On this day: October 4
The Trouble with Titles is now live on PC!
We are pleased to announce that our The Trouble with Titles update is now live on PC.
With this update, we wanted to give you even more ways to customize your Trovians and show off your achievements, so we’re introducing Titles – a fantastic new feature for you to play around with.
But that’s not all, let’s dive right in and check out what’s in store for you:
Trove Blog October 4, 2023 0
Trove Highlights – #2
Hello Trovians! 👋
Welcome back to the cube-tastic community highlights, where we showcase fan art, videos, and clubs.
This letter covers the latest features, events, promotions, teasers, and much more! Exciting news surrounding Trove awaits you!
Trove Blog October 4, 2022 0
Chaotic Offers – Until October 11, 2022!
Trovians, will you be able to master the chaos?
Stock up on crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and complete your collections with rare collectibles.
Take advantage of these deals from October 4, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC until October 11, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC – in our in-game store on all platforms!
Trove Blog October 4, 2022 0
The Boomeranger Blowup Update is now live on PC!
We’re happy to introduce the Boomeranger Blowup update, which focuses on a Boomeranger class revamp but also includes user experience updates, chaos crafting updates, new dungeons & much more!
The Boomeranger now gets different versions of his abilities depending on which weapon type is equipped. In addition, upon low health, your fairy companion will heal you and make you invincible for a short time! Finally, new effects have been added to the Ultimate Ability, Mysterious Urn, which is now more explosively phenomenal than ever!
Trove Blog October 4, 2022 0
Boomeranger Blowup - Patch Notes
Trove Forums October 4, 2022 1
PTS Patch Notes - 10/4/2021
Trove Forums October 4, 2021 0
Club Leader Spotlight - Female Zombie and Crypticsoul (Treasure Goblins on Xbox)
This time on Club Leader Spotlight we talk to Female Zombie and Crypticsoul who are co-owners of Treasure Goblins on Xbox.
Etaew October 4, 2020
InkTrover 2019
During this month as some of our Artists have already started, we'd like to collect together peoples Inktober efforts that relate to Trove. Post them using the InkTrover2019 tag and we'll highlight some at the end of the month.
Etaew October 4, 2019
Neon City Art Contest Results
Thanks for taking part in our Neon City biome art contest, our guest judges have posted their results. Thanks to [user=Ylva] and [user=mau5head].
Etaew October 4, 2018
It’s the Great Livestream, Charlie B. – October 5
Will this be the greatest livestream in history? Not with that attitude. We hope you’ll join us anyway, for new info on the upcoming Crystal Gear, and a look at what awaits on the surface of Geode! Plus, we’ll show off some fantastic player-created art, answer your questions from the forums and live chat, and as always we’ll have our famous giveaways!
Trove Blog October 4, 2018 1
Trove Livestream – October 6th
This week on the Trove livestream we’re playing on the Xbox One! If you want to give your Club World a chance to be shown off during the stream, tweet us the club name @TroveGame. We’ll also show off some amazing player-created art, throw some piñata parties, and do giveaways!
Trove Blog October 4, 2017 0
Patch - 7 AM PDT (2 PM GMT) October 4, 2016
This page was created automatically from http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?109948-Patch-7-AM-PDT-(2-PM-GMT)-October-4-2016
Trove Forums October 4, 2016 0
Market Promotion (October)
Thanks for your input during Market Promotion September, we have granted the rewards for the previous month and processed the queue for No Trade items (thanks SkyRider). For the new month we have renewed this promotion.
Etaew October 4, 2016
Gunslinger Art Contest
This month is a purely community created art contest, you have voted to draw the Gunslinger. Submit your entry by the end of the month for a chance at winning Trove goodies.
Etaew October 4, 2016
Sylvan's Riddle Contest
For the next week, we're hosting a riddle contest for Sylvan who has provided us with the riddles and rewards. Can you guess all 3 correctly and enter them into trovesaurus.com/event for a chance at one of these prizes?
Etaew October 4, 2016
Shadow’s Eve Houses of Horrors Contest
Shadow’s Eve approaches. As the nights grow longer, the barrier between shadow and light all but vanishes. To celebrate this annual festival of darkness, we invite you to build the stuff of nightmares!
Trove Blog October 4, 2016 0
Database Update - October Edition
We've run a database update and these are the results.
Etaew October 4, 2016