We've run a database update and these are the results.
LanguagesTop ^
[$Challenge_Dino_name] => Jurassic Jungle
[$Challenge_Dino_description] => Complete dungeons in the Jurassic Jungle. 3X bonus multiplier for Uber 5 and bonus classes, and 4X for Uber 6-9.
[$Event_InvasionIceGiants_name] => ICE GIANT INVASION
[$Event_InvasionIceGiants_description] => The Ice Giants are invading!
[$PressStartPlay] => Play
[$PressStartProfile] => Switch Profile
[$ControllerDisconnected] => Controller has been disconnected. Please reconnect a controller to continue.
[$Error_NoConnectionXBL] => Your connection to Xbox Live has been lost. Please check your Network settings.
[$Error_NoConnectionPSN] => Your PlayStation™ Network connection has been lost. Please check your Network Settings.
[$Error_ConnectionRequiredPSN] => A connection to PlayStation™ Network is required to play.
[$Error_ConnectionRequiredXBL] => A connection to Xbox Live is required to play.
[$Error_MultiplayerNotAllowedXBL] => You must be signed into an Xbox Live enabled Profile with multiplayer privileges to play.
[$Error_MultiplayerNotAllowedPSN] => The title requires PlayStation®Plus to use multiplayer features.
[$Error_GuestsNotAllowed] => Guest profiles are not allowed to play Trove.
[$Error_ChatRestricted] => Chat features are blocked due to your parental settings.
[$Error_SignedOutFromPSN] => You have been signed out of PSN™
[$CollectionName_DraconicEssence] => Dragon Eggs
[$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_bonedriver_item_name] => Bonecutter X-2
[$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_bonedriver_item_description] => Well, that's one way to upcycle.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_pinata_trove_item_name] => Celebratory Pinata
[$prefabs_collections_mount_pinata_trove_item_description] => Always appears at the most happening parties
[$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_truefire_item_name] => Slightly Singed Skitterer
[$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_truefire_item_description] => Out of the fire and into your sock drawer.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_balefire_item_name] => Accursed Arachnid
[$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_balefire_item_description] => This eight-legged critter smolders with a sinister curse.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_pumpkin_name] => Drak-o-Lantern
[$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_pumpkin_description] => Taking a draconic form, this wily phantom plays pranks on the unsuspecting
[$prefabs_collections_mount_centaur_phantataur_name] => Phantataur
[$prefabs_collections_mount_centaur_phantataur_description] => Death hasn't slowed him down at all!
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_candy_name] => Sweet Sally
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_candy_description] => Sweeter than a bathtub full of maple syrup.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_fae_name] => Changeling Channing
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_fae_description] => Is it the real Channing? Or one of his cunning doubles?
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_kami_pink_name] => Kami Llami
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_kami_pink_description] => Revered by good, upstanding llamas everywhere.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_lava_name] => Fiery Kiely
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_lava_description] => Is that a flaming hoofprint? Or is it... a sick burn?
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_undead_name] => Scary Mary
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_undead_description] => Say her name three times and she appears in your heart. Aww.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_steampunk_name] => Anachronistic Antoine
[$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_steampunk_description] => There's no way all these gears have an actual function.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_cloud_storm_description] => Fly in dark style on this cloud of gloom.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_griffon_undead_name] => Neverending Necrowmancer
[$prefabs_collections_mount_griffon_undead_description] => Two is a party, three is a murder.
[$prefabs_collections_wings_flower_white_item_name] => Breeze-Borne Blossom Wings
[$prefabs_collections_wings_flower_white_item_description] => Ride the wind with grace and fragrance.
[$prefabs_collections_wings_dragonfly_item_name] => Digital Dragonfly Wings
[$prefabs_collections_wings_dragonfly_item_description] => It is not a bug, it is a feature!
[$prefabs_collections_wings_water_item_name] => Hydrojet Streamers
[$prefabs_collections_wings_water_item_description] => Equip these fluid fliers so they can take you higher
[$prefabs_collections_wings_branch_item_name] => Leafy Levitators
[$prefabs_collections_wings_branch_item_description] => Branch out on an entirely new axis
[$prefabs_item_pinata_trove_item_name] => Celebratory Pinata
[$prefabs_item_pinata_trove_item_description] => Spawns a Celebratory Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
[$prefabs_item_crafting_coin_pinata_item_name] => Pinata Coin
[$prefabs_item_crafting_coin_pinata_item_description] => Your ticket to a magical journey!
[$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_choko_name] => Candorian Dragon Egg Fragment
[$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_choko_description] => Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
[$prefabs_item_mount_cycle_bonedriver_item_name] => Mount: Bonecutter X-2
[$prefabs_item_mount_cycle_bonedriver_item_description] => Well, that's one way to upcycle.
[$prefabs_item_mount_pinata_trove_item_name] => Mount: Celebratory Pinata
[$prefabs_item_mount_pinata_trove_item_description] => Always appears at the most happening parties
[$prefabs_item_mount_spider_truefire_item_name] => Mount: Slightly Singed Skitterer
[$prefabs_item_mount_spider_truefire_item_description] => Out of the fire and into your sock drawer.
[$prefabs_item_mount_spider_balefire_item_name] => Mount: Accursed Arachnid
[$prefabs_item_mount_spider_balefire_item_description] => This eight-legged critter smolders with a sinister curse.
[$prefabs_item_mount_dragon_pumpkin_name] => Mount: Drak-o-Lantern
[$prefabs_item_mount_dragon_pumpkin_description] => Taking a draconic form, this wily phantom plays pranks on the unsuspecting.
[$prefabs_item_mount_centaur_phatataur_name] => Mount: Phantataur
[$prefabs_item_mount_llama_candy_name] => Mount: Sweet Sally
[$prefabs_item_mount_llama_fae_name] => Mount: Changeling Channing
[$prefabs_item_mount_llama_kami_pink_name] => Mount: Kami Llami
[$prefabs_item_mount_llama_lava_name] => Mount: Fiery Kiely
[$prefabs_item_mount_llama_undead_name] => Mount: Scary Mary
[$prefabs_item_mount_llama_steampunk_name] => Mount: Anachronistic Antoine
[$prefabs_item_mount_cloud_storm_item_name] => Mount: Chaotic Cumulonimbus
[$prefabs_item_mount_centaur_phantataur_name] => Mount: Phantataur
[$prefabs_item_wings_dragonfly_item_name] => Wings: Digital Dragonfly Wings
[$prefabs_item_wings_flower_white_item_name] => Wings: Breeze-Borne Blossom Wings
[$prefabs_item_wings_water_item_name] => Wings: Hydrojet Streamers
[$prefabs_item_wings_branch_item_name] => Wings: Leafy Levitators
[$dino_trog_apeboss_dungeon] => Neanderthal Tribal Chieftain
[$dino_trog_frogboss_dungeon] => Amphibian Tribal Chieftain
[$dino_trog_dinoboss_dungeon] => Reptilian Tribal Chieftain
[$dino_trog_birdboss_dungeon] => Avian Tribal Chieftain
[$egg_keeper_dragon_candy] => dragon, Dracocolatl
[$egg_keeper_dragon_pirate] => dragon, Flakbeard
[$egg_keeper_dragon_water] => dragon, Thallasion
[$prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinograss_item_name] => Dino grass
[$prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_draconicessence_interactive_craftingcategory_0_name] => Dragon Eggs
[$Quest_GoldenThread_GoShopping_Description_controller] => Open the store from the Navigation Menu and buy something. You can get the free resource box under the Packs tab.
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_name] => Autumn Pinata
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_description] => Throw this down and smash it open to get loot for yourself and 7 random nearby people. Always contains ore, glim, or flux and very rarely contains a Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg.
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_5pack_name] => 5 Autumn Pinatas
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_5pack_description] => Bigger party.
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_50pack_name] => 50 Autumn Pinatas
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_50pack_description] => Mega party, lower prices.
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_100pack_name] => Ultimate Party
[$StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_100pack_description] => Biggest party, lowest prices. 100 Autumn Pinatas and a Club Megaphone which will invite everyone playing the game to your party.
[$StoreProduct_trove_cosmetickit_1_name] => Garden Livin' Look
[$StoreProduct_trove_cosmetickit_1_description] => Look natural and relaxed with this bugtastic collection of garden themed gear!\n\nIncludes Ladybug Wings, Bouncy Ladybug mount, Limber Ladybug, Rosy Nosey, Cactote Warspear, Sibilant Scepter, Beaming Beholder, Daisy Chained Bow, Sward Sword.
[$StoreProduct_trove_cosmetickit_2_name] => Bossy Devil Look
[$StoreProduct_trove_cosmetickit_2_description] => Look the part of a demonic overlord!\n\nIncludes Bloodseeker Wings, Throne of Dark Spirits mount, Bloodlord's Burden, Roiling Rage, Torment Stoker, Grim Grasp, Soul Sting, Crimson Quillslinger, Sanguine Slayer.
[$StoreProduct_trove_cosmetickit_3_name] => Soul Rancher Look
[$StoreProduct_trove_cosmetickit_3_description] => Look the part of an undead soul harvester! \n\nIncludes Soulfire Wings, Shadowy Sarcophagus mount, Soul Surveyor, Haunting Halfskull, Grim Razor, Deathly Dragonspine, Bone Bolter, Fishbone Falchion.
[$Name_InvalidCharacter] => Player name contains invalid characters
[$Name_TooLong] => Player name is too long
[$Name_TooShort] => Player name is too short
[$License_Filename_Orbis] => License_Orbis.txt
[$License_Filename_Durango] => License_Durango.txt
[$ChatMenu_ViewProfile] => View Profile
[$Select_ButtonLegend] => Select
[$Remove_ButtonLegend] => Remove
[$Whisper_ButtonLegend] => Whisper
[$LRToggleMode_ButtonLegend] => Toggle Adventure / Build
[$Move_ButtonLegend] => Move
[$SwitchScreen_ButtonLegend] => Switch Screens
[$FriendsList_AddToIgnored] => Add to Ignored
[$Marketplace_SellInstructions_controller] => Select items from the inventory.
[$ClubRank_Initiate] => Initiate
[$CommunityChest_WindowName_Community] => COMMUNITY CHEST
[$CommunityChest_WindowName_Club] => CLUB CHEST
[$CommunityChest_WindowName_Officer] => OFFICER CHEST
[$CommunityChest_WindowName_Other] => OTHER CHEST
[$Settings_DisplayArea] => Resize UI Display Area
[$Settings_Header_Audio] => AUDIO
[$Settings_Header_Video] => VIDEO
[$Settings_Header_ChatOptions] => CHAT OPTIONS
[$Settings_Header_QuickChat] => QUICK CHAT
[$Settings_SwitchProfile] => Switch Profile
[$DragToHotbarInstructions_controller] => Move to an empty hotbar slot to use
[$GemInstructions_empty_controller] => Select a Gem from Inventory to Level Up.
[$Club_ChannelDragDrop_controller] => Channel #
[$Club_ChannelDragInstructions_controller] => Channel #
[$Club_MOTDInstructions_controller] => Set the Message of the Day.
[$Forge_HowTo_controller] => Place equipment into the forge\nto alter its stats.
[$Achievement_Orbis] => Trophies
[$Tutorial_WASD_controller] => Move
[$Tutorial_SPACEBAR_controller] => Jump
[$Tutorial_B_inventory_controller] => Inventory
[$Tutorial_Z_mount_controller] => Mount
[$Tutorial_M_map_controller] => Map
[$Tutorial_tab_instructions_controller] => Switch Mode
[$Tutorial_drag_instructions_controller] => Select items you want to place on your hotbar from your inventory
[$Tutorial_press_instructions_controller] => To choose the item you want to place, highlight it on the hotbar
[$Tutorial_tip_1_controller] => Hold [HK:Homeworld] to return to the Hub
[$Tutorial_tip_2_controller] => Hold [HK:EquipMount] to switch between Mount, Boat, and MagRider
[$Tutorial_tip_3_controller] => Hold [HK:ListDown] to open Character Sheet
[$Tutorial_tip_4_controller] => Hold [HK:Map] to open Class Select
[$Tutorial_tip_5_controller] => Hold [HK:Loot] to loot all objects around you
[$Tutorial_tip_6_controller] => While in the air hold [HK:UIControllerButtonA] to use wings
[$Tutorial_shift_instructions_controller] => Dodge
[$Tutorial_press_WASD_controller] => Use [HK:EquipMount] to move and [HK:Map] to look around
[$Tutorial_Cancel] => Cancel
[$Tutorial_Other] => Other
[$Tutorial_Camera] => Camera
[$Tutorial_Chat] => Chat
[$Tutorial_select_primary] => Select Primary
[$Tutorial_select_secondary] => Select Secondary
[$Tutorial_highlight_left] => Highlight Left
[$Tutorial_highlight_right] => Highlight Right
[$Collections_Category_BadgeDragon_short] => Dragons
[$Collections_Category_BadgeSocial_short] => Social
[$Collections_Category_BadgeGameplay_short] => Gameplay
[$Collections_Category_RecipeBlock_short] => Blocks
[$Collections_Category_RecipeSeasonal_short] => Seasonal
[$Collections_Category_RecipeBiome_short] => Biome
[$Collections_Category_RecipeGameplay_short] => Gameplay
[$Collections_Category_RecentlyEquipped_short] => Equipped
[$Collections_Category_RecentlyAcquired_short] => Acquired
[$PlayerEmotes_Pose] => Pose
[$AccountLinking_WebCodeDefaultUrl] => www.trovegame.com/link
[$Credits_Header] => CREDITS
[$credits] => Credits
[$Credits_Filename] => Credits.txt
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_ToggleChat] => Toggle Chat
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_EditMOTD] => Edit Message
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_ClubWorld] => Enter World
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_Exit] => Close
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_SetPrimary] => Set Primary
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_MoveUp] => Move Up
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_MoveDown] => Move Down
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_Details] => Details
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_ToggleOffline] => Toggle Offline
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_JoinMember] => Join Member
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_Promote] => Promote
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_Demote] => Demote
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_KickMember] => Kick Member
[$Clubs_ButtonLegend_Back] => Back
[$Radial_ButtonLegend_Navigate] => Select
[$Radial_ButtonLegend_Confirm] => Confirm
[$Radial_ButtonLegend_Cancel] => Cancel
[$Navigate_Menu_ButtonLegend] => Navigate Menu
[$Settings_Category_Audio_Video] => Audio/Video
[$ClubZone_RestrictionType_ByAccount] => ByAccount
[$ClubZone_RestrictionType_ByRank] => ByRank
[$ClubZone_AccountPermissions_Modify] => Modify
[$ClubZone_AccountPermissions_None] => None
[$ClubZone_AccountPermissions_FailedToParse] => Failed to parse player name and/or permission
[$ClubZone_RestrictType_GetResult] => The current restriction type for this zone is {0}
[$ClubZone_RestrictType_GetResult_ClubMemberNotFound] => Could not find club member {0}
[$ClubZone_RestrictType_DidNotRecognize] => Did not recognize the supplied restriction {0}, valid types are {1} and {2}
[$ClubZone_RestrictType_Failure] => Failed to set the restriction type for current zone
[$ClubZone_RestrictType_Success] => Successfully set restriction type for current zone
[$ClubZone_RestrictType_SetUsage] => Usage: /club setzonerestricttype [{0},{1}]
[$ClubZone_RestrictPlayer_SetPlayerPermissions_Success] => Successfully set zone account permission for club member
[$ClubZone_RestrictPlayer_GetPlayerResult] => Zone permissions for {0} is {1}
[$ClubZone_RestrictPlayer_GetAllPlayersResult_Header] => Players with Modify permissions for this zone:
[$ClubZone_RestrictPlayer_GetAllPlayersResult_NoPlayers_Header] => There are no players with Modify privileges for this zone
[$ClubZone_AccountPermissions_InternalFailure] => Internal failure attempting to set permissions for given player
[$ClubZone_AccountPermissions_FailedToFindClubMember] => Failed to find club member
[$ClubZone_GetAllClubMembers_WithModify_Failure] => Failed to get all club members with Modify privileges for current zone
[$ClubZone_GetClubMember_Privilege_Failure] => Failed to get the privileges attached to the given player
[$ClubSlashCommand_FailedToFind_SubCommand] => Failed to find given subcommand, {0}
[$ClubZone_InsufficientRank] => Insufficient Rank for action
[$ClubCmd_Rank_NotRecognized] => Rank {0} not recognized
[$CmdClub_GetRankName] => The name of the requested rank is {0}
[$CmdClub_Rank_NotRecognized] => Given rank {0} not recognized
[$ClubCmd_GetRankName_Usage] => Usage: /club getrankname ["Club Name"] [{0}]\nex. /club getrankname "My Club" Architect
[$CmdClub_GetRankName_ClubNotFound] => Club not found
[$CmdClub_GetRankName_RankNotGiven] => Rank not given
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_Get] => Permissions assigned to {0} are {1}
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_InvalidRank] => Did not recognize rank {0}
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_InvalidClub] => Did not recognize club {0}
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_GetUsage] => Usage: /club getrankpermissions ["Club Name"] [{0}]\nex. /club getrankpermissiosn "My Club" Architect
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_Set_FailedPermission] => Did not recognize permission {0}
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_ClearUsage] => Usage: /club clearrankpermissions ["Club Name"] [RankId]\nex. /club clearrankpermissions "My Club" Architect
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_AddUsage] => Usage: /club addrankpermissions ["Club Name"] [RankId] [{0}]\nex. /club addrankpermissions "My Club" Architect Terraform
[$CmdClub_RankPermissions_RemoveUsage] => Usage: /club removerankpermissions ["Club Name"] [RankId] [{0}]\nex. /club removerankpermission "My Club" Architect Terraform
[$Permission_Modify] => Modify
[$Permission_Interact] => Interact
[$Permission_Terraform] => Terraform
[$Permission_Manage] => Manage
[$Permission_ClubChest] => ClubChest
[$Permission_OfficerChest] => OfficerChest
[$Permission_ModifyLow] => ModifyLow
[$Permission_ModifyHigh] => ModifyHigh
[$Permission_Craft] => Craft
[$ClubRankPermissions_Modify] => Modify
[$ClubRankPermissions_Interact] => Interact
[$ClubRankPermissions_Speak] => Speak
[$ClubRankPermissions_Bomb] => Bomb
[$ClubRankPermissions_Terraform] => Terraform
[$ClubRankPermissions_Craft] => Craft
[$ClubRankPermissions_Invite] => Invite
[$ClubRankPermissions_Promote] => Promote
[$ClubRankPermissions_Demote] => Demote
[$ClubRankPermissions_Kick] => Kick
[$ClubRankPermissions_ClubChest] => ClubChest
[$ClubRankPermissions_OfficerChest] => OfficerChest
[$ClubRankPermissions_AccessControl] => AccessControl
[$ClubRankPermissions_ZoneRestrictLow] => ZoneRestrictLow
[$ClubRankPermissions_ZoneRestrictHigh] => ZoneRestrictHigh
[$ClubRankPermissions_EditMOTD] => EditMOTD
[$ClubLog_RankPermissions_Added] => Rank permission {0} was added to rank {1} for club {2}
[$ClubLog_RankPermissions_Removed] => Rank permission {0} was removed from rank {1} for club {2}
[$ClubLog_RankPermissions_Reset] => Rank permissions were reset for rank {0} to default permissions for club {1}
CollectionsTop ^
- NEW:
Celebratory Pinata - Always appears at the most happening parties (InProgress)
- NEW:
Sweet Sally - Sweeter than a bathtub full of maple syrup. (InProgress)
- NEW:
Drak-o-Lantern - Taking a draconic form, this wily phantom plays pranks on the unsuspecting (InProgress)
- NEW:
Anachronistic Antoine - There's no way all these gears have an actual function. (InProgress)
- NEW:
Changeling Channing - Is it the real Channing? Or one of his cunning doubles? (InProgress)
- NEW:
Scary Mary - Say her name three times and she appears in your heart. Aww. (InProgress)
- NEW:
Fiery Kiely - Is that a flaming hoofprint? Or is it... a sick burn? (InProgress)
- NEW:
Kami Llami - Revered by good, upstanding llamas everywhere. (InProgress)
Dracocolatl, the Mellower category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Legendary Dragon'
- NEW:
Bonecutter X-2 - Well, that's one way to upcycle. (Rare)
Chaotic Cumulonimbus name changed from 'Chaotic Cumulonimbus KIWI-5902' to 'Chaotic Cumulonimbus'
Chaotic Cumulonimbus desc changed from '' to 'Fly in dark style on this cloud of gloom.'
Chaotic Cumulonimbus category changed from 'READY_FOR_GAME' to 'Rare'
- NEW:
Slightly Singed Skitterer - Out of the fire and into your sock drawer. (Rare)
Digital Dragonfly Wings name changed from 'Dragonfly2' to 'Digital Dragonfly Wings'
Digital Dragonfly Wings desc changed from 'One beholder's beauty is another's terror.' to 'It is not a bug, it is a feature!'
Digital Dragonfly Wings icon changed from
- NEW:
Leafy Levitators - Branch out on an entirely new axis (InProgress)
ItemsTop ^
Celebratory Pinata - Spawns a Celebratory Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
Pinata Coin - Your ticket to a magical journey!
Dragon Coin description changed from 'Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub. Acquire by doing challenges or from the Goods tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).' to 'Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub. Acquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).'
Meteorite Fragment description changed from 'Crafting Material. Found only in the Jurassic Jungle tree canopy.' to 'Crafting Material. Found only in the Primal Preserve tree canopy.'
Meteorite Fragment name changed from 'Chicxulub Fragment' to 'Meteorite Fragment'
Candorian Dragon Egg Fragment - Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
Beckon Banshee description changed from 'Empowered Water Gem for the Tomb Raiser. Banshee’s Boon no longer swaps your basic attack, instead it spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.' to 'Empowered Water Gem for the Tomb Raiser. Spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.'
Aegis Assault description changed from 'Empowered Fire Gem for the Revenant. Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies, but no longer taunts. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.' to 'Empowered Fire Gem for the Revenant. Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.'
Beckon Banshee description changed from 'Empowered Fire Gem for the Tomb Raiser. Banshee’s Boon no longer swaps your basic attack, instead it spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.' to 'Empowered Fire Gem for the Tomb Raiser. Spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.'
Aegis Assault description changed from 'Empowered Air Gem for the Revenant. Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies, but no longer taunts. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.' to 'Empowered Air Gem for the Revenant. Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.'
Beckon Banshee description changed from 'Empowered Air Gem for the Tomb Raiser. Banshee’s Boon no longer swaps your basic attack, instead it spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.' to 'Empowered Air Gem for the Tomb Raiser. Spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.'
Mount: Phantataur -
Mount: Chaotic Cumulonimbus -
Mount: Bonecutter X-2 - Well, that's one way to upcycle.
Golden Candorian Dragon Egg description changed from 'Hatchest into Dracocolatl, The Mellower!' to 'Hatches into Dracocolatl, The Mellower!'
Golden Pumpkin Dragon Egg - Taking a draconic form, this wily phantom plays pranks on the unsuspecting.
Mount: Neverending Necrowmancer -
Mount: Sweet Sally -
Mount: Changeling Channing -
Mount: Kami Llami -
Mount: Fiery Kiely -
Mount: Anachronistic Antoine -
Mount: Scary Mary -
Mount: Celebratory Pinata - Always appears at the most happening parties
Mount: Accursed Arachnid - This eight-legged critter smolders with a sinister curse.
Mount: Slightly Singed Skitterer - Out of the fire and into your sock drawer.
Primal Preserve Terraformer description changed from 'Terraform a zone into the Jurassic Jungle. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.' to 'Terraform a zone into the Primal Preserve. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
Primal Preserve Terraformer name changed from 'Jurassic Jungle Terraformer' to 'Primal Preserve Terraformer'
Starter Class Coin - Use to unlock a class for free
Wings: Leafy Levitators -
Wings: Digital Dragonfly Wings -
Wings: Breeze-Borne Blossom Wings -
Wings: Wings of the Dark Pegasus name changed from 'Wings of the Dark Pegasus' to 'Wings: Wings of the Dark Pegasus'
Wings: Hydrojet Streamers -
DecoTop ^
Homely Stove description changed from 'Pefect to cook some soul food' to 'Perfect to cook some soul food'
Lollipop Liturgist Wall Trophy name changed from 'Lolipop Lithurgist Wall Trophy' to 'Lollipop Liturgist Wall Trophy'
Meteorite Fragment -
Dino Grass -
Brown Bat block - Brown Bat block
Qubesly block - Qubesly block
Top ^
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