by QAQlll - Dismantles droids and antagonises androids
- Salvage Smasher by Fhilian - If only it turned robots into robot parts, rather than scrap metal
- Mech-chete by Fiscon - Helps you hack your way through the concrete jungles of the Neon City
- Heavy Duty Neonsaber by Aodahn - It bears the burden of honor lost and a vow unfulfilled
- Holo-Halfblade by Mythlit - Easily concealed, this optic weapon is notoriously hard to dodge or parry
- Donut Dinger by Zuonius - So old that the glazing has reached diamond-like hardness
- Scorn Scone by xGhost - Never has a pastry been so filled with hatred
- Delicious Delivery by PinkiePie - It's hard to reject an offering such as this
- Candied Scorn by boboyobo12 - This sweet maul doesn't play games
- Mellow Mammoth by Lachtre - Crafted to resemble an iconic Candorian mount, it strikes terror in your foes
- Cloud Cleaver by Lyean - One might swing of this weapon clears the skies
- Radiant Runelance by LippyLapras - An enchanted sword that pierces foes all the way to their souls
- Skyrealm Straightaxe by Zsword - A well-balanced weapon suited for battle in precarious conditions
- Sky Maul by Qoaleth - It has something for everyone
- Shard shatterer by LippyLapras - Perfect for smashing crystalline clouds or knocking foes off a floating island
- Sky Shaper by AceGonzalez - A smith's hammer, used to give shape to a thousand creations
- Combat Cube by Erudito - It is chomping at the bit to see battle
- Crystalline Club by Jonjoun - Formed with crystal shards from the Sky Realms
- Radiant Regiment Sword by Screamheart - Once born by warriors and soldiers of the Sky Realms
- Radiant Hero's Blade by Skollrum - A valiant blade belonging to an ancient hero of the Sky Realms
- Beholder Buster by tmahwk - Its gleaming blade is tainted from centuries of battling the darkness
- Radiant Troveblade by Lyean - It is almost as valuable as the treasures guarded by those who wield it
- Skewering Spyre by BboySwifty - Perfect for pinning down the aerial predators of the Sky Realms
- Skyborne Sabre by Hordik - Its gleaming edge splits the skies asunder
- Soul Saviour by Lyean - It was cleansed of its curse by one who bore it through countless battles
- Pensive Pendulum by Miknugget - Many generations of warriors have honed their minds and bodies practicing with these weapons
- Sublimating Soulfire by Gyrruss - Its blade is a projection of the fire in its wielder's heart
- Bluesteel Estoc by Mrturtleguy - A solid, stylish stabbing sword
- Greatsword of the Blue Waters by bananainyogurt - A blade of mysterious origin that has caused much strife
Pistol Weapon
- Booster Ballistics by chocobag - A spring-loaded projectile ejector that is very comfy to wield
- Librarian's Silencer by Llianew - Quickly quiets down troublemakers and rabble-rousers
- Magnetic Mauler by Hooborg - Fries your foes' brains with powerful magnetic fields
- Hair-Trigger Cross-Beamer by protOplasm - This sublime armament shows singular accuracy
- B-1 Laser Pistol by Wenti - A common, mass-produced design
- Combat Carbine by Skendya - Suitable for short-to-mid-range firefights
- Industrial Incisor by Minibot - A heavy-duty metalworking laser that makes short work of most foes
- B-51 Raptor Rifle by Inzynier - Sends your foes to meet their respective makers
- Five-Beam Focuser by 456link - Generates and combines five beams for added power and range
- Pinata Pistol by orcamig - Start the party with a bang
- Spring Pinata Pistol by Orcamig - A new year necessitates new fireworks
- Autumn Pinata Pistol by orcamig - Just be careful you don't start any wildfires
- Winter Pinata Pistol by Orcamig - Brings some much needed heat to chill winter nights
- Crystal Hornet by Blestmist - Its name is derived from the projectiles it fires, which have minor homing capabilities
- Torching Turret by OreoKirby - All it wants is to make the world burn
- Heartbeam Redeemer by PinkiePie - Follow your heart, and let it clear the path before you
- Launching Ladybug by Qoaleth - Loaded with anti-D'hev munitions, its murderous heart awaits the chance to strike
- Pepper Sprayer by LETAL1TY - This rapid-fire weapon is highly effective at incapacitating enemies
- Custom Radiant Pistol by Zsword - It appears to have undergone some modifications
- Regal Riposte by Heiliar - Puts down any arguments against your royal decree
- Arcanium Gauntlet by CrossXDemon - The Great Magitech War saw many advances in micro- and macro-technology
- Impolite Geist by InfineonJ - It has a bad habit of interrupting long-winded exposition
- Tundra Raptor by PixelatedGamer - Favoured by those who live and die by the whims of the Permafrost Tundra
- Flare Flinger by Revoniel - This pyrokinetic pistol concentrates firepower into massive explosive fireballs
- Ring Blitzer by Keyelor - Shoots ring-shaped projectiles, highly effective at penetrating armor
- Skyrealm Skirmisher by Khali - A handy sidearm for scouts patrolling among the clouds
- Arcane Anti-Air Cannon by Zsword - Hand-held artillery to repel aerial invaders
- Radiant Repeater by AdamantSpartan - The product of two very different lineages of technology
- Bulkhead Buster by Gyrruss - This heavy cannon is designed to take on the most heavily armored targets
- Heaven Hand by Knightlock - Built from Radiant Giant armour scraps, it packs a punch
- Captain's Placeholder by Knightlock - Borne by a beloved hero who is sorely missed
- Bombastic Blunderbuss by LaFreakki - Its explosive firepower is a favorite among bandits and buccaneers
- Fine-Barrelled Flintlock by Karrut - This small-caliber firearm sacrifices power for longer range and accuracy
- Sharkhannon by Blestmist - Sharkhan don't typically employ firearms, so its origin is a highly-debated mystery
- Missile Macaw by GadgetCAT - This chatty parrot always has a pithy one-liner for foes it is about to dispatch
Staff Weapon
- Tine of Temptation by Delvulria - It's easy to influence others when you have something they want
- Burning Baton by Ceicil - Poke someone enough times and they will eventually explode
- Twisted Twig by Stedms - Trimmed long ago, it still bears fruit in a timely fashion
- Bladestaff of the Jade Dragon by Kill3rCreeper - Perfectly balanced for use as a conduit of might or magic
- Balefire Binder by SupremeNova - Created to counter the scourge of balefire corruption
- Mineral Medley by ReshiramFury - This ceremonial rod is fashioned from the three Trovian Elements and an assortment of their alloys
- Bale-Touched Branch by Stedms - Caustic corruption seeps from this severed limb, ready to combust at a moment's notice
- Chronomancer's Cudgel by Eriri - Its approach to time manipulation relies on brute force
- Portentous Pylon by BrianVI - Some believe its falling into mortal hands was a sign of the coming calamities
- Scryer's Shrinestaff by Rajeeb - This portable reliquary can be planted to pray for clarity or revelation
- Oblivion Observer by Heiliar - Infused with chaos, it can be used to dredge up knowledge lost to time
- Saintly Scepter by Mordred - Gifted to a pious soul by one of the Four Wanderers
- Wheel of Burning Blessings by Mioure - Boons bestowed always come full circle
- Massive Mageblade by Icy_Ymir - The strength required to wield it is beyond most mortal magicians
- Upcycled Sunrod by Xylioxus - A kitbash of assorted parts from Sky Realms relics, it is a testament to mortal ingenuity
- Runed Rimeslinger by PonyPrince - The polar opposite of a flamethrower
- Timeless Ice Scepter by Alyvian - Thought to depict the patron deity of the lost Frost Fae
- Frozen Fist by MiszterSoul - Even ancient glaciers tremble before its might
- Checkered Dreamchaser by Sheribonbon - Dreams are never static, and they won't wait for you to catch up
- Live Rail Rod by Bugvsbug - Almost as dangerous to its user as it is to its target
- Jaded Justice by Shyster - Fairness cast aside, superceded by law.
- Sunvane Staff by Revoniel - In the absence of the Sun Goddess, its wings remain stilled
- Sunpraiser Staff by RageGamerRyan - Its head turns to face the deity to which it is consecrated
- Runic Rocket Rod by Volfide - This prickly prototype is evidence that Runecrafting was once a science with many branches
- Splendorous Shardseeker by MCfan567 - A renowned explorer of the Sky Realms had it crafted in the belief it would aim his excavations of the ruins
- Radiant Realigner by Lacirev_ - From chaos Order. From darkness, Light. From destruction, rebirth.
- Radiant Rifle by KobayashiMaru - This radiant relic appears to be another runecrafed weapon prototype that never saw circulation
- Gilded Crescent by Reggame - The Moon Goddess was greatly revered among Sky Realmers, so few can fathom the reason for her betrayal
- Bubble-Blowing Baton by Sheribonbon - Beloved of fun-loving and eccentric wizards everywhere
- Gold-Plated Coral Rod by Wesl - Its polyps still live, gradually growing beyond their original golden casing
- Trident of the Three Kings by 5p3x - Three rulers war across the seas, while Ruin awaits below
- Creamy Cookie Cap by Fizzinc - Crumbs in your hair and bugs in the air are its two only drawbacks
- Overstuffed Hotdog by Delvulria - Loaded for bear and ready for consumption
- Allergy Eyes by MajorTom - There's something in the air, and these eyes can't handle it
- Feline Gaze by PinkNekoGirl - These keen greens see what is to be
- Beryl Sigil by Ranen - A heroic emblem for elite explorers
- Fine Wine by Kill3rCreeper - And some Jack cheese
- Jovial Jester by Mansage - Joke's on you!
- Bored Lawman by TheMinion - It is unamused by your antics
- Vacuous Visage by Erudito - It takes everything in and lets nothing out
- Worry Warthog by Humpypants - It is others that should be worried, not you
- Roiling Rage by Lenzsio - Seeing red begins with anger and ends with shed blood
- Zen Turion by MetalTxus - A clear mind wins the battles that mighty arms cannot
- Star Commander by Fhilian - Always ready to step in the ring and take on all comers
- Slim Shades by Mansage - All the retro partying your body can handle
- Slime Smile by chocobag - Nothing slick or sleazy about this simple expression of joy
- Mark of Madness by Stedms - Q'bthulhu's blessings can easily be construed as curses
- Shadowed Moon by Mansage - Believed to depict the Moon Goddess's shunning of the light
- Savannah Speeder by Netharia - Fast cats catch all the rats
- Weathered Wrappings by PinkNekoGirl - They have endured the passage of the eons
- Dusky Husky by Wellfox - Eyes the color of night, coat the color of twilight
- Howling Hood by NyantaMan - Awakens the wearer to the power of the spirits of winter
- Morgue Muzzle by Dave203 - This puppy will procure its own bones
- Floppy Face by Humpypants - It is write-protected, so you're stuck with a single, rigid face
- Misleading Misanthrope by MappyT - Its cold robotic heart harbors little love for your kind
- Shades of Night by BrianVI - When the sun's light dies, shadows prowl the skies
- Candy Coronet by Ceca - Relic of ancient Candorian royalty
- Candy Kisses by EyeballPrincessII - These sweet lips aren't simply for show, you know
- Suntear Tiara by CloBunny - Said to have been shed by the Sun Goddess herself.
- Stonejaw Macaw by Humpypants - It can take a punch without flinching
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