The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Fish 'N' Ships Update client files and the following changes have been made.
BoatsTop ^
- SS Dinghy name changed from SS Dingy
- Old Blocksides name changed from SS Blocksides
- SS Draconic icon updated from
- SS Dutchman icon updated from
FishTop ^
- Jumping Jadefin - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Blue Balladine - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Violet Verseskimmer - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Genteel Goldfish - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Crimson Siltdancer - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Thalasstian Princess - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Abyssal Gazer - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Fat Catfish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Saltwater Swordfish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Radiant Shardine - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Enchanting Faefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Frozen Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- School of Fish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Ancient Seafish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Wide-eyed Noobfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Radiant Dawnfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Radiant Moonfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Gloamfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Weird Fisheye - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Hub Hugger - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Dry Bones - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Balefire Frenzyfang - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Fiery Finflapper - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Igneous Isopod - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Conflagrating Clam - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Dancing Dragonfish - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Rainbow-Shelled Turtleling - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Shadowspawned Trilobiter - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Shapestone Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Formicite Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Infinium Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Flamesnout Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Lava Lancefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Pressurized Coalfish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Glass Gazer - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Ancient Lavarider - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Flameroasted Noobfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Charred Hub Hugger - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Soaring Flamefish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Tropical Volcanofish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Frigid Firefish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
Fishing PolesTop ^
- Molten Magma Sifter - A heat-resistant pole which unlocks fishing in lava
- Lady of the Lake - A legendary fishing rod said to enchant any fish that swims nearby
- Wish Fisher - A legendary fishing rod that makes any angler's wishes come true
- Master Angler's Rod - A masterful fishing rod
- Candied Fishing Cane - A sweet angling rod for fishing in chocolate
- Chaos Rod - A fishing rod imbued with a touch of primordial chaos
- N-0 Depth Scoper - An advanced angling rod for fishing in plasma
MountsTop ^
- Pembarr - Saltiness isn't this sea-dog's deal
SailsTop ^
- Simple Sail name changed from Basic Sail
- Jolly Roger name changed from Pirate Sail
- Dragon Sail - The scent of the sea clings to its unmarred surface
SkinsTop ^
- Max Level Pirate Captain name changed from Level 20 Pirate Captain
- Master of Commanding name changed from Master of Commanding Pirate Captain
- Ghost Pirate name changed from Ghost Pirate Captain
Physical items in the inventory tend to unlock entries in Collections.
NewTop ^
- Pygmy Plum Pike - Epic fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Orange Marlingue - Legendary fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Blueberry Pie-ranha - Rare fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Cherry Jellyfish - Relic fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Sour Skate - Resplendent fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Reef Liquoral - Shadow fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Candied Cutterfish - Uncommon fish. Caught any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Mint Choctacoise - Uncommon fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria
- Balefire Frenzyfang - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Fiery Finflapper - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Igneous Isopod - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Conflagrating Clam - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Dancing Dragonfish - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Rainbow-Shelled Turtleling - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Shadowspawned Trilobiter - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Ancient Lavarider - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Charred Hub Hugger - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Frigid Firefish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Flameroasted Noobfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Soaring Flamefish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Tropical Volcanofish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Glass Gazer - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Pressurized Coalfish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Shapestone Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Flamesnout Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Infinium Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Formicite Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Lava Lancefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Ultraviolet Neon Ray - Epic fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Bronze Neon Drumfish - Legendary fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Coldsteel Exofish - Rare fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Carmintine Crab - Relic fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Paragon Prismopod - Resplendent fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Shadow Angler - Shadow fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Neon Knightfish - Uncommon fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Jade Neon Darter - Uncommon fish. Caught from plasma flows like those in Neon City
- Jumping Jadefin - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Blue Balladine - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Violet Verseskimmer - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Genteel Goldfish - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Crimson Siltdancer - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Thalasstian Princess - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Abyssal Gazer - Common Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Ancient Seafish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Dry Bones - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Hub Hugger - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Wide-eyed Noobfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Radiant Dawnfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Radiant Moonfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Weird Fisheye - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Gloamfish - Rare Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Enchanting Faefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Fat Catfish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Frozen Orefish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Radiant Shardine - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- School of Fish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
- Saltwater Swordfish - Uncommon Fish. Deconstruct it to gain resources and add it to your collection
Fishing Pole
- Fishing Pole: Candied Fishing Cane - A sweet angling rod for fishing in chocolate
- Fishing Pole: Chaos Rod - A fishing rod imbued with a touch of primordial chaos
- Fishing Pole: Molten Magma Sifter - A heat-resistant pole which unlocks fishing in lava
- Caster of the Master - A masterful fishing rod
- Fishing Pole: N-0 Depth Scoper - An advanced angling rod for fishing in plasma
- Fishing Pole: Wish Fisher - A legendary fishing rod that makes any angler's wishes come true
- Fishing Pole: Lady of the Lake - A legendary fishing rod said to enchant any fish that swims nearby
- Eggster Adventurer's Chest - Open to to earn adventuring loot! Contains the rare Eggster mounts.
- Mount: Pembarr - Saltiness isn't this sea-dog's deal
- Sail: Jolly Roger
- Sail: Ancient Scale Sail
- Sail: Golden Shell Sail
- Sail: Green and Gold Sail
- Sail: Red and White Sail
- Sail: Simple Sail
ChangedTop ^
- Lure description changed from 'Here fishy fishy' to 'Required to catch fish. Consumed on use.'
- Basic Fishing Pole name changed from 'Fishing Pole: Basic Fishing Pole'
MeleeTop ^
- Seafoam Falchion by MrFondle - The blade froths and roils like the raging ocean
- Spirit of Enterprise by Cretoriani - Where there are open seas, there will be those who will sail them
Pistol WeaponTop ^
- Worn Flintlock by Trove Team - Make 'em walk the plank
HatTop ^
- Polly's Polka-Dot Bandanna by MetaforgeStream - Keeps hair in its place
- Atop Artillery by MetaforgeStream - Blasts the battlefield with boomtastic broadsides
- Sea Dog's Sheath Hat by MetaforgeStream - Because in naval battles you can never have too many swords
- Great White Fin by MetaforgeStream - Perfect for pranking water-loathing landlubbers
- Haul Hat by Chaze - Why bury your treasure wen you can wear it instead?
- Dark Infineon Helm by Screamheart
- Ghost Pirate Helm by Trove Team
FaceTop ^
- Sea Dog's Stache by MetaforgeStream - A commanding stache for a master of the sea
- Paired Eyepatches by MetaforgeStream - A matching set of eyepatches for those who think seeing is overrated
- Restless Roil by MetaforgeStream - Stomachs and seas often disagree
- Treasure Isles Plant
- Treasure Isles Trader - Buy something, will ya
- Merchant - Buy something, will ya
- Shadowy Treasure Isles Trader - Buy something, will ya
- Nautical Assembler - Craft ships, sails, and fishing poles.
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